
"The Best of King Diamond" (2003 Best of/Compilation)
1. The Candle 2. Charon 3. Halloween 4. No Presents For Christmas 5. Arrival 6. A Mansion In Darkness 7. The Family Ghost 8. Abigail 9. Welcome Home 10. The Invisible Guests 11. Tea 12. At The Graves 13. Sleepless Nights 14. Eye Of The Witch 15. Burn
1. The Candle
From "The Book of Jonah"
"7 Years Have Gone, It Can No Longer Be Left Undone
The Candle Must Be Burn Again, And Pain
Must Follow the Unholy Flame
So Burn...Burn...Burn
And Free the Spirit From Its Chain"
Here I AM Blinded Again By That Flame
In Every Candle That I Burn, Burn !
I See That Same Face Return, It Returns
Eyes In Pain, My Little Queen Are You A Dream
In Every Candle That I Burn, Burn !
I See That Same Face Return, It Returns
Time Has Come For You To Tell The Truth, What Shall I Do
Tears Are Running From Her Eyes
If She Could Only Tell Me Why, Tell Me Why
The Jonah...The Jonah
In Twisted Key She Speaks A Word To Me And Then I See
Her Face Falling Apart
The Word "Jonah" Is Her Mark, She's Branded
2. Charon
Welcome My Friend, My Name Is Charon
Please Take My Hand, I Know The Secret Land
Don't Be Afraid...Oh No
I'm Faceless But Don't Fear Now
I'll Take You Safe Across The River Styx
Waste No Time, Soon The Night Will Break Away
That Boy Can Wait, There's Only Room For One
Don't Be Afraid...Oh No
I'm Faceless But Don't Fear Now
I'll Take You Safe Across The River Styx
I Am Your Death
We Must Leave Now, My Boat Is Waiting
On The Other Shore Is The Land Of The Dead
Don't Be Afraid...Oh No
I'm Faceless But Don't Fear Now
I'll Take You Safe Across The River Styx
3. Halloween
Oh It's Halloween
Every Night To Me Is Halloween
Like An Ancient Scene
You Know Just What I Mean
Halloween You Are My Pride
Halloween Not Just A Dream
The Moon Is Full, Another Perfect Day Has Begun
Like A Demon's Eye, That Devil's Eye
Will We Ever Die
Halloween You Are My Pride
Halloween Not Just A Dream
Every Night Will Be Another Evil Scene
Like In Horror Dreams I Want
I Command You To Scream
Halloween You Are My Pride
Halloween Not Just A Dream
4. No Presents For Christmas
Christmas time is here again
Santa needs a helping hand
We cannot find his evil sheet
To draw his laying for the night
So all the waiting Christmas trees
Gonna hear their master sing
There's no presents, Not this Christmas
There's no presents
Tom and Jerry drinking Sherry
They don't give a damn
Christmas time is here again
Santa needs a helping hand
It's getting very, very late
St. Peter's crossed the Golden Gate
And Donald Duck is still in bed
I wonder who he's gonna help
There's no presents, Not this Christmas
There's no presents
Tom and Jerry, all done Sherry
They don't give a damn
There's no presents, Not this Christmas
There's no presents
Tom and Jerry, still drinking Sherry
They don't give a damn
I'm dreaming of a white... Sabbath!
5. Arrival
"That must be it!"
Through the summer rain of 1845
The coach had finally arrived.
To the valley where the crossroads meet below,
And where all darkness seems to grow.
People blame it on the Hill....
The hill where no one dares to go....
The Mansion...where no one dares to go.
The coach had stopped, and from the window you could see
Seven horsemen in the night.
Miriam Natias and Jonathan la Fey
Saw the magic in their eyes.
They were in for a surprise....
The darkness would soon be complete.
A horseman came forth from the dark....
"We know you've come to inherit what's yours...The Mansion.
Take our advise and go back on this night.
If you refuse 18 will become 9...Oh No!"
Oh 18 is 9!
Jonathan laughed and said, "Get out of my way.
I don't believe a word you say."
The seven horsemen disappeared into the night.
"Someday you'll need our help, my friend...."
I think poor Jonathan was scared....
18 is actually 9...It stuck in his mind....
6. A Mansion In Darkness
Riding up the alley in the rain,
No lights to show the way.
How could this ever be their home?
Through the darkness you could only see
A giant shadow that swells to be
A house where evil rules at night
And the shadows at the gate, they seemed to be alive.
Yeah, the shadows at the gate -- alive.
