
"Dying With Elegance" (2001)
1. Immaculate 2. Yours Cowardly 3. Will You Forgive Me? 4. Like A Musing 5. Dying With Elegance 6. Insignificant 7. Apologia For Suicide 8. Of Sex And Rage 9. Mon Dernier Voyage
1. Immaculate
A last present, will you care about it
take it in memory of our broken romance
for you what only remains is diamond dust
blown in the air...immaculate
nothing else than nothing
just a candle steaming
how do you call the wine, the bitter wine irritating my throat?
how do you call this vicious poison you threw to my
face, making my eyes sting?
for you what only remains is diamond dust
blown in the air...
I feel behind indifference, the seed of revenge growing in me
I hear behind the curtain the vicious murmur guiding the beast in me
Running won't bring me anywhere, I can't find. I won't
find what you were
addicted, there's no remedy - it's passion. it's excess that
takes place in me
Acid can't freeze and bloods can't join
wrong alchemy, the damage is done
I kissed the feet, now can be born and find a reason to be
Love: electric twilights, mystic fogs, pornography for
angels, diamond dust blown in the air and then the
candle dies...
Lovers: philosophers in doubt. theorists of nothingness
rocked by the illusion of their poisoned literature.
Were you always mine?
Your vicious aims got the better of me
I hear the voices of regrets shouting at me, shouting at
The whys, the hows
I drew a line from here to nowhere, a path to
will I come back some day?
Walking on a road to nothing...will I come back some day?
Love in order to hide what you are: hte in disguise,
doped morality
trying to keep the flame burning
As we were born we'll all die, so we must keep ready
the finger on the trigger, ready to free
Ourselves of the growing tumour gnawing our guts,
know that when life humiliates, air is immaculate...
What can remain for the years to come
paralytic reality
vanity undeer valium
It's just a secret that you can't hide
lines that I can read even in lies
It's written on your lips and in your eyes
I can't stand it anymore, things must cease
It must cease and I know how to proceed
it's your turn
You now see the pity in my eyes and nothing else.
2. Yours Cowardly
Am I the one I think, the one I hope
Prisoner of my own state of mind?
Is it me who looks at me through the mirror?
Or is it the betrayer imploring?
The ones I met in my endless nights seem so real
Dreams are war fields, ruined churches on infinite plains
Children live here, they are dying. dying by using
each of their breaths singing gruesome songs again...and again
the only way to catch the light
Give me the illusion to live
Give me the rain to wash my past years, give me the wind
to move torments away
Give me the lfame to burn her memory
Time bastard time, cruel enemy
You use your more efficient weapon on me
Chrisantemums now rot on the coffin
You wore her down, now you wear me down
Life like a requiem, a monotonous requiem
Declaration of war! Fire! Water! Air! Take my pain away!
Take my dying planet away!
Take the children that cry away!
Take the doubt haunting me away!
And bring my dignity back.
For me the days have lost all of their savour
Pathetic agony, sadistic oblivion!
A dying wish, a last prayer, show me the boundary ou la nuit s'acheve
Water! Air! Take my pain away!
Whe...Did time...Put...its bloody lips...on mine
Of dear mistress, you who gave me a sense to my existence
Oh dear mistress, this dance is a trance to eternity!
...may these landsxapes be mine, and let have a trip to them...together
A trip far from my dying planet, a trip dar from the
children that cry.
Bring my dignity back and accept all my apologies
The end seems now so near! Doubts now wear their
blackest dress
Open my veins and you will find two colours of blood
spilling of them
One for hers and one for mine, the one feeding me,
the other poisoning me
Sick and blind, weak and blind, the one I was, the one I am
The sea in which I'm now drowning is the one that she filled
with her tears
The sea in which I'm now drowning is deep...enough...to
erase...all traces of me.
