
"The Essence" (1997 Demo)
1. Preludium 2. Lost Generation 3. Ochi de Martir 4. A Waste of Time 5. Cai Opuse (cai totusi apropiate)
1. Preludium
2. Lost Generation
I had always kept my faith
Never trusted wicked games
All you have is you've created
The creation of the God damn times.
I live in a damned Lost Generation
Damned by those who don't care
Children sentenced to be a Lost Generation
Sentenced by those who don't have a belief.
"Quid mi iqitur suades? Ut vivam Naevius aut sic ut Nomentanus? Pergis pugnatia secum frontibus adversis componere; non ego, avarum cum veto te fieri vappam iubeo ac nebulonem. Est inter Tanian quiddam socermque Viselli est modus in rebus, sunt certi denique fines quos ultra cirtaque nequit consistere rectum."
I sit and cry alone
Looking in my dark empty room
Try to see what's going on
By whom my life was doomed.
Wait to die
That will happen
See the light
Light of the revival
Now you'll come back
To the rights life
Leaving back
With a silent cry.
3. Ochi de Martir
Oare câti din noi au puterea de-a privi in ochi care
Au fost atinsi de lacrimi reci si amare
Ochi de gheatã, ochi de piatra ce durerea le-a fost datã
Pentru ceea ce au fost.
Avem noi oare dreptul
Sa stam lânga ei
Sa le ucidem sufletul
Ranit de anii grei.
4. A Waste of Time
There are too many questions
And not too many answers
If you try to find The Essence
You'll find everywhere silence
I am asking who we are
Why we're living why?
Who created us, who's The Father
Of the Earth, of Sky and Red Fire.
Who conquers the time
It's all a lie
It's a special lie
I am asking who we are
Why we're living, why the day is after night?
Who created us, who's The Father
Of the Earth, Sky and Red Fire.
5. Cai Opuse (cai totusi apropiate)
Cel ce va privi
In urma sau in jos
Nici ca va gasi
Iesirea din haos
Binele si raul
Sunt totdeauna impreuna
Ele-s mierea si amarul
Timpului ce va sa vina
Cel ce va privi
In urma sau in jos
Nici ca va gasi
Iesirea din haos.