
"Grind War Finland" (2000 Split)
1. Cheap Sheep 2. Let's Extinct! 3. You Just Preach 4. Choose the Hard Way 5. Alarm 6. Very Dead 7. New Reign 8. My Mortuary 9. Mincing Machine 10. Cascet 11. Marijuana & Alcohol 12. Legalize Cannabis 13. White Trash 14. All You Hear is Bullshit 15. Cop 16. Depressive Shit 17. Fight for Your Principles 18. Miserable Existence 19. Shove Your Rules Up Your Ass 20. Threat to Authorities 21. Ode to Murder 22. My Friend 23. Karaoke-King 24. Nuclear Blast 25. Beneath the Surface (pt.1) 26. Acid Fairytale 27. Moment of Sanity 28. Self-Sufficient 29. Dipsomania Cures Implicid Obedience 30. Art of Cooking 31. Earaching but Not Heartbreaking 32. Mechanical Perversions 33. Beyond (pt.2) 34. Copper Pig 35. Surreal Dimension (4th) 36. Roadkill 37. Killing for Fun
1. Cheap Sheep
you just don't fucking learn
you're so fucking stupid
you follow those assholes
cause you can't fucking think
2. Let's Extinct!
cocks and cunts acting like kings and queens
I think you're all so full of shit
I feel like I've been trapped into corner
with no chance to hide from the human fucking scum
hey, let's fucking extinct!
well I don't think I'm better than you
I'm embittered misanthropic troublemaking asshole
but at least I know what is the problem
it's me and you, the fucked up human race
hey, let's fucking extinct!
what's the point in all this shit?
why do people still breed?
mass-sterilisation fucking now!
kill all humanity, let's extinct!
3. You Just Preach
you're so young and full of ideas
all stolen from some cool resources
so extreme and ready to fight
just ask yourself for what you struggle
in few years you'll turn into something other
your views change you think why to bother
you'll look at us with pretentious laughter
now you preach, but soon you're part of the problem
you're a teenage rebel, just a phase of yer life
for you it's just a process of growing up
now you're even more extreme than us
but it's just a part of your teenage years, for us this is life
you can remove your tattoos and have a new haircut
you can change your opinions like you change your clothes
as we're still the same, standing against the grain
as we're still the same, still out of their game
4. Choose the Hard Way
most of us choose the easiest way
educate themselves to work for others
get married and make some children
bored, embittered, working 'til death
some educate themselves more
big business, power and money gives them all
chicks, cars, big houses, an american dream
respected by the poor, but another system's whore
we don't want to play our part in all that shit
we do just what we want, take only what we need
work only for ourselves, not for profithungry bastards
we don't have to do things they expect from us
it's not easy nor always fun, but we have the fucking guts
there's no fucking sense to act like bloody mindless puppets
no need to dictate and make the others suffer
just live your life for you and give the bastards nothing
5. Alarm
6. Very Dead
7. New Reign
8. My Mortuary
9. Mincing Machine
10. Cascet
11. Marijuana & Alcohol
12. Legalize Cannabis
13. White Trash
14. All You Hear is Bullshit
15. Cop
16. Depressive Shit
17. Fight for Your Principles
18. Miserable Existence
19. Shove Your Rules Up Your Ass
20. Threat to Authorities
21. Ode to Murder
22. My Friend
23. Karaoke-King
24. Nuclear Blast
25. Beneath the Surface (pt.1)
26. Acid Fairytale
27. Moment of Sanity
28. Self-Sufficient
29. Dipsomania Cures Implicid Obedience
30. Art of Cooking
31. Earaching but Not Heartbreaking
32. Mechanical Perversions
33. Beyond (pt.2)
34. Copper Pig
35. Surreal Dimension (4th)
36. Roadkill
37. Killing for Fun