
"The Lost City" (2001 Demo)
1. Sadism Beyond the Night Adored 2. Cro-Magnon Man 3. Kielich Cierpienia 4. In the Name of Belief? 5. Fate 6. Winter Queen 7. Sentenced to Death 8. Life 9. Shoggoth 10. Beast 11. Too Late? 12. The Autumn Goddess 13. Into the Abyss I Fall 14. Invisible Man [Queen cover]
1. Sadism Beyond the Night Adored
Dive your hand in the lake of shadow
seeking the pleasure you've never had
Oval mirrors of the truth will show
your real face you've been hiding for ages
Your unequivocal personality
demands you appease cruel soul of yours
Desirous of purgative suffering
seat of serpents from paradise expelled
Masochistic soul
Vampire come to me
Masochistic soul
Plunge your sharp teeth
Flog me, flog me hard please, use this uncommon whip
By the sweat of your brow let my desire grow
Put on your leather clothes, be aggressive, unbridled oh
Hold this tireless whip tight, it has soaked in my blood
Chain me to the bed, be naughty, be real bad
Tighten those cords on my legs, temptation says more, she begs
Make our unrestrained lust blend and my body will rend
When you drive in your nails into my chest
Lash me lash me hard please, be an unity with the whip
Flow softly, slowly in the air, then fall absolutely (faster)
Hit me sorely that I'm hurt, wound of scream has opened
Kill me - this is my last wish, satisfy me - do it for my relish
Gravediggers are dragging coffin with the corpse
Funeral pyre is burning, in fire is the cross
And there she is embracing the grave, grinding her claws on the tombstone
Preparing the way into heart of fire where her lover devil's enthroned
Now she will take me to her world - undying world of deathless life
And I'll go to her unfreezing world and I'll stay in her thorny arms
Coming down to the gates of hell, Feeling hot, pleasure and pain
Ecstasy tears my bleeding mind, Devil's whore, Heaven's bride
Her ravenblack beautiful hair smells so well in the air
I didn't even suppose when she stifled the cross
That source of her never ending life - blood being sucked from thousand veins
Brings such an unspeakable pleasure... Sadist's been born this way in me
Sadistic soul - I can give you pain
Sadistic soul - Vampire princess my love
Sadistic soul - I will open your veins
Sadistic soul - All before the day
I will lay my head on your thighs my dear, I will suck you out.
I will bring you misery my dear... All this until the light.
Night used to be my love some day - for her grace I implored.
Now I am possessed by the sadism beyond the night adored
2. Cro-Magnon Man
The wildest man
Half-human Half-beast
Born of the hate
With armoured fists
Cro-Magnon Man - Arise!
God didn't exist
Satan was in cradle
Evil, evil's fortress
He was - independent
Coming from nowhere
He caused humanity
Hunted, but a slayer
Didn't want to be
Great morph - become!
Animal instinct
Managed his behaves
However evolution
Made a man of nowadays
Evil's fortress - opened!
3. Kielich Cierpienia
Wznoszê dziś toast praojców z³a
Zew krwi, m¹ matk¹ ksiê¿yca blask
Czarodziej cienia rzuca wyzwanie
Czas polowania dziś ³owów czas
Szukam wolności
Szukam ofiary
Magia ciemności
Nocne koszmary
Z g³êbin otch³ani
Wyrasta krew
Smak przeznaczenia
Upiorny śmiech
Kropla z ¿y³ twoich
Daje nam ¿ycie
Dzisiaj poczujesz
Rozkoszny ból
Trupia muzyka
W naszej świ¹tyni
Sp³odzi³a bestiê
Nadchodzi król
Martwi poddani czarnej królowej oddaj¹ cześæ
Ponury taniec w matni grobowej śpiewaj¹ pieśñ
Pośród nich ja s³uga ciemności niewolnik krwi
G³ód nienawiści smak niewinności do koñca dni
Spijaj, spijaj gor¹c¹ ciecz
4. In the Name of Belief?
Church that's the farce where
Priest plays the main part
Crowds of believers
They come by habit
Come by habit
Cheap performance, zero belief
Everything is scheming
Miserable words with no meaning
They deceive everyday
Many stupid people
Seek more profounding thing
That the one you see
Mass that's only a play
Performed in the church week by week
Exactly the same
The public knows parts
Actors accompany them
Exactly the same
In the name of belief?
This is only cheap performance
Which has been lasting for ages
Deceives people just like you!
...it's only cheap performance...
5. Fate
Angel of darkness finished his job
He gathered his sheep together
Now they will drink his poisonous juices
From the shell of their sins
Whispers from their hearts
Tell the brutal truth
We're drowning in the sea of misery
There's no hope only fate
The winter is coming soon
With deadly forces of doom
Daemons are out there
Beware, beware...
The crime with no fear
Assassin's getting near
The victim is a man
Again, again...
Blood flowing
Blood teasing
Blood screaming
Like a madman's fury
This is the end
Forces of good on their knees
Death gives us the last kiss
Say farewell to the grave
Escape, escape...
You know you're in the trap
Your brain and mind collapsed
Drink the poisonous vine
Or die, or die...
