
"Divan" (2005)
1. Paradise Regained 2. Requiem for Endiku 3. Lights & Shadows 4. Vulture and Child 5. Civil Terror vs. Governmental One 6. Düþ Aðrýsý 7. Revolution 8. Kill the Cop in Your Head 9. Don Quijote de la Mancha 10. Ich Nicht! 11. Anka
1. Paradise Regained
2. Requiem for Endiku
O my brother, what a dream i saw last night! Anu, Ellil, Ea, and heavenly Shamash were in the assembly. And Ea said to Ellil, 'As they have slain the bull of heaven, so too they have slain Huwawa, who guarded the mountains planted with pines.' And Anu said, 'One of them must die.' -Pain!- Ellil replied: 'Let Enkidu die, but let Gilgamesh not die.'
Turn to me, you!
You aren�t listening to me!
But he cannot lift his head.
I touch his heart, but it does not beat at all.
Bear, hyena, leopard, tiger,
Stag, cheetah, lion, mountain goat,
And other wild beasts shall weep for you
Now, what is the sleep
That has taken hold of you?
Turn to me, Enkidu!
The pure Euphrates,
And young men of the broad city,
Of Uruk the sheepfold;
Who watched the fighting
When we struck down
The bull of heaven�
Shall weep for you!
3. Lights & Shadows
You�ll understand the worth of dreams
By disappointment and reformation
If your hopes are pressed by lights and shadows
You must survive, or you will die
The heart of lights and shadows
Lives free and honourable
It�s your fault to be pressed by lights and shadows
You have to face the thorny truth
You have to find the lights and shadows in you
Lights and shadows
- will be the sign of your heroes forever
Lights and shadows
- your brave heart will change the world
Lights and shadows
- your heart is the only force you will need
Lights and shadows
What�s at the end of lights and shadows?
Hope, the goodness that never dies
There ain�t a place for cowards in the world
You have to face your frightened self
You have to find the lights and shadows in you
4. Vulture and Child
Now see the thickest blanket of the world. I was covered under the ocean sand, desert sand. The tiger that belongs to time skipped me long ago, and doesn�t dissolve me anymore. But this vision of vulture and child never vanishes from my eyes.
Black is my skin, black is my soul
Black is my faith, black are my hopes
Black is my life, black will be my death
Black is my nation, black is my name
Like a hopeless runaway in paranoia
From the beast that is inside your face.
Like a dreamless world as your imagination
Needs to be shouted in shame:
Vulture and child!
Black is your mind, black is your heart,
Black is your blood, black is your god.
Black is your justice, black are your rules,
Black is your capital, black is your empire.
Like a saint who prays for peace,
And cries in silence for the icon
That says it�s too late.
Like the wisdom says there ain�t a way to the past
�and keep your souls, they won�t excuse:
The vulture and child!
Every night and day the same nightmare: me the same vulture, and the same black child screams with his eyes. Every night and day� the same�
Black is my soul, but your heart!
Black is my skin, but your blood!
Black is my nation, but your empire!
Black is my name, but your god!
As a victim of your glory
Don�t forget your betrayal,
�cause never will
The vulture and child!
This vision of vulture and child never vanishes from my eyes.
5. Civil Terror vs. Governmental One
Ain't it this world presenting a foolish fiction spreading like cancer? Civil terror vs. Governmental one, vice versa... Ain't it this world we are living in, and suffering in silent cries? Words of wisdom, my dear friend, lies in wetness of the tears on your pillow...
You have been called
For common good,
Just need to know
How you explode.
In the name of human rights
Hygenic slavery strikes:
Distilled and bottled 3rd world blood.
None will ever see
Until eternity
Corrosive poisons spread
None will ever think
To stop this terror
Everywhere in everyone
Ain't it this world we're living in
And suffering in silent cries?
Ain't it this world we're living in
And suffering in silent cries?
Security reasons all around
Are squeezing human races liberty
In the name of human rights
Hygenic slavery strikes:
Distilled and bottled 3rd world blood.
None will ever see
Until eternity
Corrosive poisons spread
None will ever think
To stop this terror
Everywhere in everyone
Ain't it this world we're living in
And suffering in silent cries?
Ain't it this world we're living in
And suffering in silent cries?
6. Düþ Aðrýsý
Sözcükler týnlar uzakta
Tanýmlar geçmiþini
Ruhunu ilhak ederken
O meþum gün düþleri
Kanýný canýný sömüren
Çýkýþsýz yollara süren
Zamaný yok eden...
