
"The Hellenic Terror" (2007)
1. The Road of Salvation 2. Bringers of Disorder 3. ...Until the End of Time 4. Suffocate the Ignorant 5. A Huge Cataclysm 6. Tricephalic Hellkeeper 7. Petrifying Beauty, Part 1 - Divine Vengeance 8. Petrifying Beauty, Part 2 - The Murderous Reflection 9. Ouranian Cyclops 10. Maze of Oblivion
1. The Road of Salvation
Rising sun is just beginning
Poseidon seems appeased today
The sea is calm, the breeze slight
My ship glides slowly over the water
I've been lost for many times
I've been waiting for many months to come back in my country
After our victory over the Trojan enemy
Me... Ulysses... searching for the road of salvation!
Today, arises another trial
Wizard Medea has warned me of the danger
The peril of sailing near Anthemoessa Island
Land inhabited by malefic creatures
Birds women, cruel virgins, famous sirens
Who charmed the most intrepid sailors
To wreck them on reefs
And devour them with no mercy
I have undergone many hardships...
I have defeated many monsters...
But this time... how could I struggle against such deadly angels?
How resist their bewitching voices?
Their so captivating and perfidious tunes?
Me... Ulysses... searching for the road of salvation!
Setting sun is just beginning
The sea is abnormally quiet and there is a sudden breeze
A breathless calm settles on the waves
And my crew is seized by terror
Here we are!
Sirens are approaching...
Only I can resist their dangerous organ
I make my companions plug their ears with wax
And make them tie me to the ship mast
Ordering to them to tie it tighter
Every time I moan for them to release me
Under the hold of this terrible malediction
Their admirable voices fill my heart with the desire to listen
I will not resist... Please, unchain me!
But more I scream, more my sailors tighten even more
The ties that imprison me
While the rest of the crew rows even more forcefully
To leave this damned island
Me... Ulysses... once again I have won!
I have survived the terrible sirens!
Now, can I continue my destiny
And find at last... the road of salvation!
2. Bringers of Disorder
Sacrilrgious desire
Insane act of bestiality
Unheathly sex between the mares of magnesia and centaurious
He arose from Ixion's fictitious mating
Royal Dauphin of Laphithes people
And Nephelee, a cloud at tge effigy of Hera created by Zues
Sacrilege in this desire
Bestiality in this insane act
And now you are coming
So strange and furious monsters
Providers of panic
Servitors of cruelty... Cruelty!
Oh powerful centaurs!
Beings with human chests and horse bodies
Your force is so colossal
Your customs are so crutal
Oh great centaurs!
Cruel and mean creatures
Hungry for flesh and blood
Fearsome enemies of mortals
Bringers of disorder!
Gathered together in a ferocious pack
Living in mountains and forests
On Mount Pelion, in ancient Thessalia
Your life is just violence and debauchery
Raping... Brutalizing...
Equine man, human horse
Your wrongdoing know no limits
Even during Pirithoos' wedding feast
Ixion's desendant, king of Lapithes
Belong against his will to you
Prisoner of irrevocable past chains
You turn night into chaos...
Eurytion your chief
Gorged of good meats and delicious wines
Totally drunk!
Try to rape Hippodamie
The greek king's magnificent wife
The noise of swords taken out of their sheats
Resonates against this unacceptable attack
Man's victory is total
Eurytion forced to run away
Centaurs pusged back forever...
Explosive... Is the fray!
Colossal... Is the strife!
Bloody... Is the massacre!
Bringers of disorder
3. ...Until the End of Time
My native land is now far away
Over the seas and mountains
Beyond the temples and olive groves
In Persia, east of the hellenic world
There, where Zeus is no longer revered
There, where men called me Griffin
My predatory claws slash better than a sword
My eagle beak pierces better than a spear
My lion body is harder than a greek phalanx
My flaming eyes chill everyone
I have flown through the sky to Scythia
At the extreme north of the continents
In the fabolous land of the Hyperborean
In charge of the great god Apollo's mission
That's why, I've been chosen
To keep a gold and emerald treasure
That's why, I am the chosen one
Powerful protector of the Olympian wealth
Time and time again... I have repelled too envious men
Time and time again... I have fought to accomplish my mission
Time and time again... I have risked my life in my.. quest!
Once again, against hyperborean's neighbouring people
The arismapes' warlike cavalrymen
With only one eye and long hair tier with a golden brooch
I have struggled for hours
Against this battalion of knights
And I have never given in
Killing my enemies with no compassion
I am condemned to fight my whole life
Apollo has taken my freedom
I have sacrificed my existence
To accomplish my glorious but relentless destiny
We don't discuss the god's decisions
We live to execute the olympian divinities' wishes
So i'll guard this treasure of gold and emeralds
Until the end of time!
My predatory claws slash better than a sword
My eagle beak pierces better than a spear
My lion body is harder than a greek phalanx
My flaming eyes chill everyone
That's why, I've been chosen
To keep a gold and emerald treasure
That's why, I am the chosen one
Powerful protector of the Olympian wealth
4. Suffocate the Ignorant
Thebes, lost in the heart of Beotia
Strangled by the mythic strangler
Well-known under the name of sphinx
Demon of bad luck, destruction and death
Sent by the goddess Hera
To reprimand the royal murder
Winged lion with a female head
Fruit of an unhealthy copulation between Typhon and Echidna
You accomplish your vile destiny
Devastating meadows
Terrorizing Inhabitants
A regicidal people...
