
"massive.solliciting" (2004 Demo)
1. Hunt X 2. Epilogue 7.3 3. A shotgun question 4. The 9 mislead 5. Ona
1. Hunt X
2. Epilogue 7.3
Sehcaorppa nus ruo fo dne eth. Erom yna tsixe ton seod detnuah eb ot erised eht.
Tihs detalumucca eth lla=nus ruo. . tpecca tonnac uoy tahw ni deid , regnad ot htaed, serohw ot htaed.
Ees tonnac uoy tahw fo yek eth si tahw ginwonk ni thgiled lliw hcihw eromrehtruf ecalp A.
3. A shotgun question
NOEN-slide through codes marked on the skin
SEHN-fed on mass cattle dispertion
Saturated ones process, process, confess, sale your female rape headless
Seed of the shinning addiction
The sun has asked genital contradiction
Driving prostitute spare of diction
Noen-sehn. Rejoice for the call
Asking ? just show mass process
Fade into sun as concrete is senseless
You all wanted to give answers
When you're bored in the sun addiction
I give you a shotgun question…
Growen up sun's answers confession
Tell me your shotgun question…
4. The 9 mislead
Drawing nine stars, points of unreason
As you thrill for something worng…
1. Cannot solve something faded
Swallow face down solstice
2. Something in, something out
Victims bring into line
And line become square
With scenic sabotage's spare.
3. Time of drawl hostility
Stray in bitching lullaby…
4. walk. And shut up…
5. The calling of facefaded waste
Ochre arson while you sterilize your son
6. Count your days. And remember…
…your fucken number…
7. Praise bliss
But you won't forget
On starry thoughts to piss
8. End is so far
Even you know the way
9. Dazzled by your leak
As you pray for something wrong…
…and this is the fucken end.
5. Ona
Cartel in simetry
Looking as a survival
Force of gag-one second to approach..
…the last shame you'll wear
When smoke transgress opacity
Anonymes seront les dernières paroles
De ce qui acquiesce sans réfléchir
Dernière ligne du convoi
Qui abrège l'ultime loi
Du silence qui tapine son roi…Monochrome…
Monochrome héroïne pour énigme silencieuse…
Silence d'or pour science de pute…
Gazmask romance requiers prepaid love's contract…
ONA…when angels fade into humans…