Suretin geçer uzaktan
Düþ aðrýsý avucumda
Faili meçhul anýlarýn içinde
Ben sen miyim?
Varlýðým varlýðýna eþ kýlan
Amansýz baþ kaldýran
Düzeni alt üst eden...
Sorular mý?
Tek baþýma olsam bu dünyada
Varlýðýn güç veriyor
Bir baþýma kalsam þu âlemde
Varlýðýn güç veriyor
7. Revolution
You can help him as you help me
Even when you think that your target is far
When you look at the horizon
Listen to your heart
And walk through awakenings
Listen to your heart
And fight!
The place where the hearts fight
The time when the eyes talk
Embodiment of freedom flowing in your soul
Why are you running away
When it�s almost achieved
Trust yourself, once in your life
�It�s the mainpoint!�
Go and tell that you love
Don�t hide your tears
Because nothing is lost
Listen to your heart
And walk through awakenings
Listen to your heart
And fight!
The place where the hearts fight
The time when the eyes talk
Embodiment of freedom flowing in your soul
8. Kill the Cop in Your Head
Demon in your soul
Won't guide you to enlightenment
Demon in your soul will show the truth
In bits and pieces
In hallucinative ways
In your nightmares
As real as your tears
And your fear
Demon in your soul is frightening
That you enlighten and realize
He is no one but you
No one but you
No one but
Kill the cop in your head
For your enlightenment
'cause you are the only guardian
Kill the cop in your head
For your enlightenment
So you can be your savior.
Waiting for a hero�
Waiting for tomorrow�
Will cause you only sorrows
Act before it's too late forever
Waiting for miracles�
Waiting for oracles�
There's no way to the past
Face your fear, it's now or never!
9. Don Quijote de la Mancha
Don Quijote de la Mancha
El que sufre de sus sueños
Don Quijote de la Mancha
Caballero que sigue su utopia
Don Quijote de la Mancha
Tell about your painful mysteria
Giants all i see
You call them windmills.
Sancho Panza, come with me,
Take part in my victory!
Rocinante my steed,
Canters endlessly
And far away cries
My Dulcinea
My señora,
Don't cry for Don Quijote
As long as i live!
Don Quijote
Even if i die!
Don Quijote
As long as i'm called
Don Quijote de la Mancha!
Caballero aislado
O mi tristeza utopista
Compañero de mi
Soledad para siempre�
Don Quijote
Ride your way in peace
Do not care what you leave behind
They cannot reach your dreams
So what if they call you insane
Means themselves are sane,
Don Quijote de la Mancha?
Knight of own utopian sorrows
Lonely rider's broken spear
10. Ich Nicht!
Verlorene Kindheitsidole
Sucht mich nicht, find't mich nicht
Realität durchdringt... die Zeit ist eingestürzt
Ein ende setzt einen Anfang
Liebeswörter aus alten Zeiten
Verspüren... verspielen
Tausend mal gesehen
Tausend mal erlitten
Wenn das die Wahrheit soll
Ich nicht!
Ich bin mich nicht
Ich nicht!
Ich heisse mich nicht
Ich nicht!
Ich will mich nicht
Ich nicht!
Es gibt mich nicht
Verborgene Kindheitsgesichter
Lässt mich nicht, tröstet mich nicht
Realität durchbricht, man ist eingesperrt
Nichtsdestotrotz lebt man weiter
Kleinigkeiten Unmöglichkeiten
Verklungen... vergraben
Tausend mal gesehen
Tausend mal erlitten
Wenn das die Wahrheit soll
Ich nicht!
Ich bin mich nicht
Ich nicht!
Ich heisse mich nicht
Ich nicht!
Ich will mich nicht
Ich nicht
Es gibt mich nicht
11. Anka
Geceye gebe yüreðine çökmüþ kaygý
Sözcüklerin yýpranmýþ
Aynada bir yabancý:
Ýncinmiþ, parçalanmýþ
El öfke, yürek isyan
Gözyaþý berdevam.
Geçmiþin geçmesi
Dolunay þahidindir
Aðlarken yakmýþsan bedenini,
Dönüþ yoksa artýk geri,
Gözyaþýn aþýn olur.
Bir kalemde silmiþse tanýk, tansýðý;
Yanmak düþsün payýna
Bakmýþsýn doðmuþ Zümrüdü Anka
Tüm görkemi, ihtiþamýyla
Ne öfke kalýr geriye, ne bir isyan:
Gökyüzü berdevam!