
"Cruel!" (1998)
1. Reign Of Inner Pain 2. Into The Labyrinths Of Deviance 3. A Fateful Vision Of Our Ruin 4. Glorifying Destructive Sexuality 5. The Seven Spheres Of Dante`s Inferno 6. Burnt Alive In A Barn 7. Paradise For Perverts 8. Trench Warfare
1. Reign Of Inner Pain
Confusion in my head
Devoured by insane brainwave
Flashes of squashed dead
Unbearable visions rave
Reign of inner pain (4x)
Ego broken by humiliation
I seek for peace of mind
Only haunted by hallucination
Wishing I was blind
In my eyes, shining blood
In my heart, corroding blackness
In my brain, destroying thoughts
Merciless reign of inner pain
World of escalating decadence
Yearning for cruel vengeance
I avoid the burning daylight
Hunting my prey through the night
Can?t discern dreams from reality
Life ruled by perverted phantasy
Can?t endure this wretchedness
Plunging into craziness
Eaten by terrible pain
Sinking in endless desolation
Around me, inconceavable disdain
Incurable spiritual devastation
Inside my grieved skull
Millions of razorblades cutting
Suffer from devilish bloodpoisoning
Infected by a cryptic cult
Kill me before I hurt you
Dying by mental torture
Hurt me when I?ll kill you
Agony, my secret pleasure
In my eyes, shining blood
In my heart, corroding blackness
In my brain, destroying thoughts
Merciless reign of inner pain
Reign of inner pain (2x)
Surrounded with relentless intolerance
Can?t find any relief
Captured in a sphere of violence
Have lost all my belief
2. Into The Labyrinths Of Deviance
Still a young and innocent child
Beaten by his mother and abused by his father
She always told him ?Dont look through the key-hole,
When Im busy with your uncle?
Conflict and anger in his mind became worse and worse
This beautiful cat of our crazy neighbors
?I could torture and rip it up?, he thought
Little experiment to control life and death
Hate, death & sexual desire burning inside him
Love he needs, but pain and suffering he brings
The cat became a little pretty blond girl
Raped and beaten to death, his first human victim
Welcome to the labyrinths of deviance
Enter the gloomy world of depravation
Into the labyrinths of deviance
Enter the gloomy world of depravation
Losing control of his murderous destiny
What was wrong with this affectionate man?
Dreams always turned to deviated sex
Combined with mutilation, open wounds
One after one, raped, sodomized, killed
Each murder more cruel and perfectionated
The bodies lacerated, cut into pieces and burned
Ultimate abomination, gruesome hallucination
Dark fantasies became obssessive reality
Body count growing month after month
Sheer panic spreading out in the city
Unstoppable bloodbath was his fate
The bodies lacerated, cut into pieces and burned
Ultimate abomination, gruesome hallucination
3. A Fateful Vision Of Our Ruin
Prosperity, peace, vitality
Poverty, war, reality
Political incompetence
Economical dependence
Corrosive manipulation of mind
Computerdatas, unrestricted control
Multimedias make you blind
No possibility for any loop-hole
Between poor and rich, a growing gap
Alcohol & drugs, psychical dominance
Killing & conflicts, ruled by intolerance
On each dark corner a deadly trap
Prosperity ? Control
Between ? Trap
Do we know what we?re doin??
It?s the way in our ruin!
A fateful vision in our ruin (2x)
Do we know what we?re doin??
It?s the way in our ruin!
Ozone layer completely destroyed
Future generations gradually condemned
New air-breeding virus-diseases
The risk of decimation constantly increases
Unnatural genetical manipulation
Massive abusing of Mother Nature
Cloning, medical experimentation
Humanity?s afflicting failure (2x)
At the edge of the twenty-first century
Atomical waste, thousand years of frost
Optimistic vision of prosperity lost
Mankind is playing with its destiny
Between ? Trap
Do we know what we?re doin??
It?s the way in our ruin!
A fateful vision in our ruin (2x)
Do we know what we?re doin??
It?s the way in our ruin!
4. Glorifying Destructive Sexuality
Im a sadistic killer
Dominated by sanguinary perversities
Drowned in incestuous phantasies
Guided by rage and obscure anger
Show no mercy to my helpless victims
Raping, mutilating, torturing
My climax, their endless suffering
Living in a world of pure cynism
Mother, daughter, son, youre the next feast
Absolute control over a little family
In the claws of a human beast
Buccal castration, perverse glory
Im a sadistic killer
Ive no remorse
Im a perverse sinner
Living by brute force
Crucify the boy with skrewdrivers
Hands and feet nailed to the wall
Tender and sweet life?s downfall
Young flesh wounded with carving-knives
Mother nailed on the bloody ground
Ten-inch nails through hands and knees
Boys gluey innards in the mouth
Oh my God, kill me, please!
Teenage-girl tied with barbed-wires
Penetrate the virginal cunt, little cries
Tear off the clitoris with pincers
Cutted nipples in my fingers
After this delicious prelude
Mom?s glorious hour has come
In my gory hell, you?re welcome
Frantic orgasm beyond dispute
Ejaculate my sperm in her face
Eat the shit for Lucifers grace
A last fuck in her opened chest
With sadistic hunger Im blessed!
