
"Tribute to Totalitarianism" (2007)
1. Regime of Redemption 2. In the Name of Freedom 3. No Place Like Home 4. The Best of Two Evils 5. Hell on Earth 6. New World Order 7. Out of Many, One 8. Twelve Starred Banner 9. The Father, The Son & The Holy President 10. Hail Victory 11. Deliverance
1. Regime of Redemption
The misery all started in 1776
When a bunch of petty farmers began fighting off the Brits
You were being taxed without having anything to say
A national trauma from which you suffer until this day
If your nation had a psyche then I’d call it paranoid
To ensure your survival all threats must be destroyed
Many men have perished, many more will be undone
In the Founding Fathers’ quest to forge out of many, one
If you are a patriot
then God is on your side
Impose your sense of justice,
protect your way of life
An inalienable right
that is passed from father to son
To make sure the stars and stripes
will always overcome
Regime of Redemption
With the outbreak of the civil war in 1861
Brothers were killing brothers, and fathers butchering sons
This profound inner conflict took your confidence away
Another national trauma from which you suffer until this day
You still want us to be grateful
for what you did in World War Two
But you acted from self-interest,
because the Germans were a threat to you
One doesn’t have to be a genius
to see what’s on your mind
You may fool the fools
but I will never trust in you and your kind
Regime of Redemption
If your nation has a character then it I’ll never comprehend
With your obtrusive attitude you’re not making loyal friends
You talk of mutual interest, but this alliance will not last
When we’re totally dependent, then Judas will shed its mask
2. In the Name of Freedom
How long have we been around, I guess 150 K or so
Homo sapiens arose with the ability to learn and grow
Man won’t survive that long again, that much is certain
At the zenith of our progress we have now to bear it’s burden
All adhere the Order of the Fuhrer of the Free
Spark the powder keg – In the name of democracy
All obey the Order of the Fuhrer of the Free
Spark the powder keg – igniting World War Three
Increasing unemployment and a stagnant economy
Eliminate our welfare and our freedom of speech
Many things have changed unlike anything before
The media are partisan, the system corrupt to the core
“Qui desiderat pacem, preaperet bellum”
Who wishes peace, prepare for war instead
Mankind is heading back to the abyss
Because peace is not is what you’ll get
You are being called upon
Submit your daughters and sons
Stand to Red, White and Blue
In the name of freedom
All adhere the Order of the Fuhrer of the Free
Spark the powder keg – Resolved we must be
All obey the Order of the Fuhrer of the Free
Spark the powder keg – But don’t do it for me
How long have we been around, I guess a hundred K or so
Homo sapiens arose to fuck up and be overthrown
When the ordeal is over, we’ll be back where we begun
But we all owe it to ourselves; the worst is yet to come
We’ll be undone.
3. No Place Like Home
I used to love my country - A low land near the sea
Friendly and civilized - So orderly and free
Loved for its tolerance - Once a model state
Now a delusion - It’s all altering these days
Feel the discontent - See the decay
Challenge the “progress”, defy all the things it changed
Clear your mind – Hear what I say
Don’t let us degenerate, into a nation of deranged
I long for my homeland - How nice it used to be
Now I curse this shitty country - We are no longer free
It’s a panopticon - Where many men and women
Are afraid of being killed - For exercising their own opinion
Hear the deafening sound of silent marches
Against senseless violence in our streets
Do you really think this is a remedy
How sensible can violence be?
The land I speak of is run by fools
Trades are no longer taught at secular schools
The land I speak of has nothing left to prove
To demoralized elderly and wasted youth
We lost our identity - We stand alone
And though I fucking hate it
There is no place like home
No place like home
Concerned and sentimental - Perhaps I’m too naive
But this shitty country is still a part of me
Like sheep in a slaughterhouse - A scenario of doom
Our altruism must be stopped or we’ll drown in eternal gloom
Feel the discontent - See the decay
Challenge the “progress”, defy all the things it changed
Clear your mind – Hear what I say
Don’t let us degenerate, into a nation of deranged
The vicious beast of globalization
Caught us and dragged us to its lair
No one makes an effort to escape its grip
Trapped in the claws of despair
The land I speak of has a lot to loose
We're lead to the gallows - They put our heads into the noose
The land I speak of - Agenda’s unfurl
We are misguided by our wretched world
We lost our sanity - I feel alone
And though I fucking hate it
There is no place like home
No place like fucking home
4. The Best of Two Evils
Another war in another time, the essence is the same
Since medieval times we have played this gruesome game
We pretend to hate this culture, and they’re eager to defend
Yet we, with our western attitude, still don’t comprehend
It is our divine duty, to re-colonize this world
Impose to them our morals, and civilize these hordes
A conflict of opposing doctrines, or of wealth against the poor
We must defy them them, God bless our holy war
As we increase our dominance, be sure they will fight back
Since they can’t defeat our forces, they seek new means to attack
We ventured in a bee hive, where the enemy is all around
A woman or a six year old, we should all gun them down
How can you choose between two evils?