A kingdom cursed by gods...
A devastated country...
A city on fire and blood...
Installed on a high rock
You call out to the passer-by
Submit them a riddle learnt by the Musesa
And strangle with no mercy... to suffocate the ignorant!
Creon, regent of the bloody city
To stop the carnage
Decides to offer the Thebes crown
To anyone who might annihilate the scourge
Everybody fails
The beast victims number is still growing
Courageous hero
Coming from nowhere and searching for glory
You are the only one
Defying the guardian of the truth
You will liberate this decimate land
Sphinx:"Welcome couragerous mortal, endeavour to give me the right reply or you will die..."
Oedipus:"Ask me your question, I'm ready and I will find the answer!"
Sphinx:"What animal is that which in the morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and in the evening upon three?"
Oedipus:"... Man! Who in the childhood creeps on hands and knees, in manhood walks erect, and in old age with the aid of a staff"
A simple mortal solves your riddle
So mortified!
You hurl yourself on your stone
And perish... Eternally!
This is the end!
Of the malediction
Let's begin
The reign of Oedipus!
5. A Huge Cataclysm
Gaia infuriated by Zeus
Because of the giants defeat
Mated with Tartar
To bring Typhoon in the world
One of the most filthy creature ever
To accomplish her will of vengeance
Higher than earth's children and mountains
Winged body covered with snakes
Hundred arms, eyes spitting fire
Frightened Olympus with his sharp hissing
Desirous of ruling the universe
Started to launch attacks against the sky
With fire balls accompanied by terrifying howls
And vomiting fire floods
In front of this cataclysmic scene
Gods changed into animals and fled to Egypt
Higher than earth's children and mountains
Winged body covered with snakes
Hundred arms, eyes spitting fire
Frightened Olympus with his sharp hissing
Zeus stroke him first
And hit him with his steel sickle
Wounded, sheltered on Casios mount
And finally tracked down
Tied up but the creature's snakes
Immobilized the thundergod
Stole him his sickle
And cut his tendons with
Typhoon's lair become the tendons hiding place
Watched over by Delphynes the dragon
Hermes and Egypan will catch his napping
And bring Zeus his tendons back
Then started the final battle
A huge cataclysm
With thunder and flying mountains
Henas mount went flooded under that bloodbath
But the creture won't survived
It finally died squashed by the Etna
Higher than earth's children and mountains
Winged body covered with snakes
Hundred arms, eyes spitting fire
Frightened Olympus with his sharp hissing
6. Tricephalic Hellkeeper
Two monsters Echidna and Typhoon
Couldn't father nothing else but a monster
And Cerber came to life
A huge dog with three heads
A neck bustling with snakes
And teeth which, as the viper
Poisoned you at each bite
His mission would be to watch over
Banished human flesh
He became the hellkeeper
His lair on the Styx side
He was the one who welcomed
The shadows of the dead in hell
But never let them come out
Tricephallic Hellkeeper!
The fate of the mortal ones
Who attempted to get into his domain
Was death, cut to shred
By the inflexible gaoler
He was the hellkeeper
His lair on the Styx side
He was the one who welcomed
The shadows of the dead in hell
But never let them come... out!
But Cerber was not so invulnerable
Even he, had weaknesses
One was gluttony
Twice wheedled with food
By Psyche and Diphobe
To walk through the gate of hell
Orphee put him to sleep with singing
Lastly, humiliated
Subdued and brought back to earth
Half choked by Heracles
But the earthly land was not a place for him
Unequalled underworld rampart
He was given back to the kingdom of the dead
The kingdom of the dead
He was the hellkeeper
His lair on the Styx side
He was the one who welcomed
The shadows of the dead in hell
But never let them come out.
7. Petrifying Beauty, Part 1 - Divine Vengeance
Desires don't control themselves...
The Olympian gods don't except this rule...
Poseidon, under a spell of a gorgeous woman
With beautiful face and superb hair
Like a simple mortal
Charms this jewel of femininity
Satisfying his sexual desire in the Athena temple
Ultimate profanation...
The war goddess is so furious!
Divine vengeance is coming...
Malediction of unfortunate mistress
Now Gorgon is here!
Evil female with serpent hair
Fruit of the goddess anger
Medusa, magnificent living creature became repugnant
Medusa, victim of divine vengeance
Medusa, your eyes father death
Medusa, created to eradicate
Petrifying beauty!
On a faraway country
Near the two immortal sisters Euryale and Stheno
Accomplishment of a sad destiny
Wander... turn people into rocks...
Only one man could stop this curse
Perseus, Zeus and Danae's son
Courageous hero
Because Polydectes, king of Seriphos island
In love with Danae
To get rid of the powerful warrior Perseus
Send him to get the most precious head of the Hellenic world
Medusa, magnificent living creature became repugnant
Medusa, victim of divine vengeance
Medusa, your eyes father death
Medusa, created to eradicate
8. Petrifying Beauty, Part 2 - The Murderous Reflection
9. Ouranian Cyclops
10. Maze of Oblivion