Everything inside was left untouched
Except for what the rats had got,
And the dust of time that showed its mark.
Armed with candlelight and open eyes
Through the dark they fought their way
'Til every room was lit again....
And the house began to breathe, it seemed to be alive.
Yeah, the house began to breathe -- alive.
As the candlelight began to fade,
And Jonathan said, "Let's go to bed."
The fireplace had ceased to burn....
Both were fast asleep before the dawn, Dreaming...Dreaming....
And they did not know about the shadow....
Yeah, the shadow on the wall, it really came alive.
Yeah, the shadow on the wall -- Sunrise!
7. The Family Ghost
The darkness came closer to home on the following night,
And Miriam slept like a rock when Jonathan's face went white....
The bedroom was ice cold,
But the fire was burning still.
The blinding light!
The Family Ghost had risen again...The Ghost!
"Don't be scared. Don't be scared now, my friend.
I am Count de la Fey.
Let me take you to the crypt down below.
Where Abigail rests....
Let Miriam sleep.
She never would understand.
Now come let us go.
It's time to know...."
"Beware of the slippery stairs.
You could easily fall and break your neck!
Hand me that torch and I will lead the way
To the secret in the dark.
Take a look into the vault...."
The sarcophagus of a child!
"Abigail has been in here for years and years . . . stillborn."
"The spirit of Abigail is inside your wife,
And there's only one way you can stop the rebirth of Evil Itself:
You must take her life now!"
8. Abigail
"Abigail! I know you're in control of her brain, Abigail!
And I know that you're the one that's speaking through her,
Miriam, can you hear me??"
"I am alive inside your wife.
Miriam's dead. I am her head...."
"Abigail! Don't you think I know what you've done, Abigail?!
I'll get a priest! He will know how to get her soul back!"
"Oh, Jonathan! This is Miriam!
Our time is out!
Remember the stairs! It's the only way!"
"Abigail! Nothing I can do but give in, Abigail...."
"Jonathan, I agree.... Yes I do...."
"I am alive inside your wife.
Miriam's dead. I am her head....
Soon I'll be free!!!"
9. Welcome Home
Grandma' welcome home... You have
been gone for far too long
Is this a dream, are You really back?
Let me help You out of the chair...
Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh
Grandma' take a look
What do You think of the house and
the silvery moon?
We are going to repaint the front door
Let me help You out of the chair...
Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh
Wait till You see Your room up in the
Prepared just like You said, without a
You will find Your rocking chair and
the tea pot that Missy found
Let me help You out of the chair...
There is someone waiting for You,
now come along
Missy and Mother, they are dying to
meet You
How strange... she's spoken no word...
I wonder Grandma'! Are You all right?
Grandma' what was it like to be on
that holiday site
"Oh it could have been worse but
with "THEM" by my side
In the twilight "THEY" sang all the old
Grandma' who are "THEY"... "never
mind You dirty little brat"
"Let us go inside, something's on
"THEIR" mind
"THEY" are still alive, can You feel
"THEIR" eyes
Can You feel "THEIR" eyes?
Now that You are stuck with me You
better be my friend.
10. The Invisible Guests
Late that night I awoke from My sleep
Hearing unknown voices laughing
Grandma' was one, Oh it's coming
from the room next to mine
It's Grandma' room . . . the invisible
As I stood there alone in the dark
Peeking through the keyhole, couldn't
believe My eyes
I'd never seen anything like it, only
Grandma' was inside the room
Speaking to no one . . . the invisible
Cups were rising in thin air and then
emptied on the floor
Suddenly the door was open and
Grandma' said
"Do come in My little friend"
Missy and Mother were sleeping
If they could see me in Grandmother's
Grandmother said "look Me deep in
the eyes
You will forget what You saw here
"I will let You in on the secret of this
The secret of Amon . . . that's what we
call this house
Now I want you to go back to sleep,
now go back to sleep My dear"
The invisible guests
Cups were rising in thin air and then
emptied on the floor
Suddenly the door was open and
Grandma' said
"Now you must go back to sleep"
"Go to sleep". . ."Go to sleep". . .
"Go to sleep". . .