3. Will You Forgive Me?
4. Like A Musing
Life passes like a sigh around me
The cruel spiral intoxicates me
I'm sinking day by day in this perpetual motion
A slow endless fall written for me
Like a musing, my empty life
Like a musing, a sigh
Life told me the worst lies
And I could only swallow them
I am nothing living the life written for me
I try nothing disgusted by the salt of my tears
Life told to me and I could only swallow them, the worst lies
I don't want to wake up
'cause I don't want to take control
The past is always here like an infidel lover
Promise me there will be no tomorrow
Promise me everything has an end
Promise me soon the shroud will cover me
Life like a musing
I endured so many years
These things so hard to accept
5. Dying With Elegance
6. Insignificant
So much patience and devotion, but the world never got
We fought it so many times, but the world never got on
We thought the best could happen to the ones who can wait
We thought others could save us but have a look at them;
they are all insignificant
Do it for me it you can, in a slow motion,in a slow motion
Blow this endless melancholy, at a slow motion, at a slow motion
Don't let me alone facing it, the world of others, the world of them
Take my hand, tonight I feel insignificant be in it
We can't rewrite the story, I know it's too late
Our prints in time will disappear, I can't deny it
In our fairytales heroes die, princesses never wake up
But let try to find for a last time, enough strength
to arise together
Every minute shouts its sermons
The distress of living flagellates our hearts
In hate of this insignificant world
We can find strength enough to arise
Our life is behind us, far behind
Have a look at them all, they are all insignificant
Do it for me
7. Apologia For Suicide
I can't believe what happened last night, unbearable
tragedy, your words were razor blade hits in my heart, an
apologia for suicide.
Go and find what you have to find, there is nothing for
you here, you must know I'm not here to be the icon you
adore, when everything hurts, find your respite
all these years spent in coma...a pathetic psychodrama,
here is what we lived
Coming back to reality is so hard...I must find an exit to
regain my purity.
You've got the weapon in your hands: your cute eyes were
all for me
"you've got no reason to stay, so let the bullet find its way
and let enter the sunlight"
I followed your star to empty skies, I did it so many times,
I thought it was a way to approach you, a way to keep you forever
I could endure all the tortures until you sleep away
Never coming back
What a deplorable denouement, did we some day share anything?
"Persist in your mediocrity, follow like a slave, I can
nothing for you, go and find your way.
Apologia for suicide, find your respite elsewhere. Let the
bullet find its way and let enter the sunlight"
All these years spent in coma, all these waits
No one to rest on , no help of fate, all these waits
No can enter the sunlight
8. Of Sex And Rage
The reflect of the mirror throws me again
The picture of our bodies
In a cold vicious embrace
Vision of sex and rage
Innamorata mia, sink in my eyes,
and you'll feel behind pleasure the strongest embrace
Is it velvet or is it blood that is gliding along my skin?
In this suffocating air, searching for my breath, I can see
him horrified
Feed my desire with the words, feed my vanity with the looks
Guide my hands I know that we can cross the threshold and
find together the way to reach immortality
And leave this bastard race, rapist of our existence
Prepare your soul, prepare your mind, this embrace is a ceremony
Hidden behind our golden kiss, lays a pure hate against humanity
Allonge ton corps sur ce lit de narcisses
Prolonge encore, cet instant exquis
I can see him, the Christ on the wall
Horrified, by the scene played under his eyes
Prepare your soul, prepare your mind
Cause the scene we are now playing is the key of everything
In this life, all I could let behind was the scent of your skin, the hate in your eyes,
Was it me the predator or was it you?
In this life, all I could let behind was the memory of your grace,
Your heart beating for mine
was it me the submitted or was it you?
Making a break through cosmos, the fleed was not blood
It's the hate that's unites us through the lie
The sweet feeling that I felt was my vital fluid escaping
In this life all I could let behind was the scent of your skin, the
hate in your eyes,
It was not me the predator...it was you
Ah, the curtain getting down on me, announces the end of all
9. Mon Dernier Voyage
Acte I: La douleur de vivre
Le jour efface, sur mon corps endolori
Infligées par l'ennui, les plaies de la veille.
