
"War Was Won" (2005)
1. War Was Won 2. State Of Threat 3. Elements Of Wrath 4. Dregs Of Societs 5. Slaughter Of The Innocents 6. Neverending Life 7. Divine Hideout 8. Worst Enemy 9. In The Chaos 10. The Last Chapter
1. War Was Won
Smashed in your face
I rejected your rules
I've decided to refuse
I’m not patriot
Reject all control
Pledge allegiance to none
Choose our rights needs
Fight for future feed
Close to die alone but free
I don’t fit in this plastic human league
Dare to shout out our future screams
I’m right to fear my wrongs
The next one in a pool of blood
Belligerents, I rule
Dogma, State forgotten files
Making war on me
My choice has been to be angry
Eat minds for their crimes
Louder than you
I know
Live by my own rules
Stronger than you
Hide in your refuge
I’m a loaded bomb
Can kill a man without a shot
I turn my face to God
Hearts that have no right to beat
Pulse in rotten human beings
They eat dreams, thoughts, will
My submission as my demolition
Protect and serve with a nuclear war
Ask yourself where your leaders are gone
Come back to life is how this war was won
2. State Of Threat
My social standing is foreigner in my nation
Only defiance for the state
I paid all that it gave to me since i was born
Year by year
Condition doesn’t change for me
Shit remains shit
Street’s dogs, awful bastard breed
Terror lead my sins
At the bar, under charge
Strategy of scar
Every day is not so far
Total control has begun
Look myself over my shoulders
Repression imposed by leaders
Dissension reasons wrote with blood
Dog face dog
Behind the tension
There’s someone that wants darkness around me
Cruel as a black heart kills
A black heart kills
They’ve got guns, bludgeons, the badge
Beware when they shot in the mass
Orders are clear, obey till’your death
To soothe revolt, with each pretext
A liberal model by force of arms
Should be a part or you will
Death, privations and drugs
The ways which you learn to distrust
Base oneself on the fact that the rest is pointed to disappear
Gathered blinds, unconscious fears
Time is killing me
And consider next one as enemy
Waiting my last day to arrives
Draining blood from these eyes
3. Elements Of Wrath
Die with all your money
Keep your hands away
I can’t contain my hate
Way you pray to steal my life with slain
I can’t contain my pain
Can’t obtain this war
To complain a thought
I will not act, no more
Waste, better than dead
Surveillance everywhere
Returned from the darkest past
Past should feeds our brains
Media, Propaganda will enslaves
All of us are grey,
New reich pointed to fade away
Mankind ethic jury dictated by a blind tyranny
That has lost all control
Shitty svastikas profeteer
Detain domain on your sick new reign
Hold of ignorance and decay
I don’t have a flag, covering on my eyes
No more colours, empty bodies on my way
Centuries of dirty regimes
Wasted in a scream
Fear what you can’t taste
Faith calls hate
Elements of wrath
Elements of wrath
Elements of wrath
Of wrath
4. Dregs Of Societs
Years ago
A new time of thinking was developed.
One involved
Falling asleep
As people as animals on this earth
Filthy narco-culture
Is what they’re fighting for
Endangeredfate of our world
Hides behind the appearance to be saviors
Founded upon contradictions
We should think to respect it
Not destryoing for god's sakes
Plunder what has given life to us
I'm sick and tired
Of unequal globalization
I'm sick and tired
Of this kind of life
Shapeless opinions on equality and liberty
Estinguish lives for greed
Laughing as your nations fall
Death to U.S. capital
I don't want to understand
Who's prepared to let to do
Kill with anger, distrust by these fools
I think that once this world was mine
Stole and raped with crimes
Ask myself why i have said goodbye
No time to escape reality
Guided by twisted personalities
Life is ours and nobody can touch it
Drowning in the dregs of society
5. Slaughter Of The Innocents
Chemical substances left behind themselves
Thousands of tortured lifes, killed in the labs
Among unspeakable sufferings.
Fear and pain for disease
Cruel vivisection
Those who practise it maintain that it’s
irreplaceable for research
End justifies the means
Physiological difference between
Human beings and animals
Could be the cause
All of us should feel ashamed about it
Grievous mistakes, useless cruelty
Bloody, suffering and violence
No justifications to this legalized carnage
A mouse or a child, which one do you prefer to save?
Never choose between two kind of sins
They could justify atrocities to no-human animals as on human being
Have to find an enough elevated end to stop to a wretched means
Innocent creatures tortured under any pretexts
It happens and every forms assume
Can’t do nothing else more than what i did
Death is for sure
Cruelty isn’t it
To see what really happens you need
Need to keep opening your eyes
when all you see it’s awful
till we don’t face it
we couldn’t change it
When your eyes will be opened on reality
Couldn’t turn your head around
The only way out to that sight is fight
Anguish for life
A sick science can’t be right
6. Neverending Life
Why dou you cry before you learn to die,
Spend your time
Wishing eternal
Thinking of salvation,
Holy Annihilation,
Where began their crimes?
