
"Norse" (1998 EP)
1. Norse 2. Troll 3. Taering
1. Norse
my pagan ancestors call my name
through the white waterfalls of norway
from the dark and misty forests
from the mighty snowfilled mountains
through the winds of the northern sea
it�s been more than a thousand years
but still i am proud
still i am, norse
still the father of the north
embrace my soul
through the white waterfalls of norway
from the dark and misty forests
from the mighty snowfilled mountains
through the winds of the northern sea
let the fields and homes
turn into fire and blood
let the lambs be wolves
once again
i feel a pagan breeze
from the storms of the northern sea
let the northland of supreme
be the north of my dreams
once again
through the white waterfalls of norway
from the dark and misty forests
from the mighty snowfilled mountains
through the winds of the northern sea
2. Troll
eldgamle oyne kuasse som sverd
tarer og trege broyter seg frem
ondskapen lyser giennow ormeoyne
brunst skal brenne deg
taering taere deg
trool skal denge deg
giennom svarte skoger og rimdekte fiell
de vindtorre kvister hores som eld
giennom kratt og skoger med gnaldrende
skridende over doggvate fiell
3. Taering
brunst skal brenne deg
taering taere deg
trool skal denge deg