
"Exquisite Beauty of the Defiled" (2003)
1. Pleasure In Torture 2. Tool Shed Therapy 3. Source of My Evil 4. Orgasmic Mutilation 5. Driven By Voices 6. Headless And Raped 7. Realm of The Dead 8. Her Obituary Reads...
1. Pleasure In Torture
Pleasure in Torture
Sick, evil, sadistic, yearning to witness torture
Screams, in abject horror, raise me to bliss
Years I have spent, to see my art perfected
Taking all I can from my victims while they're still alive
A fresh specimen, to maim and to dissect
I'll keep the teeth, they're the parts that I collect
Sadistic tendencies consume my fragile mind
What's to be done with the next victim I find?
Tied up, oh where to begin
A straight razor relieves your face of skin
Nails through back of the hand will hold you in place
You'll spit out teeth after I hammer smash your face
Insane my mind afflicted by the desire to worship pain
Sick pleasure in torture, pliers attack hands again
Screams of agony escape your shaking lips
But you will never escape from my torture crypt
Sick, evil, sadistic, yearning to witness torture
Screams, in abject horror, raise me to bliss
Years I have spent, to see my art perfected
Taking all I can from my victims while they're still alive
2. Tool Shed Therapy
Tool Shed Therapy
My tools, lovely tools of grisly torture - facilitate, violent acts of therapy
Captured, victims soon to be freed, of the obligations of true existence
Take them to another level, a calm place, a quiet place,
where all that is known is peace, and death
Inner turmoil, released via torn artery
feel the stress leave as the hammer strikes again and again
darkest secrets removed through the hole I cut into your stomach
you will not scream, after I cut our your tongue
The hacksaw sinks its teeth into the shoulder, back and forth, over and over,
apply more force as the blade hits bone, suck the marrow from the stump
Depraved acts to end your suffering, wrench used for facial bludgeoning
We need you awake, a scalpel will remove those pesky eyelids
It's the tool shed therapy,
Your blood is all over me
Please stop bleeding, I am beginning to feel queasy
Cauterize: blowtorch will weld the stub shut
You scream, but you know I know what is best
regurgitation, vomit into the cut open chest
I will sate your fear of death, and grant you immortality
never to rot, as your living carcass mummified
Entrails spill to the concrete floor, Adding to the ever growing pile of gore
The bodily fluids creating a stench, at last my thirst for blood is quenched
The brutality of these acts, is justified by the simple facts
The people I take, I make them free, each becoming a part of me
It's the tool shed therapy,
Your blood is all over me
The horror continues, for the victim still alive, dissecting for all time
Exploring vital organs, while muscles are torn, chiseling the flesh off bone
Suck on your guts, you're fading, no I can't lose you now,
Stab you back to life with a butcher knife it's too late, you've flat lined
3. Source of My Evil
The Source of My Evil
I have located the source of my evil
That which brings me the pain
the pain which is only healed by the suffering of others
the affliction which drives me insane
The source of this evil is so obvious
That which makes me what I am,
the cause of others' misery apparent
the thing that makes me a man
I have chosen, to fight the evil - Human flesh weak, steel blade strong
I have chosen, to fight the evil - Need to bleed to be strong
First was to kill it, a simple task,
a creature without blood, is a creature without life
Needed to kill it, a simple task
used two dozen elastic bands
I began to hack with the rusty, dull blade,
rest assured, I felt no pain,
I began to hack with the rusty, dull blade,
for the last time I came
Grisly task completed, genital mutilation,
mental degradation caused androgynous creation
Grisly task completed, sexual destruction
Self-ordered injunction cure my dysfunction
I have located the source of my evil
That which brings me the pain
the pain that's only quelled by the suffering of others
the affliction which drives me insane
The source of this evil is so obvious
That which makes me what I am,
the cause of others' misery apparent
the thing that makes me a man
Grisly task completed, genital mutilation,
mental degradation caused androgynous creation
Grisly task completed, sexual destruction
Self-ordered injunction cure my dysfunction
But illusions die hard, just like it did,
Now I know, for nothing has changed,
Still the source of others' misery
Now I must be victimized
Rope tied to the ceiling
Stick my head inside thirteen loops
and the evil is vanquished
as I tip over the stool
4. Orgasmic Mutilation
Orgasmic Mutilation
Overcome by rage, I seek to dominate
Arousal found at the end of my blade
Another victim, homicide
Brutal, perverse, violence in the night
Attack was unexpected � I took her life
Another stranger's throat cut � disbelief in her eyes
Knife jammed into stomach, ripping entrails out � Orgasmic Mutilation
Aroused by mangled bodies, fondling the guts - Orgasmic Mutilation
I slit from throat to stomach, heart is in my mouth - Orgasmic Mutilation
Molesting ruptured innards, my sadistic vice - Orgasmic Mutilation
Another woman murdered to satisfy my desire
Searching for victims, which one will I find?
