
"Legend" (2002 Demo)
1. Irij 2. Volja (Freedom) 3. Legenda (Legend)
1. Irij
Transscription from Ukrainian:
Sontse gasne v tvoikh ochakh
Tvij podykh ostannij zavmyraje
Ty vidkhodysh daleko u toj shljakh
Z jakogo dorogy nazad nemaje
Bachysh predkiv jak najavu
Ty vidkhodysh iz nymy v daleku zemlju
Ty jim rozkazhesh kym ty buv
Chy ne bulo tvoje zhyttja daremnym
Koly pomresh lety tudy
De gory i lisy
V dalekyj kraj prymarnykh sniv
I vichnoji krasy
Tam svitjat zori unochi
I den ne nastaje
Tam znajdesh te sho ty shukav
Use zhyttja svoje
Pid nebom temnym tam stojat
Smereky vikovi
Daleki predky tam zhyvut
I dukhy lisovi
Tvoja dusha litatyme
Sered vysokykh gir
Dlja tebe domom bude lis
I bratom dykyj zvir
Tam vody chorni Cheremosh
Nese v nichnu pitmu
I vichnu pisnju vodospad
Naspivuje jomu
Jogo potik jak vuzh staryj
Mizh skeljamy teche
Tudy... tudy zvidky nikhto
Ne povertavsja she
Sun is fading in your eyes
Your last breath dies
You leave far away by the path
From which there is no return
See ancestors like real
You leave with them to a land so distant
You'll tell them whom you was
Was it your life lived not in vain
When you will die, fly there
Where are mountains and forests
Into a distant land of ethereal dream
And eternal beauty
There stars shine in the night
And day comes not
You'll find there that what you where looking for
For your whole life
Under the dark skies satnd there
Ageless aldertrees
Ancestors ancient live there
And spirits of the forest
Your soul will fly
Amid the mountains high
The forest will be your home
And wild beast - your brother
There Cheremosh watres dark
Carries into the nightdark
And waterfall eternal song
Sings for him
His stream as old grass-sanke
Flows amid the rocks
There... there from where noone
Has ever returned
2. Volja (Freedom)
Transscription from Ukraininan:
V mojikh ochaji je do voli syla
I na plechakh moji chorni kryla
Ta ne skachu khoch i duzhe sylna
Gnityt mene te sho ja nevynna
Sontse - zalezhyt vid nochi vtikaje u gory
Dolja - ne spynjuje svoji kroky minjaty
Nebo - skhovalos za khmaramy z chornogo dymu
Volja - ja vse gotova za tebe viddaty
Volja !
Moja volja !
V mojikh ochakh zgas vogon i syla
I u trunu skladu chorni kryla
Ne polechu nache bozhevilna
I nazavzhdy ja teper je vilna
Into my eyes there is strength for freedom
And my black wings on my shoulders
But i don't jump, although I am so storng
I am faultless - and it depresses me
Sun - depends on a night, escapes into mountains
Fate - never stops to make step by step
Sky - is hidden behind the clouds of black smoke
Freedom - I'm ready to give everything for you !
Freedom !
My freedom !
Into my eyes died the fire and strength
And into coffin I'll lay my black wings
I will not fly like an insane one
And forever now I'm free
3. Legenda (Legend)
Transscription from Ukrainian:
female voice:
Kriz kholodni i temni chasy
Pidnimajetsja syvyj tuman
U kryvavykh kraplynakh rosy
Vidbyvajetsja misjatsju stan
male voice:
I mozok i tilo
Zapovnjaje pitma
I tvoji bili kryla
Chornyj morok lama
female voice:
Sered temnykh rozrytykh mogyl
Ja blukaju mov pryvyd vnochi
Na topoli sydyt chornyj kruk
I pro smert i zhyttja shos krychyt
male voice:
Ty pidesh u zemlju
Nebo vtratyla ty
I Sontse dlja tebe
Vzhe ne zmozhe zijty
female voice:
Chyjis kholodni pazury
Vpyvajutsja u tilo
Ochi zapovnjaje dym
Vse ne tak jak ja khotila
male voice:
Svitlo u tvojij dushi
Nyshu u vogni garachym
I vse tak jak ja khotiv -
Ty krychysh i girko plachesh
female voice:
Lono materi zemli
Rozryvajut chorni ruky
Pidnimajutsja z mogyl
Ti sho vmerly vid rozluky
I blukajut u nochi
Bil trymajuchy v dolonjakh
Kruk na derevi movchyt
I u zhylakh krov kholone
Svitlo u mojij dushi
Nache gostryj bilyj klyk
Rozryvaje tilo vnochi
Dushu zapovnjaje kryk
female voice:
Through the cold and dary times
Rises the grey fog
And a bloody drops of dew
Reflect the moon's shape
male voice:
The body and mind
Is filled with darkness
And your white wings
Black darkness breaks
female voice:
Amid dark diggen up grave
I wander like ghost in a night
On a poplar black raven sits
And screams something about life and death
male voice:
You will descend under the ground
You've lost the sky
And Sun for you
Will not rise again
female voice:
Someone's cold cloves
Are digging in me
Eyes become filled with smoke
Everything is not as I wanted
male voice:
The light within your soul
I destroy in hot fire
And everything is as I wanted -
You scream and bitterly sob
female voice:
Bosom of mother Earthi
Is being teared by black hands
They are arising from the graves
The ones who died of separation
And wander in a night
Holding pain in their hands
Raven on the tree is silent
And blood in veins becomes cold
The light into my soul
Is like a sharp white fang
Tears the body in a night
Soul in filled up with scream