Deceive for endless time.
Sky is not a final destination,
All ends before,
War on World,
What else they could search for?
World on war,
Destroy for the future,
Mankind resolution,
Securing peace bombing on,
Guilty for mistake to believe in god!
Living in a land raped
No tomorrow waits, Mankind feeds its heart with hate
Show me what i need to know
Look down into my eyes to realize
Hell is what mankind deserves
Years of lies
Out of sight, from behind
Killing time
Time to wake the force inside
My crime
Is living
In a rotten state of mind
New Realm Rise
No divine, faith will bind
Cold as ice
Dreams could bring you to the other side
This fuckin’shit pollutes
And lead astray their minds
Sacred times
Kill for christ, fuck your bride
Wounded pride
Judge all those which wants decide their lifes
Chained for all time,
Live to die, be free
Neverending life
7. Divine Hideout
God, I saw burning homes
While three different prayers raise to you
Street lamps illuminate a ghost town
Showing up small circular bullet sized fissures on grey walls
Children plays during all day
Often their game was interrupted by
A shrill warning sound...
A shrill warning sound...
Deafening and immediately afterwards
Lifes wriggle out in the darkness of a cold cellar
In hidden water rat’s company
Pregnant dampness penetrates old wood
Forming tiny drops on cylinders
Already empty
Abandoned by months
Rotting their souls, rusting their scorn
Press closed to their old and heap stuff
Composing the superfluos
The underground rubbish will last
I was eight, God
All seem to be surreal...
I couldn’t understand Death,
She sorrounds me
I could breath her
I pick up dead flowers
Under apathetic sky
Never free
Among lost and deformed people
Under combat aircraft roar
In the darkness of your lord
Spite of our stubborn naivety
Crawl to pray you
Play hide-and-seek
The ones to hide yourself
Spite of our stubborn naivety
Bow to pray you
Spreading peace but sick
The ones to hide yourself
Abandoned by my war
Patience was our force
Abandoned by my force
Existence was our war
8. Worst Enemy
Someone think to experiment some cures for mankind
Using all what mankind will kill.
Something is stronger than love for our exploited Mother Earth
Choked by
Pharmanarcotics lawful factories
Money and greed to plans their strategies
Trample on suffering and sorrow
Black will be the dawn of our tomorrow
Our future lifes are bound to toxic pills
Which colour will you choose?
Why i cannot choose my way, my time to die?
Hey Almighty
Have you ever seen to fail?
God bless them all
Bless them all
I don’t care
I must live my time
Searching for another world
Another world
Able to choose
How to addict myself
Free to set me free
Lost again in what i tried to fight
They try to find
Useless reason to survive
Meaning of Hell
I should see God
But I’m alone
My heart screams
I’m your worst enemy
Sure will be your last thoughts
9. In The Chaos
Confined in this limbo called Placet Earth
Living sorrounded by fire
There is no way out of it
Like a rat in a trap
Tied to false values
Imposed by shit society in which we live
Do you want to live?
Have to be as i want
You liberty is trample on
By small minds of people
That did of their own existence
A sacrifice for the society
To be bound to useless principles
Will not make someone of you
Be important for yourself
And the future will be evident
Why ask you to yourself who you must be?
Why ask you to yourself how you must be?
It’s not enough to be
Even you are in the chaos
That sorrounds your existence
Remember that you are a person
Think and act ‘cause you are
Don’t let the mass hypnotize you
In the chaos
Don’t let the mass hypnotize you
In the chaos
Your eyes are closed
Your wings are clipped
By a system that doesn’t accept you
Beware of it, it could kill you
Take a play of it
Play it, it must be your slave
I don’t want to belonging to this sickening gear called civilization
Viscid words proferred in the sign of evil
Live and reason as they want
Guided by their evil nature
Power, fame, avidity
Evil words that brings you in the chaos
Don’t let the mass hypnotize you
In the chaos
Don’t let the mass hypnotize you
In the chaos
Guided by evil nature
In the chaos
10. The Last Chapter
I feel the end has begun
Many time i think about what has gone
So many places i’ve been
So many faces i’ve seen
All that remained made me sick
A path made of pain, unconcern and deceit
Distrusting from my neighbor
'Cause has been the way they wanted to control
They led me
To kill
If i don't want being killed
They drove me
To deceive
If i don't want being deceived
That’s the reason why i’m persecuted
I'm guilty to be born
I can’t agree that i agreed
I'm here shut in these walls
I feel my memories growing weak
I'm fading away
I've fought a war without defeated or winners
And desperation
Should watch to their cities
Bloodstained by violence and homicides
Useless cries to die
No god is on my side
No remorse, just lived to suffer
Entering the Last Chapter
Welcome to the Last Chapter