Horrific visions in my mind
I have an erection, I have a knife
And I have a woman with a fucking worthless life
Exquisite beauty of the defiled
Organs encrusted with semen, blood and bile
Evisceration � misogynistic
Vile, horrendous fetish for the sick
Slashed jugular spewing blood � obsession, desire
Slashed jugular spewing blood � dissection, climax
Horrific ways for them to die
Overcome by rage, I seek to dominate
Arousal found at the end of my blade
Another victim, homicide
Brutal, perverse, violence in the night
Attack was unexpected � I took her life
Another stranger's throat cut � disbelief in her eyes
Knife jammed into stomach, ripping entrails out � Orgasmic Mutilation
Aroused by mangled bodies, fondling the guts - Orgasmic Mutilation
I slit from throat to stomach, heart is in my mouth - Orgasmic Mutilation
Molesting ruptured innards, my sadistic vice - Orgasmic Mutilation
I will never stop
5. Driven By Voices
Driven by Voices
Another night, another exploit, across the tracks, to the other side of decency,
Never hurting anyone, I thought it nothing wrong
These women that I rent, they bring me the only joy I know
I pay them well, and guarantee their safety
Their company is blissful, I know of nothing better
and quietly, I return, to my lonely life
Until the day the madness came
The madness took control of my existence,
I know that they are evil, I know not what to do.
I am a slave to the whims of the voices, when I obey, I know no harm
I am a slave to the whims of the voices, these voices tell me to kill
They made me do it
They told me to hurt her, to beat her, to rape her,
they told me to burn her smooth, soft skin,
Oh how her brown eyes looked as she wept,
and when I finished, they told me to do it again.
They told me to drink her blood, to kiss her tears, I said that I was sorry
A battered carcass near death, had an interesting appeal,
it was then that I realized the voices were real,
the voices were my own
Another night, another exploit,
across the tracks, to the other side of decency,
With great enthusiasm,
I had her pre and postmortem
I cut off her pretty little head,
and ate her beautiful body
I am a slave to the whims of the voices, when I obey, I know no harm
I am a slave to the whims of the voices, these voices drive me to kill
6. Headless And Raped
Headless and Raped
You fucking bitch! Bleed!
Exacting my revenge, stabbing repeatedly
Blood to repay debt, morbid currency
With my knife, I'll sever your fucking head
Rape you after, and before you are dead
The time comes after months of waiting,
Planning every step
Fuck you hard and kill you slow
Hacking till there's nothing's left
Slit throat giving way- hair pulled as I rape from behind
Head is nearly ripped off- as I climax
Worthless bitch, kill you
Lacerating, your vagina
Fucking cunt, hate you
Kill you forever- decapitate
I stab, again and again
Head fully removed, thrown across the room
Fucking the headless cadaver, body still twitching
Blood is everywhere, violent and perverse
Lust induced quest for blood, I quench my thirst
Playing games of twisted pleasure,
morbid fantasy
Left no detail up to chance,
they will never find her body
Slit throat giving way- hair pulled as I rape from behind
They will never find her fucking body
Headless and raped
Bash the cranium against the wall
nothing left but skull chunks and puddles of gore
Raped again, an act obscene
Satisfied I leave the scene
Headless and raped
7. Realm of The Dead
Realm of the Dead
Darkness descends on the realm of the dead
Where humans are nothing more than names engraved in rock
In graves are they all, the loved and the loathed
With flashlight and shovel I seek to satisfy an urge
I feverishly search for that which I crave
A long departed lover in a consecrated grave
To find the blessed dead to sedate
My desire to exhume and rape
I stumble upon one whose name I recollect
A young murder victim, already erect
I begin to dig up hallowed earth
Knowing what this dead girl's worth
Six feet down is a long way to go, but I earn my just reward
Opening the coffin like a birthday present, in which my love is stored
The stench of putrid rot rushes out, nearly knocking me down
I cough and I gag at the smell of decay, nauseous and aroused
The mortician's makeup barely covered the wound
Which virtually severed her head
Enamored and lustful toward her beautiful corpse
I want to make love to the dead
I rip and I tear at the funeral dress
To see greasy white skin exposed
Drooling with anticipation
I remove the rest of her clothes
Darkness descends on the realm of the dead
Where humans are nothing more than names engraved in rock
In graves are they all, the loved and the loathed
With flashlight and shovel I seek to satisfy my urge
Finally the excitement drives me to the brink
Maddened by perverse pleasure, I can barely think
Seed spilled onto nude cadaver the putrid gift I gave
Exhausted, I pass out, still lying in the grave
8. Her Obituary Reads...
Her Obituary Reads�
The plans imperfect, the body was found
Headless cadaver, rotting in the ground
It's in the papers, it's on the tv,
Now everybody is looking for me
I was so careful, not careful enough
Visions of myself in handcuffs,
A vengeful father, an orphaned son
For a moment I question what I've done
Molested � Murdered � Left Headless
And I'm afraid they'll find me
Again the panic starts to rise
I feel it every time she dies
Blood on my hands, hatred in my soul
Dark forces vying for control
My fight for sanity is lost
There's no escape for me now
The only thing I wonder is how
Her obituary reads�
The plans imperfect, the body was found
Headless cadaver, rotting in the ground
A solution, I figured it out
Get my gun, put it in my mouth
Molested � Murdered � Left Headless
And I'm afraid they'll find me
Again the panic starts to rise
I feel it every time she dies
Blood on my hands, hatred in my soul
Dark forces vying for control