
"From the Cradle to the Grave" (2000)
1. From the Cradle to the Grave 2. Within the Soul of Autumn 3. Khan Asparough 4. Lord of Future 5. Keeper of the Cemetery 6. Tzar Samuil's Endless Night 7. Neath the Devil's Shadow 8. The Garden of Black Flowers
1. From the Cradle to the Grave
From the Cradle to the Grave
Come on, climb up the top, you will see everything
Look at the Sun - oh, there's no Sun already
Then look at the sky... It's black
Like an ink-spot over your head
Do you see me over there now,
Now I'm merging in the spot
But hear my sweet voice, take my hand
Rock into your dreams
I'm coming to take you, I am your pander
And you'll become like me, blackend on the landscape
I'll take you down to the grave, it's over there
You are my chosen...
I've lowered for you a cradle
Braid from dead lianas and withered flowers
>From the cradle to the grave
It cannot rain all the time
It cannot always be the day
But it can always be the night
Way down to your eternal bed
Kept it for you, kept it for years
Till blossoms fallen and lianas molder
Set free your soul, it goes to me
Don't think for nothing, my voice is leading you
2. Within the Soul of Autumn
Within the Soul of Autumn
Grey, pale essence is falling to pieces in front of my
The majestic trees uncovering their bodies
Stretching hands towards the merciless sky of dark
Òàì âúâ ìðàêà ãàðâàíè ÷åðíè
Øåìåòíî êðúæàõà â íàäãðîáåí îáðåä...
/There in the dark are flying black crows
Performing heady funeral ritual/
Spells uproar deadly silence
Wind is dancing alone in the tangle of woods
Withered flowers whisper my name, whisper my name...
Ìîëÿò çà æèâîò, ïëà÷àò, íå çíàÿò
×å âúâ ÷åðíî ñà òîëêîç êðàñèâè...
/Praying for life, moaning but they don't know
How beautiful they are in these black garments/
The Sun has just gone down the silent calm lake
And the Dark called for the mournful Moon
My heart is bound in melancholy forever lost in the
Within the deserted gloomy soul of Fall
3. Khan Asparough
Khan Asparough
It is year in 681.
The mist so thick had scattered away
Hazy sunset enlightened majestic silhouette
Dark - red shadow set people's soul on fire
He was their trusted Leader
His armour still flashing out the silver moonlight
In the Night of the choice
Picked up in his heart all courage and pain
Of Protobulgarian warriors fallen
Waving the powerful sword in his iron hand
If you can hear and feel all this,
Then you will see his sword stabbed in the mud
And his roar splitting the ground
"May this be Bulgaria!
With its glory, may glory all the tribe,
When it suffers, may we all suffer!
Now's time to fight out our land
And coming through thousands of battle
Will end up in his great cause!"
4. Lord of Future
Lord of Future
There, amidst the sleeping mounts and misty woods
Steep path was splitting ground
Lost in dark there he was walking
The man with chest of gold upon
Bound into his own chains
Dragging these heavy shackles
And the wind sending his icy moans
And there is no moon to light the way
There's only dust and steely dusk
His soul wrapped by Satan's might
To carry this chest upon the hill and have it open
Eternity brought along her servants, Pain and Suffer
And there is the cover opened
And all the Land was set in light
Painful moan is reaching up the heaven
At least the daylight comes to end forever
Whose symbol is the Moon unwell
And grieving Earth will fall in dark that never ends
And you'll be judge and ruler, one and only lord
The Lord of Future!
5. Keeper of the Cemetery
Keeper of the Cemetery
What are you keeping, Keeper of the cemetery?
Tell me, blessed by the devil creatures
And the gravedigger, who will be buried by...
Who will be buried by?
And the Woman who cries over the death of her son
Who will mourn over her?
And the gravedigger, who will be buried by...
Who will be buried by?
And his dreadful pains - which harvester will pick
them in?
You, black crow, how long you'll be cawing so ugly?
Whose soul you want to take off more,
If mine is not enough...
What are you keeping, Keeper of the cemetery?
Keep away Gaustine from Arl
And the gravedigger, who will be buried by:
Who will be buried by?
And these tears of pain - which martyr will pour them?
Where are you going, with this black cassock
And this cross, on which you're resting,
Who is it for, tell me who's for
What are you keeping, Keeper of the cemetery?
And the gravedigger, who will be buried by?
Who's going to take away his soul,
Which Moon is to shine for him?
I'll bury him, I'll mourn for him,
I'll throw the light upon his grave,
And I'll take his soul
6. Tzar Samuil's Endless Night
Tzar Samuil's Endless Night
That was the last night of the battle to death
There among corpses and terrible moaning
Samuil's standing at the abandoned and boundless
His black hair flowing, his head held up in proud
Wrapped up by the dark, bent over his crown
Lost down in his thoughts of dismal
Distant shout in the dark woke up pains in his soul
Torn out messenger, pale like the Death
Was riding up his way bringing sad message along to
"They're coming back, my great master,
All twelve regiments captured, crippled and blinded
Each hundred off warriors handed by one-eyed mate
To lead them the way"
And the courage died frozen in his heart of stone
Standing up, from the hill Samuil
Saw the dungeon inside
With strong hand and roaring voice
Let this oath to pass with the wind
"Oh! Mother of misery
Your tears seeded on the ground
To grow up and raise from dead
The greatest Bulgarian sons"
The forest was his eternal home
The immortal sky was a shelter
The wind was his closest ally
The darkness, his guardian Angel
7. Neath the Devil's Shadow
Neath the Devil's Shadow
At the nightskirts of the of the Devil's ruled land
Darkness' been here all along
With his Spirit awakened by deadly silence
Gazing eyes and awesome stare of ruins
He was ruling over all cursed souls
Beyond the darkness scorched wilderness
Was giving souls as sacrifice of spirit
From the depths of the Abyss
Remorseless voice was booming through the hearts...
I am your Well-doer!
I am the Black Wizard and the Ruler of the Abyss
My power hunts ahead like nearing Death
There from the ground were slowly growing
The Seeds of Evil
From the depths of the Abyss remorseless voice
Was booming through the hearts... I am your Well-doer!
Hellfire outlines the silhouette of Pentagram
And following our shadows,
Doomed to Eternity we'll float along Infinity forever
8. The Garden of Black Flowers
 Ãðàäèíàòà Íà ×åðíèòå Öâåòÿ
(The Garden of Black Flowers - text is in Bulgarian)
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