
"Mosquito Control" (1998 EP)
1. Poison Eggs 2. Life Under The Swatter 3. Hive Destruction 4. Relocation Swarm
1. Poison Eggs
The revisionist's death by her own
hand poison egg the implement I am
chest deep in her swarm poison egg
reverse swallowed I see them seething
between her fingers she sets them
free I bleed me blood flowing no
clotting flowing faster the swarm
is feeding defeat. defeat.
You would look so magnificent crawling
on those bloodied knees the swarm is
flocking to the wound thier speed only
matched by thier efficiency glory is
relative to the one that lives in defeat
the revisionist's death by her own hand
poison egg the implement i am chest deep
in her swarm poison egg recerse swallowed
defeat. defeat. defeat. defeat.
2. Life Under The Swatter
This is mosquito control I'm on the
stinging end your tounge is spilling pins
a vector of the secret disease your voice
like a rusted plane in a rusted sky your
beak pierces me in the back of my neck your
skin erupts my skin into a rash this is
mosquito control I'm on the stinging end
I'm on the stinging end
Mosquito control life under the swatter
(never turn your back, never close your eyes)
Pulling wings tight strip to paralyze mosquito
control breed in stagnant warmth
Mating of the swarm mating of the filth
(blodd for breeds dripping poisoned mouths)
Thin the swarm population controlling stingers
suck you sry digging needle deep
Leaving poison itch digging mosquito control
population control exterminate the swarm on
wings and needles
Suck me dry Bleed me dry
3. Hive Destruction
I can't see eyes swelled with stings stings
I can't breathe lungs filled with the bitter
venom the nest is collapsing upon itself
This isnt over in fact it's just begun hive
desgtruction imminet cover your face and run
Lies are flling fall from wings the walls are
seething seething with disease. The drone is
deafening from the malcontent swarm lies from
wings are falling blood in rivers runs lied
from wings fall hive destruction
4. Relocation Swarm
Swarm relocation reload and bein I can't go on