
"Things Viral" (2003)
1. Commuted 2. Fields 3. Dead 4. Too Close Enough to Touch
1. Commuted
ALL STOP... imagine,
lash out just this one time no control
take their sight
still there but now they feel
instead of reading, talking, laughing just feeling
now we're here
pieces of us in my hands, on the floor, in my pockets
my god, the smiles, the sneezes, the talking
we're in that place again
we're gone, erased, RED, feel, feel
no good times in here
change you, be gone or I'll...
oh my god
erase i can
its gone
truth is changed
falses naught
one - two - three times
eyes close
they're gone
odd what was normal
my god
erase i can
truth is changed
falses naught
one - two - three times
eyes close
the hunt
the change
that's what i love
follow stare remove
truth is changed
falses naught
one - two - three times
eyes close
wipe out
only red - make red
timeline finish
erase i can
truth IS change
the falses stay
away, away, we're gone
one - two - three blinks
not gone
the hunt
the follow
that's i love
truth is changed
falses naught
ALL STOP... imagine,
lash out just this one time
2. Fields
this is for you
a new beginning
put you under
an open field
vast expanding
it's expanding
the center of reason/the center is reason
you don't have to think
no worries
i'll do this for you
just tell me what its like
you're in between
see what i don't
tell me, tell me
can you hear the past?
you're on both sides
are you welcomed, embraced or torn apart?
tell me, tell me what it's like...
mother father ghost?
almost there - almost here
is there light?
tell me, tell me, tell me
i did this for you
ancestors strangers?
are they here?
come back
tell me, I'll follow
mother father ghost?
is there hope?
say something
i did this for you
for us
3. Dead
i was...
not worth knowing
visible awful but not seen
alone always forever - beauty opposite
transparent hear me - listen - right here
i was...
kept walking awful unnoticed
beauty opposite - alone
island stay off
wait... someone
sink alone not seen
it was time - end
it was time - end
i was...
visible awful but not seen
alone always forever - beauty opposite
transparent see me - right here
i was...
kept walking awful unnoticed
beauty opposite deserted - alone
island stay off
wait... someone wait
sink alone not seen
it was time - end
it was time - end
could have stopped it
4. Too Close Enough to Touch
outside: ugly things viral
inside: ugly dismal safe
nothing more needed
outside: things viral
outside/inside: loathe
inside: ugly, dismal, safe
nothing more needed
stay inside
stay inside
outside: things ugly, things viral
loathe outside, inside loathe
inside: ugly, dismal, safe, nothing more needed
stay inside, stay inside, stay inside
inside, ugly, dismal, safe, nothing more needed
stay inside, stay inside
visions sicken
too close enough to touch
sicken, sicken
vague, distort, appall
sicken, sicken
can't get past
can't get past
visions sicken
too close
too close enough to touch
sicken, sicken
vague, distort, appall
can't get past ugly
out here, out here, envy
envy burn
inside: ugly, dismal, safe, nothing more needed
stay inside, stay inside, stay inside
there they are
visions sicken, sicken
too close enough to touch
sicken, sicken
vague, distort, appall
get past ugly
can't get past, can't get past
out here
out here along the perimeter burn envy
burn out here burn envy
sicken, visions sicken
too close enough to touch
sicken, sicken
can' get past ugly
get past ugly out here
out here along the perimeter, envy burn
can't get past
inside: ugly, dismal, safe, nothing more needed
stay inside, stay inside, stay inside, burn envy inside