
"Vicycle Seasons" (2007 Demo)
1. The Embrace 2. Far from the Asphodels 3. Soliloquies on Another Black Day 4. Inland Empire 5. King ov Lapithes 6. Process 7. March of the Three Fates 8. Ruin Circle
1. The Embrace
2. Far from the Asphodels
Beyond the lovely far-off lands of Arcadia. Styx a frightening river,
streams 'til black poplars
It uncovers the entrance of the Underworld hidden in the woods,
only known by Charon
Breaking on the wheel spinning around on this infernal wheel
Turned again and again by the Fates of death the endless torment of Ixion begins
Trussed up with serpents and filthy naked
"Suffer next to Sysiphe. Suffer like Tantale does, Suffer !"
Breaking on the wheel spinning around on this infernal wheel
Turned again and again by the Fates of death the endless torment of Ixion begins
Trussed up with serpents and filthy naked
A damed world far from the L�th� where drought means insanity
Opposed to Elysium, opposed to freedom.
Synonym for suffering, synonym for Agony Kingdom
Condemned for eternity for having challenged God Almighty
Breaking on the wheel is Ixion's fatality.
3. Soliloquies on Another Black Day
� When the cold heavy sky weighs like a lid
on spirits whom eternal boredom grips
And the wide ring of the horizon's hid.
In daytime darker than the night's eclipse �
Coming back to reality all my dreams vanished into thin air
Damn the good times are over I try to fight against suffering and pain
I regret my sins, my act of betrayal, my murders,
my supreme treachery and my love lost nature
Solitude, welcome me slowly with open arms
Solitude, day by day hold me close to you, close to the harm
Torture erodes myself and my laments put me in distress.
I'm a mortal soul who only wants to rest in peace
Just have the company of this horrible skinned Fate,
laughing at me, making me crazy
I can't stand, I will not survive my wounds
Please, let me escape this punishment. I turn to you all will you forgive me ?
My mental has changed since I was brought on this wheel.
I ask you for being acquitted
Let me believe in that little piece of hope.
I'm not able to pay forever in that penance
I Could keep an eye on my behaviour with diligence :
Soliloquies on another black day
It looks darker & darker, solitude makes me wither
My litany is useless, are comin dereliction & depress
No more, I couldn't tolerate, was a tenacious person & I've become what I hate
Feel so stupid and so alone by Turnin round this wheel
My freedom and pride have gone, I've demolished my own life
All my nightmares come true, I've stabbed myself to death
But this is here I fell
� All at once the bells leap with rage and hurl a frightful roar at heaven,
Even as wandering spirits with no country burst into a stubborn, whimpering cry
And without drums or music, long hearses pass by slowly in my soul;
Hope, vanquished,
Weeps, and atrocious, despotic Anguish on my bowed
skull plants her black flag. �
Hell Condemn me if you want
Forever I will laugh. I can escape with my thoughs
4. Inland Empire
Embracing the end of my first season in hell I've built an inland empire
Rebirth in sin in Hades ' palace surrounded by celestial fire
I've endured so much pain I could walk on the hellroad of fame
I've reach ataraxy in a place of agony
depression, dereliction
I don't feel this pain flowing in my veins anymore
Rape my body, slit my corpse
Turning & burning & shedding my blood
Chain up to this kingdom, transcending horrors
When the flesh is rotten, spirituality comes around
� Sat on my throne, front of all my territory, head held high, I contemplate this landscape of wisdom. �
My descendants will conquer while
I'm tasting the evil forces of this carnivorous lair
Fiction / Reality, can't be bothered now for eternity
Cuz above us, my army will be victorious
Centaurs will knock down each little vermin
and my posterity will give up this routine
depression, dereliction
I don't feel this pain flowing in my veins anymore
Rape my body, slit my corpse
Turning & burning & shedding my blood
Chain up to this kingdom, transcending horrors
When the flesh is rotten, spirituality comes around
5. King ov Lapithes
Despite his fall in the abyss of turmoil, despite his eternal banishment
He was meanwhile in the ancient days a worthy figure, a worthy king
Son of Phl�gyas, Thessaly was in domain.
He Defended his honnour & conquered several lands
But as a too proud lord his own interests prevailed.
Brandishing his sword he spread hails
Outside the closed golden gate of Olympius,
the thessalian figure is waiting for his fate
Fornication with N�ph�l� drove himself to gehenna
considered as a betrayer, as a keeper of hate
A keeper of hate
Claiming he 'd love & cherish his beloved bride,
he'd give her presents & be close to her 'til he dies
Just after the wedding, he's broken his promises.
Dia, in tears, was witness to Ixion's infidelities
In anger, Deionn�e confiscate the king's horses
but he didn't suspect him of a terrible revenge
Soon, he was invited to a reconciliation meal
and in a good mood they feasted fittingly
But as soon as Deionn�e approaches a well Ixion,
in an underhand way, pushed him into
Dia's father perished, immolated Ixion's time ran out�.
Son of Phl�gyas, Thessaly was in domain.
He Defended his honnour & conquered several lands
But as a too proud lord his own interests prevailed.
Brandishing his sword he spread hails
Outside the closed golden gate of Olympius,
the thessalian figure is waiting for his fate
Fornication with N�ph�l� drove himself to gehenna
considered as a betrayer, as a keeper of hate
Born with hatred in veins, born with venom in flesh,
born to seduce, born to betray
Taedium vitae
6. Process
The works start to creak, this relic slowly rebirths
Burning, thanks to flames of darkness.
The clang hammers, once... twice... again and again
Sounds like a procession, an insane fatality.
As a demoniac clockwork, the wheel begins its process.
Rusted mechanics give it some tugs
While the wheel brace is turning on again & again.
7. March of the Three Fates
Head upside down, eyes full of fear Ixion starts seething inside
He is slowly blushing, here comes the martyr's blood.
Hallucinations begins, process is loaded
Hardly Trying to close his heavy eyes, he swears to Zeus his last pardon
But this is the end and a deafening noise rings out. He turns his head and perceives vague figures in the distance
March of the three Fates, Hell is rising under their feet.
Sent by Hecate's hate, they've been created to annihilate
Coming next to Ixion with flacced fleshes and dreadful faces,
they Start to run the wheel, bursting out laughing
Earth is quaking, that crumbling world collapses
when appears the Fates of death and their ugly look of lapse
Each footstep is violently squeaking in Ixion's ears ;
the rest is past, tears of hatred now leak on his cheeks
Touching his pale face with their filthy hands, rotting and devouring his flesh
He can't stop howling, terrified : the treadmill runs.
He becomes the scapegoat of the Underworld
A freak show in a demonic circus. Now turn forever,
feel this taste of meander
Come to terms with your criminal murder
March of the three Fates, Hell is rising under their feet.
Sent by Hecate's hate, they've been created to annihilate
Coming next to Ixion with flaccid fleshes and dreadful faces,
they Start to run the wheel, bursting out laughing
8. Ruin Circle