
"From Within" (2000)
1. The Last Scream 2. Revelation 3. Lucifer's Pact 4. The Slave Will Become Great 5. The Diva 6. Eternal Greeting 7. The Disease 8. Avid of Blood 9. Rain of Tears 10. Broken Pact 11. So Cruel 12. Provocation 13. We Must All Die One Day 14. From Within
1. The Last Scream
The Diva :
Lucifer je t'aime
Lucifer épargne moi l'enfer
Lucifer :
Je te bannie à jamais
Dans le royaume des ténèbres
2. Revelation
The Diva :
I'm looking for words
To analyse my sadness
In this strange world
I try to find myself
I lose the track of time
I'm out of my mind
I want explanations
Who's wrong who's right
Toute la nuit j'ai prié Dieu
Ecoutez moi vous qui êtes aux cieux
Mon âme s'est envolée
En enfer à tout jamais
Ce n'est peut-être qu'un mauvais rêve
Qui me hante et qui m'entraîne
Je ne peux plus me controler
Je ne connais pas la vérité
Lucifer :
Instinct of death and destruction
For me the only revelation
Victim of fate it's written
On the gates of hell
Your name is engraved
The Diva :
I would like to feel
Better in my life
Fear and psychosis
I'm waiting for my hour to come
3. Lucifer's Pact
Lucifer our father
A deposed but immortal
Angel had to create a descent
For the new millenium
So was his will
But only a diva born in sixteen sixty six
And raised from the death
Whose body and soul were pure
Could give it to him
Once the pact was signed
Nothing could change any more
But our mother was soiled
After her death
'Coz of ignorance the pact broke
After the diva had given birth
To creatures with pain
Which ones were born from good and evil
4. The Slave Will Become Great
I feel injustice
Of your weakness they benefit
You don't react
Too busy with your own survival
Your body's marked
Your face so wrinkled
Working since your
Youth, treated as a slave
Your body's marked
Your face so wrinkled
Treated as a slave
No more value in your hands
Your output has decreased
Your purpose was to sing
To become a Diva.
But your mind's tired
But wisdom will give you reason
You've only known misery
The slave will become great
5. The Diva
The Diva mother
Was born in sixteen sixty six
And died in sixteen ninety nine
During all her childhood
She was treated as a slave
The only reason
To live for our mother
Was to sing at the opera
To become a Diva
Her voice became pure
Her dream became true
But one day
Her dream crumbled away
'Coz of a disease
From that day on she stopped singing
Her last will before dying was to sing
The disease getting
More worse every day
Death took her away
Without making her able to sing
A last time
'Coz of a disease
6. Eternal Greeting
This pain is my heart
Makes me feared
I'm the last to have seen her
She'd changed
She was my friend
But she has gone
Escaping her fucking disease
Injustice saddens me
This pain to live
Not knowing where to hide
Her soul's in hell
I think about you again
I've lost a very dear friend
Her voice comforted me
She has gone
I regret it
In my accusing memory
For eternal greeting
This superficial world
Pains don't heal
Eternal greeting
7. The Disease
Her hopes were illusions
that is shown on her face
She left she would soon die
Nothing kept her alive
Scarred by life
The Diva told me her story
With a sob in her voice
She suffers from her disease
Scarred for the rest of her life
Sha was more and more
Weary about life
Sad memories haunt her
They're firmly rooted in her mind
She'll remember them until she dies
8. Avid of Blood
Come and join
The splendour
Into darkness
You'll forget your prayers
Avid of blood
Let you carry away
By my domination
I'll give you eternal life
Among the dead
Please give my your mortal life
I'll make you grace of hell
Cross the threshold
Of the next world
For the relief
Of your body and soul
Possessed by the devil
Put an end
To your sufferings
9. Rain of Tears
10. Broken Pact
I give you my virginity
Oh you my sweet angel
To accomplish my will penetrate me
I'm yours
Your orgasm will be mine
Our child will be a king
King of darkness
Your blood will run in his veins
How did you dare lying
I thought you were pure
I banish you forever
In the realm of darkness
11. So Cruel
I've lost my marks
In this cemetery
Inert and lightless
Like a desert in hell
Drown into exhilaration
I've lost myself
Like a voice which attracts me
The smell of your corpse
Without pity nor remorse
Reminds me the flight of death
So crual but i love it
So crual but i love it
I caress you my sweet goddess
Divin and still maid
Asleep for eternity
Your blood is cooling down
It's so good to be within you
On your funeral day
12. Provocation
13. We Must All Die One Day
So many words to express oneself
To relive's the best thing
I want to start my life again
And sing again
No matter what
Can happen to me
I want to sing
In the inert night
This lonely world
Will dye in the light
To become eternal dust
Searching a secret world
Being the master
Of one's own destiny
Without any existential questions
We must all dye one day
14. From Within