6. Winter Queen
In the land of ice, under frozen lake
Lies the Winter Queen
In white gome she comes to my house at night
She's my only dream
I'll do anything she ordered to me
But I cannot come with her
Only souls of death are her closest friends
In the endless cold
Door is open come inside
Lights are off
Be my bride
Darkest feelings came inside
Bloody tears flow when I cry
The only way out is the suicide
Only way out - suicide
7. Sentenced to Death
The one who's sitting on the highest throne
imposed the punishment before I was born
Sentenced to death
The one who reigns over the rest
sentenced me for eternal anguish and pain
Nobody imposed me what to do,
nobody imposed white kerchief on my head
Now it's too late. Sentenced to death.
I am the judge, I am executioner
Sentence has just fallen
Now I am waiting for the day
When I won't cross the kerchief on my eyes
Kerchief is black and I am sentenced
Sentenced to death
Although I am still alive I am dead already
It's a transitory condition
Between actual death and moment of sentence
8. Life
Through the oceans of fame
Through the lies of people
We are fulfilling life
Through the mountains of trouble
Through the corroded lands
We go until we die
We have to pay the price of living
So many things we've done
So many things we've changed
Waiting for prodigy
So close we were
And we have attended
The Human glory
Life must end - this is fate
But grave, my friend, you have to wait
9. Shoggoth
Light obeys the reign of dark
Cry of death
King of life prince of sin
Hides in depth
Hell on Earth
Endless fate
Venom fills the poisonous snake
Living eons
Crawling creatures in the sea
Immortal life
Die the future and the past
Shadows are near
Find the truth at least at last
Forbidden fear
Madness calls
Dead sanity
Forgotten cellars ancient myth
Down on the knees
Obey the one
Lord of destiny kills our sun
Kills our sun
Combat between life and death
Witchcraft rages it's last breath
Doom, doom becomes in stealth
Venom, venom, venom kills the health
10. Beast
For the beast living inside me
Impossible to see
Eternity's end seems to be hazy
Or even doesn't exist
No one orders her to creep
To make a sacrifice for
Deity of living dreams
Beast into my mind
Beast into my heart
Beast into my veins
Beast - the claimed
Oh there's always
Just one gorgeous guide
Do it (do it) he whispers
Call on the dark
Oh there's always
Just one hidden beast
Do it (do it) she whispers
Reject your fears
And step into the hell
Hard way, highway
Six feet under the ground
Many tried carefully to do
A quick backward step
They could only try
'cause the helpful beast
Always hardly insists
She leads them slowly through the shady halls
Filled up with screams of the painful delight
Fear defies her deceptive charm
(losers) they're going down do die
She's the one to serve, to watch the fireplace
She cleans every path and step to make it easy way
Beast prepares unknown decoction
No one even tries to exclaim
Oh she makes it easy way
Grave digger's friend
Slide, slide she used to say
Just like the serpent
11. Too Late?
Who am I?
Am I sly?
Trying to cheat
Cheat with lie
Who am I?
Am I thy?
Has this spirit
Burnt inside?
The truth is...
I tried
Who are You?
Are You true
Feeling fear
In the moonlight?
Who are You?
Are You true?
If You are
When moon looms
Just come into
My arms...
It there is any chance
If it isn't too late
Just call my name
If the wind still remains
If it carries Your name
Don't say our time is up
Who are We?
What You see?
What You feel?
Is it real?
Who are We?
Are We sin?
If We are
Let it be
Who are We?
Are We sin?
If it's a sin
Worth a sin
Let it be
But just try...
Who is He?
Is He real?
He is not
Not for me
Who is He?
Is He real?
Yes He is
But won't be
If You just
Come back to me...
World's gone crazy
So have I
Who am I?
Morning sky
Waiting for the
Sunset's bloody cry
Who am I?
Am I eyes
Of the fate
Ruling over life?
Who are You?
Are You poor
When Your life
Is just for You?
Who are You?
Your heart's hue
Seems to change
Into the cold blue
By Wawok
12. The Autumn Goddess
In fallen leaves, in drops of rain
In smoke of fire I see her face
Deep in the forest, forces of nature
Whispers of winds shouting her name
Forever goddess - lady in grey
With Autumn Goddess they've started their dance
The night is sleepless
The moon has risen
Cry with me in the sleepless night
The Autumn Goddess
Dance with me in the moonlight
The Autumn Goddess
Another step
Come to me now
In my grey soul
You'll loose your mind
Her tragic kingdom comes from the wildness
And secrets hidden in mystic smile
All fallen creatures obey her highness
The majesty of sadness and lie
Voices of pleasure resound in silence
In endless night when stars don't shine
Mysterious slaves adore her violence
In gravy dance with screams and cries
Grey are her eyes
Grey are her breasts
Grey are her lips
Grey are her hips
From circle of colours I want to escape
Grey is her smile
Grey are her cries
Grey is her dance
Grey are her senses
With all of my heart I want to be grey
13. Into the Abyss I Fall
Oxiayala holado, od zodirome O coraxo das zodiladare raasyo.
Od vabezodire cameliaxa od bahala. NISO! salamanu telocahe!
Lucifer is calling my name
From the depth of his throat
Down, where the angels fall
As their wings blacken and burn
Fall... burn... Lucifer is calling my name
Down to his belly
Among the stormy winds
Swallowed I'm being
As a fresh scrap of meat
Am I dead or I have to die
When the death plays her melody
Her melody for the end of life
I'll release my sins
I'll let them flow
In this darkening sea
Which this abyss seems to be
Drown... deep... That's his majesty's wish
Casaremanu hoel-qo, od ti ta zod cahisa soba coremefa iga.
NIISA! bagile aberamehi nonuc, ape.
14. Invisible Man [Queen cover]