
""Them"" (1988)
1. Out From the Asylum 2. Welcome Home 3. The Invisible Guests 4. Tea 5. Mother's Getting Weaker 6. Bye, Bye Missy 7. A Broken Spell 8. The Accusation Chair 9. "Them" 10. Twilight Symphony 11. Coming Home 12. Phone Call
1. Out From the Asylum
Look, the old bitch is back - yeah,
finally we'll get some company again
the attic room has been
locked up for far too long - just like the
old bitch herself - she's on time
though - why that silly wheelchair?
Oh she's pretending as always - but
she does make a good cup of tea.
"Oh My God she's here. Missy, listen
to what Mother says: Now You be
good to Grandma; and remember
she's been away on a long vacation.
That goes for You too King. And stop
playing that thing. Answer the door"
2. Welcome Home
Grandma' welcome home... You have
been gone for far too long
Is this a dream, are You really back?
Let me help You out of the chair...
Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh
Grandma' take a look
What do You think of the house and
the silvery moon?
We are going to repaint the front door
Let me help You out of the chair...
Let me touch You, let me feel... Ahhh
Wait till You see Your room up in the
Prepared just like You said, without a
You will find Your rocking chair and
the tea pot that Missy found
Let me help You out of the chair...
There is someone waiting for You,
now come along
Missy and Mother, they are dying to
meet You
How strange... she's spoken no word...
I wonder Grandma'! Are You all right?
Grandma' what was it like to be on
that holiday site
"Oh it could have been worse but
with "THEM" by my side
In the twilight "THEY" sang all the old
Grandma' who are "THEY"... "never
mind You dirty little brat"
"Let us go inside, something's on
"THEIR" mind
"THEY" are still alive, can You feel
"THEIR" eyes
Can You feel "THEIR" eyes?
Now that You are stuck with me You
better be my friend.
3. The Invisible Guests
Late that night I awoke from My sleep
Hearing unknown voices laughing
Grandma' was one, Oh it's coming
from the room next to mine
It's Grandma' room . . . the invisible
As I stood there alone in the dark
Peeking through the keyhole, couldn't
believe My eyes
I'd never seen anything like it, only
Grandma' was inside the room
Speaking to no one . . . the invisible
Cups were rising in thin air and then
emptied on the floor
Suddenly the door was open and
Grandma' said
"Do come in My little friend"
Missy and Mother were sleeping
If they could see me in Grandmother's
Grandmother said "look Me deep in
the eyes
You will forget what You saw here
"I will let You in on the secret of this
The secret of Amon . . . that's what we
call this house
Now I want you to go back to sleep,
now go back to sleep My dear"
The invisible guests
Cups were rising in thin air and then
emptied on the floor
Suddenly the door was open and
Grandma' said
"Now you must go back to sleep"
"Go to sleep". . ."Go to sleep". . .
"Go to sleep". . .
Missy and Mother were sleeping
If they could see me in Grandmother's
4. Tea
On the following friday as I turned out
the light
Grandma' came and knocked at My
"Wake up King, wake up My dear
I am gonna show You about the house
of Amon"
It is time for tea, it is time again
"Even Your mother is present
We made her sleep in My rocking
At first I felt really scared but there
was no reason to
As I saw the knife sneaking out from
Grandmother's dress
Then it cut a tiny wound in My
mother's little hand
It is time for tea, it is time again
Blood was running into the tea pot,
then I heard "THEM" laugh
"A bit of this in a cup of tea, is what it
takes to set "THEM" free
You will hear "THEM" telling stories
from far beyond this earth"
What I saw and what I heard made me
want to stay and learn
I really hope this dream will never
end, it's hard to describe the kind of
feeling that went on in My mind
A paradise
Hearing "THEIR" stories and feeling
"THEIR" warmth
We laughed with tears in our eyes
From the first cup of tea, to the last
drop of blood
Nothing seemed to matter at all
My Mother? She didn't exist to me,
Oh I felt so heavenly
It is time for tea, it is time again
5. Mother's Getting Weaker
Tonight would be the last night that
we had our tea
That bloody tea, which sent us into
Yesterday Mother complained, feeling
dizzy, all in pain
Mother's getting weaker, looking
paler day by day
As morning came, she could not make
it out of bed
And Grandma's spell was getting
straight into her head
Not a single word, she didn't seem to
be alive
Getting weaker, looking paler day by
Then Missy came in and she led me by
the hand
I didn't want to go, Oh but I should
have known
Mother was barely conscious, why
should I care
Just looking forward to the next
I think I heard My sister begging me
to stay
She gave me the phone, so I could call
someone for help
I simply let go of her hand, then I cut
the wire
Missy was crying as I left them both
And Mother's getting weaker, Missy
shouted at My back
"I hate You"
6. Bye, Bye Missy
Tea time Monday night, I was waiting
passing time
Then from the hallway, I saw Mother
in her nightgown
Swaying up the stairs, up the stairs, it
seemed so unreal
I knew Grandma' had sent "THEM"
again, the invisible friends
A little later in the middle of tea we
came close to ecstasy
"THEY" were telling tales from
beyond when Grandma' rose
She opened the door, and there was
Seeing Mother in Grandmother's
chair, she went into tears
Missy was screaming
"What have You done, what have you
done to My Ma", crying louder now
"We better get rid of her, She's too
young anyway", it was Grandma' who
"Bye, bye Missy, be gone forever
The beautiful fireplace in the kitchen
will do"
I saw Missy struggling in Grandma'
wrinkled hands
"Oh No, let me be, Oh No Please No
Grandma' Please
Aagh Grandma' You're hurting me.
