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Our Problem

"Our Problem" (1998)

1. Bad Year
2. Supagorgonizer
3. Boss Keloid
4. I.R.M.S.
5. House Anxiety
6. 2 Golden Rules
7. 9 Joint Spiritual Whip
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13. Our Problem

1. Bad Year

murder fraud

corpse’s gettin’ fuckin’ colder

murder fraud

legacy of steench

freedoom is against the law

motherfuckin’ on my tongue

scum fuck out pour of obscurity

murder fraud

flesh market our retch

2. Supagorgonizer

3. Boss Keloid

4. I.R.M.S.

5. House Anxiety

6. 2 Golden Rules

7. 9 Joint Spiritual Whip

8. -

9. -

10. -

11. -

12. -

13. Our Problem


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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

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