Missy and Mother were sleeping
If they could see me in Grandmother's
11. Tea
On the following friday as I turned out
the light
Grandma' came and knocked at My
"Wake up King, wake up My dear
I am gonna show You about the house
of Amon"
It is time for tea, it is time again
"Even Your mother is present
We made her sleep in My rocking
At first I felt really scared but there
was no reason to
As I saw the knife sneaking out from
Grandmother's dress
Then it cut a tiny wound in My
mother's little hand
It is time for tea, it is time again
Blood was running into the tea pot,
then I heard "THEM" laugh
"A bit of this in a cup of tea, is what it
takes to set "THEM" free
You will hear "THEM" telling stories
from far beyond this earth"
What I saw and what I heard made me
want to stay and learn
I really hope this dream will never
end, it's hard to describe the kind of
feeling that went on in My mind
A paradise
Hearing "THEIR" stories and feeling
"THEIR" warmth
We laughed with tears in our eyes
From the first cup of tea, to the last
drop of blood
Nothing seemed to matter at all
My Mother? She didn't exist to me,
Oh I felt so heavenly
It is time for tea, it is time again
12. At The Graves
Missy I miss You so. Oh little Sister
I wish You'd come back to Me and sit by My side
We'd laugh and we'd play again, if only You'll try
You know "THEY" would show the way
From the other side
Rise from Your grave little Sister
Rise . . . Rise . . . Rise My friends . . . Rise
Spirits rising from their grave
Burning shadows in the dead of night
Icy fingers all over My hand
Try to make Me understand
"Finally we have returned . . . All of us"
Missy is that You, come closer
Spirits rising from their grave
Everywhere that ghostly stare
Icy fingers all over My hand
Lead me back to where she stands
"THEY" are back to share My life . . . "THEY" are back
Missy come, come with Me, there are things I must know
How did you get here, where's the door to the other side
Missy: "Beyond the graves lies the gate
the gate that leads to the dead
We have to leave before the dawn
if not by the sun we will burn"
Spirits rising from their grave
soon the dawn will chase the dark away
Icy fingers all over My hand
Lead Me back to where "THEY" stand
Am I glad You have returned . . . All of you
Do You remember when Grandmother said she heard "THEM"
I've heard "THEM" too and I really wish I could hear "THEM"
Missy: "In Your mind You'll hear "THEM" sing
every night at the graves
we have to leave before the dawn
if not by the sun we will burn
now sing"
Show Your powers onto Me
13. Sleepless Nights
I cannot sleep at night
That's what the day is for anyway
And as the clock strikes midnight
I hear "THEM" dancing at the graves
singing to My mind
killing the pain . . . sleepless nights . . . sleepless nights
I cannot sleep at night
That's what the day is for anyway
And as the clock strikes midnight
only "THEY" can let us meet
even though she's dead now
I gotta see her again . . . sleepless nights . . . sleepless nights
I cannot sleep at night
I will do anything to see Missy again
"Then let us make You an eternal deal
You will attend to the graves
You'll give us the house back and keep in mind
that we only come here at night".
So we made the deal under the starry night and
"AMON" belongs to "THEM" now . . .
I feel the dawn coming My way
And as the sun breaks up the dark
I can't hear "THEM" dance no more
There's no voices
killing the pain . . . pain . . . pain
14. Eye Of The Witch
It's so cold inside on this summer's night
Black clouds in the sky dancing before my eyes
I'm losing track of time
It's the eye of the witch
It's the eye of the witch
Thunder bring the rain, penetrate my brain
I am no more the same, that special night has come again
Losing track of time
It's the eye of the witch
The eye.. the eye.. the eye
Another glass of wine to heat the blood of mine
And as I look inside the necklace called "The Eye"
I'm going back in time
It's the eye of the witch
It's the eye of the witch
The eye.. the eye.. the eye
15. Burn
The Inquisition will take her to the hill
Ready for the kill, giving GOD his will
Everybody's there, none of them will care
Not a single prayer
Burn in the night, You're the devil's child
Burn in the night, You're the devil's child
Looking at the sky, soon the girl will die
Nobody will cry, hear her screaming "why"?
The priests are all in line, now they give the sign
Let the fire shine
Burn in the night, You're the devil's child
Burn in the night, You're the devil's child
They say the devil is here tonight
Then let him play his violin so wild
Higher, burning higher, flames will soon devour
Higher, burning higher, the smell of skin turned sour
Higher, burning higher, her legs are scorched by fire
Ashes to ashes, I see a smile on their wicked faces
Burn in the night, You're the devil's child
Burn in the night, You're the devil's child
Lightning from the sky, magic's coming by
As her necklace flies right into her eye
The priests are all in line, now they give the sign
Let the fire die
Burned in the night, there are no remains
Burned in the night, just a magic chain