Human rights are senseless, and they ruin our game
Bend, then break their spirit, the evil must be contained
They deserve no justice, these prisoners without name
And with help from God Almighty we will eradicate this stain
Are they desperate, or are they truly brave
Are they just retarded, or protective of their faith
One thing is for certain, no-one will be safe
Because they will rather die than be enslaved
Do you think a piece of desert is what you’re fighting for
As we’re heading straight towards an Orwellian World
The first signs of Armageddon, two evils aim for war
And this is just the beginning of what we will endure
I am sure
5. Hell on Earth
Supposedly there’s a hell on earth
In some country far away
But I cannot relate to this
It’s not happening to me
They show the losers on the news at night
Hopes for peace have long been lost
A booby trap, a dozen dead
It leaves me untouched
They preach the beginning - of the end of times
As described in Revelation
That we’ll stand trial - for all our crimes
And face a time of tribulation
I don’t know and I don’t care
Blame my xenophobic ways
Not one of them and I’m not there
It does not affect me anyway
I’m glad to know – Still safe at home
But they are getting on my nerves
Suicidal lunatics – fueled by fanatics
Let’s give them what they deserve
Hell On Earth
They oppose and reject our civilized values
and don’t want our democracy installed
It’s blasphemy in the Church of Mankind
For this we’ll fight them ‘till they fall
They are only Arabs
Just let them rot in hell
Since we need their treasures
Our boys are fighting well
It is no coincidence
That we are living “free”
It never was a luxury
And it will never be
Apparently there’s a hell on earth
In some country far away
But I don’t give a shit for this
It’s the price they have to pay
They show the culprits on the news at night
Sanity has long been lost
Another car bomb, a dozen dead
Still I’m untouched
I’m glad to know – Still safe at home
But it is getting on my nerves
Suicidal lunatics – fueled by fanatics
Let’s give them what they deserve
Hell On Earth
6. New World Order
Finally now happened what was already plain to see
We’re part of the so-called brave and the wannabe-free
With vile propaganda, our minds have been impaired
Under a new dictatorship, but no-one seems to care
Soon this modern crusade will have it’s end
Many lives, a lot of money have been spent
You taught us theologies of hate
Restored new prejudice and faith
Welcome the New World Order
You exported violence - Preached intolerance
so you did since 1492
You taught oppression - Installed aggression
And now it’s getting back at you
Welcome the New World Order
You grew with every opportunity that passed
Since you felt the power of kicking English ass
It’s in your anthem, it all makes sense
A preliminary strike is still the best defense!
When their cause is just
Then conquer they must
And this be their motto
In God is their trust
You force us how to obey without debate
Dictate us that we have to fight any backward faith
Our destiny is now under your control
But to me you are the most backward of them all
A sensible consequence of your violent past
In time you‘ve grown and now you will not rest
Until your flag in victory shall wave
Over the lands of the meek and home of the enslaved
7. Out of Many, One
8. Twelve Starred Banner
9. The Father, The Son & The Holy President
It has been so obvious so the truth had to come to light
Yet there is no turning back, no more veils to hide behind
The choice has been made for us to silence Mohammed’s word
The last crusade of all crusades to have His dominance restored
A pursuit of power and barrels gasoline
Impose the right religion or anything in between
Incite a cultural conflict, provoke a racial war
By making all of us believe How insignificant we are
If His mighty arm demands it
The machinery will halt
No need to feel sorry
After all it’s our own fault
We swallowed all His fucking lies
We thought we knew what it meant
To have faith in The Son, The Father
And our Holy President
Our faith is not of Jesus, but a greater deity
A true faith of the freedoms that He preserves for me
Now His mighty arm demands it
All humanity will halt
No need to be sorry
After all it’s our own fault
We’ll stand by His fucking lies
No matter what they meant
Now praise The Son, The Father
And our Holy President
“Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
Let earth and heaven be the same.
Give us this day your judgment;
And reclaim all our debts
We could not resist temptation,
Now deliver us to evil”
10. Hail Victory
The history of Man has entered a new stage
The zenith of all the wars you ever waged
You incited the biggest mass-extinction
Known to us since the end of the Permian Age
I know your capabilities – Its worst I’ve seen
Now all that ever was - Will no longer be
One death is a tragedy - A billion a statistic
I’m glad you were not meant to be – when I’m being realistic
Nobody cares if you die
We all have witnessed your decline
You made us all part of your biggest crime
In evolution this offence will be known
As the Cenozoic Genocide
You pay the price of progress – it should‘ve been foreseen
All that ever could - can no longer be
Survivors die of cancer – deformed baby’s die at birth
Microbes and single-cells will inherit our barren earth
Isotopes drift further with every gust
Contaminated clouds spread radioactive dust
Gamma rays beaming through the stratosphere
Now meet your maker, your deliverance - is here!
God doesn’t care if you die
He will rejoice - And so will I
It’s what you wanted – and so it shall be done
Despite the omens - you have never grown beyond
A flaw in evolution – Now cherish your demise
On behalf of all humanity
I apologize
11. Deliverance