
"Apocalyptic Hellhammer" (2003 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Infinitive Dark Majesty 3. Call of Forgotten Past 4. Ex Poetestati Onferni 5. Her Name Is Babilon 6. Hell Hammer
1. Intro
2. Infinitive Dark Majesty
When I'm looking in the dark face of night sky, I see your divine nature. You have been flown away but not forgotten, when the comets are crossing thar borders in a faraway galaxies. During the dark nights. With the moonlight. We raise our hearts for you.
Full of pride and power follow foragestice nature, force we give a homage to old forests which remember your face form or which the brilliance of fires. You showed us the truth. Universes in glooms.
Wandering you led us. In distant extremities galaxies. Where with distancy from earthly torment prevail your beuty divinity.
Be our wepons. Be our power. Be our pride. Be our victories.
Now into dark night sent ligths to our souls, for returning again to that victory. Which strengthen your rule on earth, where strong hand lead us to reign, where our prides fortify us in our decision.
3. Call of Forgotten Past
Through the impenetrable darkness. Millennium marked with blood. I hear call of primeval forests. Of times when myths were alive. In the glare of mighty sun. As well as under starry night sky. We were always proud of our strenght, cleannes of our slavonic race.
Forgotten spirits of ancestors, haunt the ancien regions, from coast of the Baltic, to crowns of the Tatra Mountains, we have been overwhelmed, by tiranny of cross, convicted on slavery, but idea did not die, former honour survive, and today fires our hearts. To war.
Like a wild wolves, guardians of wood, who are to be protected from the sacrificed moon. Alter ages of disgrace. We draw poers from the ancient cult places. Let gods lead us to victory! Let standards rise to the sky! Let fires flare up! Let swords drip with blood!
4. Ex Poetestati Onferni
From the infernal power. The blood is sense of anger, from power of breaths.The endloess singing of fire, from bounlessness of the abyss. Majesty of bloody crimsons.
There is a lit of our soul, where the dusk pours, with blody shoulders. Ed of phantom day. You will get into the wild lust, for inside of the damned space.
Your eye will attain, invisible groan of brightness.
Eternity with thickness of blood will saturate pale time, agonizing ages black power.
Silent with dead past, will explode with light of night, with forest of death, full of wolf's howl. To te immortality, you are going.
Tenebrae extra crepusculum, sandyx extra sanguinem manatam. Demersus in rivo temporis, in nomine eius ingenti, depono vota tenebris. Omnes stulti, qui in via nostra staverint, vel ebuntur.
A caligine et potestate tua. AVE SATAN
5. Her Name Is Babilon
Dancing in the brightness of candles, like shadows on teh lord's temple walls, you manifest some privileges ov your beguile beauty.
Goddes of love, goddes of war, goddes of beauty lustful. I have spellbound by your demoniac face.
Unattainable for deadly existences. The only thing I want is to wake up by your side. There were sleep changes in consciousness.
In the gardens of Uruk and sydon, in the harens of Babylon. There were lusts soaking with blood, where here divine body is burning, I drink poison from dish of her throne, with silver goblet of eternal life.
I'm proposing toast for your praise.The queen of southern sky- Isthar, Astarte.
Wielding the key to the power over death, I'm wandering seas of time and abyss, I'm wandering deepest gulfs of hell, to find her and reign at her side for ever.
Smell of blush, ebony hair, leading through unknown cosmic dimensions, fire of wild animal eyes melting my heart, frozen heart of Northern Warrior.
Gloving of scarlet insatiable lips, sucking up nectar this pitiful mortal life. Soon I will see her beguile beauty. Soon I will touch her glorious body.
Sin's daughter, Anu's spouse, lover of ancient kings, mother of Aryan Race, I was calling you through aeons and worlds, like wandeing narcotic power.
You have reign my feeble body, you captured my black soul, since I'm belonging to you for ever.
Mistress of morning star - Isthar, Astarte
6. Hell Hammer
In the kisses of Death, from darkness of the abyss, at the shadow of hate, with fire's conflagration
We are speeding across fields and forests. Our outpost of war, birds of death are arriving, to feast of enemies' corpses. Hail! Shadows of our history, who had left in disgrace, raise your heads in pride, this is reward for sacrifice.
Yesterday hell, today earth, tomorrow heaven will be ours. Light of darkness will lead us. We are waiting for command. Our hordes are hungry for revenge.
In teh name of Evil, in the name of night, when with Godday is dying. Satan seeing sign to us
In the fields of Armageddon, space of Alpha and Omega. The black knoghts of destination, are gathering cruelly forces. Let the seven church is burn, in the name of holy war. Black clousd will embrace the sky, when Deamons begin to heaven attack