
"Drowned in the lake of marble crosses" (2007 Single)
1. Drowned in the lake of marble crosses (Utopeni v jazere mramorovych krizov)
1. Drowned in the lake of marble crosses (Utopeni v jazere mramorovych krizov)
“Utopení v jazere mramorových krí˛ov“
Pod snehom, lístím
Tiene krí˛ov
Tie nepoznajú èas
Za hranicou svetského bytia
V kráse prirodzena
Tu nie je tajomno skrytou tvárou
Za maskou údivu èi hrôzy
Studený dá˛ï padá na mramor
A hmla objíma èierne jazero
Tu nie je tajomno skrytou tvárou
Za maskou údivu èi strachu
Zvädnuté kvety
ˇiaden èas
Vnútorné svetlo astrálneho lesa
dýcha s veènos¯ou....
....vidia a cítia ho....
....utopení v jazere mramorových krí˛ov
“Drowned in the lake of marble crosses“
Under snow, leaves
The shadows of crosses
don´t know time
Beyond the border of mundane being
In the beauty of natural
Here the mystic is not a hidden face
Behind a mask of wonder or horor
Cold rain falls upon the marble
And fog embraces the black lake
Here the mystic is not a hidden face
Behind a mask of wonder or horor
Withered flowers
No time
The inner light of astral world
breathes with eternity...
...they see it and feel it...
...drowned in the lake of marble crosses