
"Arbeit Macht Frei" (2005 Demo)
1. Manufactured elimination (CD-Rom video) 2. A legacy of hate 3. Kein kampf 4. When they've burned down the books 5. Nazional fanatizm 6. Manufactured elimination 7. A forest (of corpses) 8. Arbeit macht frei 9. On the hunt
1. Manufactured elimination (CD-Rom video)
Des millions sont morts au nom de la loi du plus fort. Révolution industrielle: évolution factuelle! Médecins assermentés aux serments bafoués! Joseph Mengele, ange aux ailes souillées! Serments d'hypocrites et expériences interdites... Elimination manufacturée, solution finalisée: exterminer! Juifs, handicapés, pédés, tziganes, nègres, ratés: vermine, pourriture concentrée et éliminée. Dans les camps, parqués, à la mort destinés. Vies réduites en fumées dans les chambres à gazer. N'avions-nous pas promis de ne jamais oublier? Combien d'âmes douchées à coup de Zyklon B?
2. A legacy of hate
3. Kein kampf
Frustration, deperation, mass obliteration: a blueprint for the age of chaos! Kein kampf! War to end all wars: war against stupidity!
4. When they've burned down the books
Rabid dogs took over control! The crowd has been pleased by their inept decisions and their odious concepts. The crowd full of delight applaused the barked speeches of hate and contempt. No one said a word when they promised a reich for a thousand years. No one said a word when the rabid dogs burnt the books down!
5. Nazional fanatizm
Nazional fanatizm, so-called "socialism", faceless, meaningless, far from the human race! Not even a brain cell, let them all go to Hell! Frightening sight: your smile so bright! Extreme right: the ones to fight! Never wiser, never better, fucked up killers hailing Hitler!
6. Manufactured elimination
Des millions sont morts au nom de la loi du plus fort. Révolution industrielle: évolution factuelle! Médecins assermentés aux serments bafoués! Joseph Mengele, ange aux ailes souillées! Serments d'hypocrites et expériences interdites... Elimination manufacturée, solution finalisée: exterminer! Juifs, handicapés, pédés, tziganes, nègres, ratés: vermine, pourriture concentrée et éliminée. Dans les camps, parqués, à la mort destinés. Vies réduites en fumées dans les chambres à gazer. N'avions-nous pas promis de ne jamais oublier? Combien d'âmes douchées à coup de Zyklon B?
7. A forest (of corpses)
Come closer and see, corpses-made trees whisper silent blame, deep-rooted shame. Come closer and smell, odour of a dead end Hell. Wood plagued by smoke. Piles of bodies stocked. Can't you hear their voices calling your names, crying out their pains? Seeded human remains. Hear their voices, through the branches. Maintained forest by the facist pest. Hear their voices and start to run. Frayed by ourselves and our instincts of death. All we left behind? A legacy of hate... It's always the same, again and again and again...
8. Arbeit macht frei
Screams for pains and fears all falling on deaf ears. Kill without a tear. Perfection-made martyrs. Citizen's obedience without defiance. Horror incarnate: politics of hate. Nothing to gain, nothing but pain, only death is certain. To bleed then not to be is the only policy. Work or die. Work 'til you die. Work and die. Arbeit macht frei!
9. On the hunt
Sooner or later they will come back, like hunters, always on your track. On the hunt for fresh flesh! Always near, ready for attack, beware what's lurking in the dark! Memories disappearing fast, denying what has been done in the past. On the hunt for fresh flesh! Hateful brown hordes with a blood-red flag, guns in hand and ammos in their bags. Army of brainless fanatics blinded by angry politics on the hunt for fresh flesh!