
"Feed me" (2007)
1. Bastard Boss 2. America's One 3. Public Static Protected 4. 777 5. Throw your Pistol Away 6. Rotten NTV 7. Global Warming 8. Endless Night
1. Bastard Boss
Bastard boss
You got a high position in capitalism position
People think you are an authority
Some adores you and they feed your ego
But sometimes you think you subaltern is an animal
i don't know why its an excuse for you
God figure people out the same way
You don't have right to think you’re better than no one
The sun rises to everyone
Bastard boss
Is coming the day that we all will be judged in the same way
Your authority falls down to the earth
You throne will perish
Cause the only throne worthy is our eternal God
2. America's One
You are not America's own
Filthiness consumes your mind
You think you won a name for yourself
Sometimes you say I'm an American
But you are an American, an American like me
You are not only an American
Tell me, how much has America done for you
Because I never gained any cent
If you want be an America's own
Then let people from north to south think alike, like you
The walls you build say everything
You do not want to be an American, just like the Mexicans or Brazilians
People from 3rd world don't mean nothing to you
I want to see America set free from it's rotten blood and to be pure again
3. Public Static Protected
Public Static Protected
They have asked me, why Africa is hunger?
They have asked me, why USA dominate?
They have asked me, why Vatican do noting?
They have asked me, why people have war?
The trade of life is high; they sell and are sold by any price
Human’s values are now monetary values
For me is very easy, just like I make this lyric and ask the reasons why
Or simple speak who's blamed
Some acts are measured by publicity
Media, holy and perfect, show it values
Everyone to record of next take
Narcissists world only will accept me if I am in the word partner
Who’s really looking at us, a little bit action is more important than a second of fame
Please, don't bring me your new question book
You are comparing me with that for me bring forward your answers?
Or maybe you are only a theory ambitious who
Put before your eyes all your
4. 777
many people say, what is the number
everyone takes up their flags
they won't let you think or take any identity
They only want you to feel that you are inferior
we all know the account number
some say it is 555
others say it 666
but we know that it is 777
If you ever say you are lower than me
Why do the songs that you listen to state things like that
Climb up the ladder, go up a notch, see the perfect number
God made creation in six days, then on the seventh day took rest
i'm not here to give you a ear bashing
you have another song to sing
666 is the number of the beast
don’t let them tell you what to think, learn the real number
5. Throw your Pistol Away
Throw your pistol away
They have learned your every gun’s size
Life is no more important to you
They have stolen your innocence
Your doctrine now is to kill
In the name of war you say God bless us
But you never felt a shot passing through your heart
Then closing your eyes never to say hello again
Because you were a new life in the tomb
Throw your pistol away
Set people free from world hunger
Why do you need to kill these lives behind the wall
Should you take a coffee break in their houses
Please, give this war money for their lunch
Set people free from world hunger
6. Rotten NTV
Rotten NTV
How do you fell using a collar tighter and tighter?
Records want to dominate you and put you hanging on the edge
The trillion dollar phonographic business wants to make a new clip
for you to show up
How is the life that is rotten in riches?
Why do you have to put price on music?
The days have been so difficult for you, now I get your songs in some bytes
I don't bother with your songs, so don't sell it to me
and not buy the people freedom
I don't wanna know who is today’s, or year's or century's top
I simply want to make my song and let people listen to it
You have a putrid face because you are moralist
but you do nothing else than make your artists richer
You are a satanic manifestation in media form
Break the treads of narcissistic puppets
Rotten NTV
7. Global Warming
8. Endless Night
Endless Night
Storms, Clouds, Wings, Darkness
Filthiness reeks around this place
This is my eternal nightmare
Standing up from my grave
Screams, Fire, Fear, Pain
Poverty is my destiny
I've denied you now I'm right here
I thought we had a second chance
I followed the way of the world
I never did what you wanted me do to
And there is no second chance for me.
A bloody place, poisoned by your hands
You can't hear my scream anymore
Had I chosen the right way
I wouldn't be rotting in this jail