
"Dance of Clouds" (1998 Demo)
1. Intro 2. Beyond of the death 3. Who it know and they in some place need of a god? 4. Death in the desert 5. Lost Flower 6. Roar horror 7. Suicidal 8. After observing 9. From their robbed grace 10. Dance of clouds
1. Intro
2. Beyond of the death
I was heard the rays of the
sweeping the waters, making
a sound
like the silver threads, that
make cry.
I was Heard the rake of the
you shatter pulsants and the
from the slow moon that is
crossed the night
I was Heard the shades hit
the water,
and the fluid sound of the
that they flfter in the sand of
the bank
I was Heard the light of the
sun that perforates
the darkness with a golden
humming with their voice of
countless colors.
I was Heard the sound taht
between the atoms that
in the golden bar
It was Heard the sound of the
upon leaning on their
cushions of air,
and the whistle of the tassels
from the sallow when the
wind blew them,
and the sharp sound that the
insects proclaim on the
leaves of grass,
and the multitude of sounds
that they are hidden in the
root of the things
Oh! Heard I was the song of
resurrection that all the
seeds intone upon sprouting...
3. Who it know and they in some place need of a god?
Yesterday I saw a church
in her a wall, in the wall a
in the door a paper, that it
said close
and a sign that said so
...with sadness appear in my
the terrible battles that next
to my siblings fight
the blood that I on behalf of
the Kingdom spill out
that of nothing served to
present eats up a flunky
being the son of the king
thousand books with
promises and threats
two thousand year of wait
and a man to wich the
others men
they gave you the power of
for that not said that this was
not a war
if not justo work of conviction
for that father doesn't tell
once and for all
and for all that we go make
we not longer want but
we want to you
for that we cried by day and
at night
for that they burn our hearts
because a tear of yours of
it would turn off this pain
because they burn of in
today I close our house
because there is not who visit
because there is not war
we didn't get tired of to fight
the enemy believes
inadequate fight for taht is
already his
today I under of my cross
I pick up my things and I
who it know and they in
some place need of a god
4. Death in the desert
Everything toward the death
advances in concert
the whole life changing until
be died
who he/she/it/you saw
the wall for rotated earth
and so high lifted up the
my be existed changes and
all integer, like tree that gets
undressed in the January
they were my enjoyments
dawns of happiness, more
fleeting than the hour of the
and more than the
(lanzadera) in the loom
and the so slight lark in the
soul, you/he/she/it in
your enclosure take refug
under the pain, like the spike
in the (troje) the farmer
lift, heart thatv these dead
skeleton of lion in the desert
you pilgrim
how spike that grenade
he/she/it/you goes to
the mill
the life, powder in the flying
5. Lost Flower
Black hopes full of pleasure
(sadomita) girl woman
you rejoiced in the fields of
the richness
damned dawns
nights of pain become
amusing girl your age was
not difficult
for a sick father and without
the one that you became
their object of pleasure
oh pain that your father
teaches you
oh enjoys that the life
teaches you how to want
not at all it of that is strange
not at all it of that frighten
alone the led of your
alone see you become the
queen of the night
she is that our attention calls
knowing that it today is your
thirteen years make that you
were born
and six that you began your
sppedy you traveled wich
leaf to the wind
today everything is equal
today everything is pain
today die is a pleasure
beautiful girl woman, flower
at night
withered bud to the dawn
alone a kiss and a
melancholy and flleting
and a congratulation
happy nights, happy pain
happy and perversion.
6. Roar horror
Under life in to water
in a turbulent sea
a lament in to darkness
remember wrating words
with in of blood
for a crazy poet and maldit
A strange dream it bring near
to your reach
gold place and peak of silver
you will not fine a human
come back to a terrible time
and strange
Roar horror
entered in the arcane of time
reyantraveller of equilibrum
Expel from the great
the breatcthulhu lies
waiting his turn
for will ascend again and
takes possesion
of land, seas, and it that lives
in these
again like before and before
Thousand prayers in so long
don't liberate to him
virgins blood has run on his
legion that he awakening
now they their days
with the cursed night
7. Suicidal
8. After observing
Suddenly I began to see the reality
suddenly I began to see with
the eyes of a dead
the beautiful of the life
with the eyes of a dog
the easy that is to live
with the eyes of a religious
the easy that is allow to
with the eyes of an angel
the ridicolous that are the
with the eye of an eagle
the beautiful that is to fly
with the drugged eyes
how it distort the reality
with the eyes of a Papa
the beautiful that is to have
the world to your feet
with the eye of a politician
the cool that is fuck
with the eyes of a mother
the nost occult beauty in a
son miscarries of the nature
with the eyes of the love
blind, blind...
with the eyes of Satan
I saw all the above mentioned
knowing their virtues and
differentiating the good and
the wrong
and where it reside the true
love to the humanity
and I began to observe with
the eye of god
and I didn't want to see but
and I began to cry.
9. From their robbed grace
She hill their eyes
wanting to find that lost
in total darkness
and she flew
she flew
like the smoked of a crossed
blaze sanctified
she burned and she in an
instant in smoke was
she travel happy and
now you know what it is
now you know what it is
She swallow the pill of the
eternal happiness
aspirin of eternal remedy
a clean and pure end
never you like to be informal
who cry hypocritical tears
because now and not when
one of her
it had put a stop to this pain
it had stopped this pain
it had stopped this solitude
bud broken of a cut
before being flower
beautiful rose of their robbed
and she opened their eyes
and she in front of her found
a light
all an illuminated and
beautiful life
amplified in all their
thanks to a dream
fewer wrong than was not
fewer wrong than was not
was not real
10. Dance of clouds