
"Creation Through Destruction/Adversary" (2004 Best of/Compilation)
1. Bearers of Ascending Life 2. Fire Redeemer 3. Unblessed Souls 4. Downfall Heralds Retribution 5. Aryan Blood (Bonus track)
1. Bearers of Ascending Life
The initiatic journey started when we met ourselves into deepest part of our consciousness.. Transformation begun... erasing... transcending.. We found our true nature and new perspectives were reached
Sins/virutes obtained worthy meanings as we clearly enter the realm of total freedom self harmony announcing our rebirth.. A vision of improvement : our rise
We have banished every guilt and blindness to drown into an ocean of wisdom and pride
Awakened are those who long for the light.. Bearers of ascending life : death to enemies lies.. Overcoming is a rule, hierarchy and order we settle.. Always revering truth, knowledge and blood!
2. Fire Redeemer
Acting like principle of Nature
Fullfill your fate, release your instincts
Accept Death as necessary outcome
Accept life as the affirmation of your might
Here the boundaries of moral are destroyed
Terrorists are heroes,
criminals are the judges
So, rejoice as your words and deeds
make you noble and stronger
So more the plauge of propaganda
the only truth
Fire is the redeemer blessing us
Its flames are the sources of enlightenment
Feel the wrath
and blow the wind of devistation
using and creating decay
3. Unblessed Souls
I was born again to become my own god
Free spirit with iron hearts : privilege of the wiser ones
The path of knowledge and might we walk
Nobility has come to us and the laws of nature we hail
Only our will decide... through us the divine Word is raped
The so called chosen ones can't annihilate the beast inside us
Behold the archetype of the Adversary
The one that those from the desert hates since thousand years
If their darkness and evil mean our true instincts and values
Their light is nothing but our own extermination
Only our will decide... through us the divine Word is raped
The so called chosen ones can't annihilate the beast inside us
Forever Adversary...
4. Downfall Heralds Retribution
5. Aryan Blood (Bonus track)