Don't touch me or I'll break it, I've got
the tea pot, I'll do it anyway"
I saw liquid spreading, the bloody tea
all over the floor
Now I heard "THEIR" voices, some
kind of demon growls
"THEY" dropped "THEIR" tea cups,
Grandma' stood still
forced by invisible hands, Missy went
down the stairs
As I waved her goodbye, Missy was
sobbing away
Will I ever see her again, Bye bye
Missy, don't be afraid
7. A Broken Spell
I stumbled out of Grandma's room,
down the stairs and out of the house
Once outside I felt My mind begin to
fight a battle for control
With the tea pot broken I kind of
That "THEIR" power was less here,
here on the outside
I fell to my knees in haziness
And I looked in through the window
to the cellar
Things were moving down there,
"THEY" were searching for something
And "THEY" really found it,
the big axe was flying
Flying out through the cellar door
Up the stairs to the kitchen...
Then I passed out
The next thing I remember seeing was
the smoke coming from the chimney
I soon realized the smoke I saw was
actually... Oh No!
All there was left of Missy and her
dress, poor little girl
The spell was broken, I really felt the
As my mind and body became one
The moon was alive with its silvery
Staring right into My evil heart
I went back to see if My Grandma'
was still there
Waiting for me in the attic... Oh I hate
that bitch
8. The Accusation Chair
I kind of knew that she would be
waiting for me in her room
With a sick smile she told me not to
be a fool
Her eyes went hard, staring right into
My brain
But I convinced her that I was feeling
real fine
Oh, I was lying... seeing the look in
her eyes
Clearing My mind was important
She believed everything I said
And then she asked me if I would help
to bring her outside
Oh, I was lucky... "let us stay for a
while" she said
"Bathing ourselves in the moonlight"
So there she was, unprotected by
I grabbed her cane, and tore it out of
her hand
"No way, You're not going to escape"
"Now that I've got You . . . here You will
pay for Your deeds
Your sick mind has come to an end
"Stop it"
Nowhere to hide, Grandma' had died
Alone in the night
And "THEY" were waiting for me
waiting inside
Hoping that I would come back in
But I just ran away
Into the woods, as far as I could
I saw "THEIR" eyes
And then I fainted again, going insane
Dreaming that I was one of "THEM"...
I hear "THEIR" voices all the time
9. "Them"
10. Twilight Symphony
Morning came and so did they, flying
questions from the police
I'm waiting here in an ambulance for
Dr. Landau
To return and tell me why they're
taking me so far away
"I did what I did and I'm glad I did,
'cos I could have been the...
I could have been the next in line"
Nobody found a trace of Missy
I'd be the last to tell them anyway
How could I ever ever explain
Now I hear "THEM" again, singing
Twilight symphony, twilight
I hear "THEM" again, singing
Twilight symphony, twilight
Grandma' was dead with an open neck
Blood still running from My open
I knew they would blame it, they
would blame it all on me
How could I ever ever explain
Now I hear "THEM" again, singing
Twilight symphony, twilight
I hear "THEM" again, singing
Twilight symphony, twilight
Dr. Landau returned, and I told him the
"Are You mad or just insane?"
I tried anyway
"You can take him away now, the boy
has lost his mind"
Oh no no
I haven't seen My Mother since they
took me away
And Dr. Landau wouldn't tell me
He wouldn't tell me anything
Oh I'm back on the outside
Time has caught up with me, and I
must leave for the old house
Yes I must leave now
Grandma'... I'm coming
I'm coming home now
I'm coming home now
11. Coming Home
"I knew it was You at the door, I saw
You from the window. Now come
inside My dear. It's good to see You
again, despite what You did to MY
throat. "THEY" are waiting upstairs.
Come. Missy is there too. She's sitting
on Grandpa's lap. I bet You're dying for
a cup of tea."
12. Phone Call
"Hello, King."
"Who . . . who's this?"
"It's your grandmother."
". . . but . . .you're dead . . ."
"In a way, yes. Now listen . . . are you still there?"
"I . . . I'm still here, Grandma . . . yes . . ."
"Come to the old house tonight. There're quite a few people
there who'd love to see you . . ."
"Stop it! Bitch! It's starting all over again . . . .