Glorifying destructive sexualiy (2x)
Mother, daughter, son, youre the next feast
Absolute control over a little family
5. The Seven Spheres Of Dante`s Inferno
Leave the vestibule of Hell
And enter its highest sphere
Never have sinned, but unbelieving
The place of the unbaptized children
Credo in un Dio crudel (2x)
Meet Minos the judge of the dead
Descend the slope to the second sphere
Swarms of people flying in the sky
They have lived in voluptuousness
In the swamp and shower of hail, the gluttons
Hoarders and prodigals fighting eachother
Deeper and deeper in the slough
The furious and stubbons are swearing
The worst sinners in this sphere
Phlegyas brings you to the center
Reek of excrements, smoke, rot and pestilence
Groans, whimper, croak and swear
Reach Acheron the sea of boiling blood
Where murderers and torturers are punished
Followed by the forest of the suicides
Each tree containing the soul of a dead
In a burning sand-desert, snowing fire flakes
Homosexuals, lesbians, sodomists, unnatural love
Credo in un Dio crudel (2x)
Reek of excrements, smoke, rot and pestilence
Groans, whimper, croak and swear
Reach Acheron the sea of boiling blood
Where murderers and torturers are punished
Followed by the forest of the suicides
Each tree containing the soul of a dead
In a burning sand-desert, snowing fire flakes
Homosexuals, lesbians, sodomists, unnatural love
Procurer and seducer in the first pit
Whipped by black horned demons
Flatterer in the next hole
A river of excrements, a pit full of sh*t
Corrupt, corruptible, thief, faker
All have their own pools of blood
Leave the vestibule of Hell
And enter its highest sphere
Credo in un Dio crudel
6. Burnt Alive In A Barn
Burnt alive in a barn
They were two thousand internees
For six days and nights an agonizing exodus
Assassinated on the road, enclosed in waggons
Deportees must be liquidated
At the sixth day thousand rescued
Agglutinated in the barn
Burn them all in a barn
Last massacre (6x)
The floor was covered with straw
And the straw impregnated with oil
The doors closed and barricaded
Soldiers set fire with torches
Flames rised up, imploring howlings
Petrified, roasted alive
Burn them all in a barn
Last massacre (4x)
Machine guns crackled,
All the sick slashed
Decomposed, harrowing cries
A pile of corpses burnt to death
Howlings, moanings, rattles and groans
Seven hours of debauchery
The most disgusting crime in history (2x)
7. Paradise For Perverts
Youll die - a painful death
Im your God - of torture and perversion
Thousands of dead or living humans are taken for experiments
Fear of medics; medics who dont help you at all
Objects for science and research, victims of perverts in white
Human material for studying
Murdered by collection of brains, infected with diseases
Unvoluntary experimental subjects
Cruel despise of all the defenceless
Testing of hunger: How long can you live without eating?
Victims of vaccinations end with ?exitus? - In most cases
Invalids and cripples with special feeding-
No bread and no flesh
Paradise for perverts (4x)
Months of awfully pining away
Paradise for perverts (2x)
No hope to end the struggle,
Killing a jew with a syringe
Directly into the heart
All this in the name of medicine,
How perverse can it get?
Paradise for perverts (2x)
Hidden cellar, citadel of horror, poison gas tested on humans
Bursting of lungs, corroding of skins, starring eyes, asphixiation
Deforming the face, bleeding tears,
Endless suffering, colossal pain
All this in the name of medicine,
How perverse can it get?
Carving the stomach, cut off the head and preparing the teeth
Torture chamber kills with below atmospheric pressure,
Getting blind
Paralysed, spasms, madness, death the result
Dissected alive, death by cold
Cutting deep wounds to the bone
Or smashing them with a hammer
Incredible agony
Why did you let it happen?
8. Trench Warfare
Hours of boredom alternating
With short periods of combat
Sleep with fat rats and vermin
Live an animal and lethargic life
The front, a formless landscape,
Shot with smoking craters
In the air, atrocious stench of corpses
Perpetual battle against the elements
Flows of mud carry away the fillings,
Changing the trench into an icy sewer
Suddenly bombardment breaks up
Lacerating shrapnels specially dreaded
The shell-fire sometimes so violent
After this inferno, gather the dead
Runners carry the reports to the HQ
?Line cleaners? crawl in no-man?s land
Slide into the enemy-lines through the night,
Cut off a throat with the dagger
Sappers shear the barbed-wire entanglements,
Dig out tunnels under the enemy-lines
Finally the hour of decisive attack
Infantrymen rush out of the trenches
Trying to penetrate the enemy-device
Abrupt bursts of gun-fire starting
Thousands of soldiers in the battle,
Only a handful reaching the target
Stab, shoot, hack and kill (3x)
Throw hand-grenades, jump in the trenches
Now starts the massacre, brief and terrible
Stab, shoot, hack and kill (2x)
Throw hand-grenades, jump in the trenches
Now starts the massacre, brief and terrible
In a few seconds, it?s all over.