Il me veut supporter encore, en dépit du mal qui me poursuit,
Son éprouvant rituel.
Rentrerons alors en scène, autant d'ennemis pour moi,
mille autres êtres, et leur bonheur cruel, qui prendront par à la mascarade.
Je revêtirai encore, teinté de noir à l'odeur de pluie,
Le costume usé qui aurait tant juré autrefois, mais qui sied aujourd'hui si bien à mon rôle.
Dans les mondes clairs que seule l'ivresse inspire, la représentation est terminée...
Acte II: Absinthe ou les terres de la delivrance
Dans les mondes que m'inspire la compassion de l'absinthe,
Je vois des paysages endormis,
Des forêts à l'allure infinie,
Des jours et des nuits qui n'en sont plus,
De vastes lacs à l'eau calme et limpide où je vois sombrer ma peine dans un silence exquis.
Le jour efface, sur mon corps endolori
Infligées par l'ennui, les plaies de la veille.
Il me veut supporter encore, en dépit du mal qui me poursuit,
Son éprouvant rituel.
Quelle est cette force qui m'attire en ces lieux interdits ?
La seule ivresse ne peut être seule maître à ces répits, seule maître à ces répits...
Parce que le froid,
Parce que le vide, le temps est un leurre:
Si mon corps se fâne il ne cesse de porter en lui ce lourd fardeau qu'est mon âme,
Et moi qui boit la liqueur trouble, des gorgées comme des jours,
Est-ce le goût de l'ennui qui l'a rendue infâme ?
Les besoins me traînent,
C'est l'envie qui me manque.
Instants exquis autant de battements de cils angéliques,
Qui me nourissez d'ailleurs,
Tirez-moi à jamais de ma prison de chair !
Que ces marches ivres ne soient plus vaines
Acte III: Le chemin vers la lumiere
L'hiver recouvre mon corps d'un linge blanc et froid,
Hiver ! Est-ce un linceul que tu poses sur moi ?
Par ton souffle glacial est-ce la mort qui me parle ?
Tâches-tu de guider vers elle, mes pas dans la nuit ?
Et dans mes longs délires,
Je m'en remet à lui
Ainsi qu'aux astres fidèles
Eux qui restent invariants comme des écrits sacrés.
Le jour efface, sur mon corps endolori
Infligées par l'ennui, les plaies de la veille.
Il me veut supporter encore, en dépit du mal qui me poursuit,
Son éprouvant rituel.
Quelle est cette force qui m'attire en ces lieux interdits ?
La seule ivresse ne peut être seule maître à ces répits, seule maître à ces répits...
Et si je rampe pour finir ma route,
C'est que mes forces me quittentmais ma fierté est intacte.
Acte IV: La rencontre
A genoux, grattant la Terre, creusant une tombe à mes tourments......
C'est le sang de la haine qui pourrissait sous mes ongles.
Caressant la Terre, mère de tous les hommes,
Dans le plus noir des incestes,Je laisse à la charge de ces larmes qui me brûlent,
Le pouvoir de fertiliser avec l'aide de la lune,
Ton sol sec et dur.Pour que naisse de notre union, seule trace vivante de Moi,
La plus tenace des mandragores !
Elle s'épanouira,
En même temps que disparaîtront
De mon visage,
Les traits de l'effroi,
Et de mes tissus,
La gangrène qui les ronge.
Le plus beau des anges,
Qui fait si peur aux hommes,
Prendra l'Homme nouveau,
Sous ses ailes,
Et lui avouera le terrible mensonge :
"Si tu as tant souffert, c'était pour Moi ! Tes larmes et ton sang étaient ma semence afin que devienne mienne,
Une nuit comme celle-ci... ton âme meurtrie.
Et le délice fiévreux de la revanche."