
"Elegy of Despair / De Verdoken Waarheid" (2004 Split)
1. Intro 2. De Verdoken Waarheid 3. Heilige Perversiteiten 4. Karos Der Toverheksen 5. De Vloek 6. Kleddemèvel (Kludde II) 7. Wormen 8. River Of Despair 9. Vernieling Van Het Bestaan 10. Weak Human Race 11. Hearse of the Black Death 12. Opus Desperandum 13. Only Death Is Real 14. Ultimate Pleasure
1. Intro
2. De Verdoken Waarheid
3. Heilige Perversiteiten
4. Karos Der Toverheksen
5. De Vloek
6. Kleddemèvel (Kludde II)
7. Wormen
8. River Of Despair
9. Vernieling Van Het Bestaan
Het zilveren water staart me aan
Glimmend door een volle maan
Vol afschuw,
Duistere Nacht… Ik wacht
Kille vrieskou… Ik wacht
Eenzaam… Ik wacht
De dood zal me van de mensheid verlossen
De mensheid, De dood zal hen verlossen
Het einde van Hun miezerig bestaan
Vernielers, Eigendunk brengt Dood
Alles neemt zijn wraak
Levend, in doodstrijd ademend
Stervend, in levensstrijd ademend
Zelfgezochte moord,
Oneindige duisternis
Tot as zal je vergaan
Een onmetelijke kracht
Vernield door de mens
Moord op een onderdeel van het eigen bestaan
Een zelfdestructieve kracht
Moord op het eigen bestaan
10. Weak Human Race
Walking across the face of the earth
Wondering about times long forgotten
Thinking of what Death will bring
New terrors or plain nothingness
Weak Human Race!
Rape, Kill, Destroy!!
Weak Human Race
Rape, Kill and Destroy!!
Like Sheep following their Masters
Like Gangs following their Leaders
No hope to be given
No pain can be avoid
Slaughter is upon You
Death your Final Goal!
11. Hearse of the Black Death
Dark Medieval Times, 1347
Evil Disease Killing all
God’s Punishment
Confesses must be made,
Evil in man must be destroyed
Confess and you will be saved
Christians blamed the Jews
Poisoning all water,
Jews were destroyed,
Jews were burned alive
Spared from the plague, Killed by Christians
Pre-Holocaust, kept quiet
God’s Punishments
Jews ‘Poisonings
Great stories invented by mankind
Black Death
Zwarte Dood
Bubonic plague
Yersinia Pestis
An Evil Witch
Beautiful as night
Red scarf around her pale neck
Passing every house
Waving the scarf of the Black Death
The Plague Maiden
No matter what stories
You’ll all end up just the same
On the Hearse of The Black Death
12. Opus Desperandum
13. Only Death Is Real
Why are they so weak?
Obeying to their so called masters
As sheep following their herd
Feeble minded beings
We are the wolves of misanthropy
We take them down from their stupid lives
Now prepare your Death with carefulness
Don’t suspect help from any messiah
The Only thing you will do is rot
Six Feet Under, Your faith is gone
Nothing but maggots rule your corpse
Just Bones, dirt and worms fill your grave
Only nothingness is your destiny
No God or Allah in the afterlife
No Krishna or Vishnu will help your soul
Why can’t you understand:
Only Death is Real
14. Ultimate Pleasure
What is this I hear?
It’s a breeze
It’s a whisper
The Ice-cold breath of Death
Death’s embrace shivers my spine
Ah, The excitement
The cock of the gun sounds like the lost chime of a clock
A clock circling … just like my life
I see it pass before me
Is this the Ultimate pleasure?
The thing you crave from the day you’re thrown out of the womb
Ah, The feeling
Behold Death in all it’s glory
An Orgasm which doesn’t last long
Is this the end?
Or not?