
"The New Chapter" (2007 Demo)
1. The Tyrant 2. Burden 3. Kristallivuoren Maa (2007)
1. The Tyrant
How many decades shall thy reign last?
Deceit as the basic structure.
Kingdom of lies and decay.
How many decades shall thy reign last?
Deceit as the basic structure.
After a war there is a war.
Dishonour and betrayal are nothing for him.
Sadistic means and lust to cause chaos everywhere.
His heart’s cold and freezing as the frozen fields of north.
On his face emotions never can be seen.
You’ll get no mercy under the reign of this man.
He rules the lands with his evil legions.
Pure force and his twisted sense of justice.
Those are the highest discipline.
Knife in the back of the people disagreeing.
One brother against another if that is his will.
The baton of malice in his hand,
this sly and deceitful man rules the lands.
Lust for blood, lust for battle.
That’s what embraces this man, this man inhuman and evil.
Sacrificing men for the power, for the lands and for the glory.
But in the end the justice will always take the lead.
The evil shall reign no more, the evil shall never rule too long.
Many souls will get their peace, as this tyrant finally falls.
The new era has begun
For these mistreated people.
They shall get their revenge,
When the tyrant lays in his grave.
Tormented souls
And the ones he killed without reason
They’ll get their peace
They can finally rest in peace.
No more war
For this mistreated people.
They’ll feast for days
When the tyrant lays in his grave.
Tormented souls,
Those souls he tortured for fun.
They’ll get their peace
As this tyrant finally falls.
2. Burden
Born under the moon of the elven goddess of battle.
Raised by the elves, the mighty dwellers of the woods.
FIRE in the heart of this divine son.
BATTLE, his destiny's to fight the evil.
Many shall be thy enemy,
and great is the danger that'll seek you.
Signs of your birth made you to be the one,
so carry your sword with honour.
For many years he fought, many years he spent in battle.
Soon was to be known the divine strength of this elven youngster.
FIRE in the heart of this divine son.
BATTLE, his destiny's to fight the evil.
Many shall be thy enemy,
and great is the danger that'll seek you.
Signs of your birth made you to be the one,
so carry your sword with honour.
All the way through the valley of the magical beasts he fought alone.
Finally he reached the dungeon of the undead wizard.
"Fear me, feel me, you can't beat me."
"I don't fear you. You'll be gone soon."
So has the last battle began.
The ending of this duel is a mystery for every one.
Never seen is the wizard nor the elven man anymore.
FIRE in the heart of this divine son.
BATTLE, his destiny's to fight the evil.
Many shall be thy enemy,
and great is the danger that'll seek you.
Signs of your birth made you to be the one,
so carry your sword with honour
3. Kristallivuoren Maa (2007)
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Kristallivuoren Maa…
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