
"Berserk Artillery Barrage" (2002)
1. Sniperkrieg 2. Flamethrower Asphyxiation 3. Led Through The Minefield 4. Berserk Artillery Barrage 5. Tank Destroyer 6. Autumn Day Extermination 7. Sacrifice 8. When Armies Collide 9. Bazooka Kill 10. Catalyst For A Slaughter 11. Left Behind To Die
1. Sniperkrieg
From above we massacre with unprejudiced hate killpower unquestionably immense for others
time for breath already too late!!!! Kill for Pleasure Kill for the Need
Scramble our sites are set for your head no chance to run your dead
Your Dead!! Drop like a paratrooper from the sky Kill to Survive
Our brutality dealt with a vicious blow Flesh ridden shrapnel bestowed
Lament!!! Face another riddle for today
Beware the unseen force hidden in plain site!!!!
Its Sniperkrieg, Sniperkrieg!!
The Snipers Creed Penetrate Your Skull with chunks of lead
Rifle report suddenly echos now your dead!!
In unison all six men fire at once
saturate the ground where you stood
with blood now crumble like a fallen tree decayed!!! Kill to Survive
One shot!!
One shot one kill our creed always desperate to fulfill our needs
the choice is ours to make!!! Shall you live
shall you die?????? DIE!!!!!! It's the snipers creed!!!!
From above we massacre with unprejudiced hate
killing potential far superior! For our opponent is far too late
Kill for the Pleasure Kill for the Need Its Sniperkrieg!!!!!!
2. Flamethrower Asphyxiation
Ashes falling from this edifice I now burn
Wind swept gusts create this firestorm of fear!!
All signs of life eradicate their means of survival!!!
Carnival of flame blazes roaring glowing with fucking pride!!!!
Whirlwind of Hate emanates from the flamethrowers stick of lore
This Ravenous torch now consumes your world now set ablaze!!!!!
Ablaze!!! Run Now!!! Ablaze!!!
Flamethower Asphyxiation
The dead and dying lie smoldering amongst the ruins
this beautiful carnage wrought by the purveyors of wartorn pain.
Seeds of destruction now sewn throughout the landscape!!
Immersed in fire ravaged gnarled life now fades!
Spectre of Disease contagions euphoric demeanor revels
loss of humanity eclipsed violence & bloodfeast now run immune!!!
Ablaze Now Set Your world aflame !!! Now set your world aflame!!!!!
I'm seeking those who survive!!!!! Hidden & Cowering away
The hunt begins for those who test fate simply no escape!!!
Your life passes before your eyes!! Now You Die!!!!
Flame the crevice where they lay asphyxiate with hate!!!
A shallow grave is now your home did you die alone????
Alone!!!! Now Die!!!
Behind the destruction we leave engulfed in a sea of flame
There is no hope just the ghost of ruins remain
3. Led Through The Minefield
Sunlight the misty shroud has broken
please awaken me from this nightmare
only to find out this is real, not some cleverly planned scheme!!!!!
Now forced to move in unison as if lambs headed for a slaughter
only I know too now where we go and a lamb I'd much rather be!!!!!!!
Led to the minefield where yesterdays trio walked to solemely
We knew they would never return!!!
Human flesh vs. Chaotic War Machine!!!
Debris explosions echoed fiercely the grotesque shrapnel flying overhead!!
As we came upon the clearing the place was littered with my dead
Justify the loss of humanity obvious destruction and brutality!!!
Refusing to bury the dead!!! Limbs torn apart by chucks of lead
Warfare!!!!! Forced to make a decision walk slow or be shot in the back
my comrade now suddenly stumbles & falls on an anti-personal pack!!!
Screaming his legs gone blown away by shrapnel I flinch as bloods smears my face!!!!
There's nothing I can do for him my turn to set the pace!!!!
Then click, Like a whisper,
it sounds like a bent blade of grass so remote and far away
I suddenly feel the heat!!!
Today was my final day!!!!!!
4. Berserk Artillery Barrage
As our screaming arsenal of war moves towards the battle front
revenge and destruction within our grasp!!!
Moves in stealth render the competent foe unrecognizable
just decisiveness motivates us for attack!!!!
ATTACK!!!!!! Cannons fire in a concentrated artillery barrage
to smother said enemy who lie in wait
unleash the fury like an orchestrated kill
maneuver cumbersome explosions strike to negate!!
Feel the roar as the cannons charge the battlemount
the shudder steals your fleeting breath
now encompassed to render and send all oblivion
we have but sealed the enemies death!!!!!
With might crushing feeble collapsing veins
consequence of our power stands
tactics to saturate the enemy with a brushstroke of destruction
like a concentrated battering ram!!!!!
With fire flowing through our veins we launch a precise attack
soldier on as the fallout continues we are never coming back!!!!!
We've come this way before no chance for escape
only hindrance is this wayword shrapnel its' already too late!!!!!
The mortal specialist lies dead now next to me caught a piece in the head!!!
Body sprawled against an oak tree bludgeoned skull ensures us he's dead!!
The sounds of violence echo prominent glory all its own
company commander suddenly drops down before us
we can hear his death groans Of Agony!!!!
It's a Berserk Artillery Barrage
Our tanks cut through debris
slaughter the enemy where they stand
cauldron of horror surrounds them they must comply with our demands!!
Exhilaration at our victory marching on to conquer once more
bereavement for our battered & dying ones
another fight to even such score
5. Tank Destroyer
Tank Destroyer!!!
Now Hear the drone of this hated machinery as it moves into site
treads churning flattening crushing the ground
proven power of its' might
turrets aimed at a forlorn target looking for immediate kill!!!
And then they came moving forward to attack approach was in vain.
We stood in silence waiting
no armour for support but the supreme weapon we now carried
still provided foes destruction complete
With hate with blood with fire & flame
our lunacy fills these cups of victory!!
Taste the pain of war & death and raise the chalice high in the air!!
With the force of a ten-ton hammer the first tank disappeared in flame
Dismembered crew smashed into oblivion
nothing but total death remains
Tracers criss-cross in multiple directions
smoldering tanks are littered with dead
The lunacy screams the hysteria ensues
canvas the battlefront as the hand-to-hand combat begins
With hate with blood with fire & flame
our lunacy fills these cups of victory
Taste the pain of war and death and sing your praises high!!
With war with battle with fire & flame our lunacy fills the cup of valor!
Taste the pain of war & death and raise the chalice high in the air!!!
Hear the drone of this hated machinery
as the battle begins a nigh
With honor with blood we taste our victory & we now prepare to die!!
6. Autumn Day Extermination
Unleash the fury and the rage on this day
as we head towards battle seeking genocide
state of war the invasion now begins
kill all common folk who refuse to take our side!!!
Stalk belligerent citizens for the foes that they are
succumb to the onslaught of malevolence!!
Led to the fields towards the traps they have laid
plot revenge for the loss of our kind
Now Die!!!!!! Die
Separate the men from the children & the women
put them in pairs standing side by side
strip them of valuables anything they are carrying no remorse
no escape you cannot run & hide
Shoot the first cognizant insolent civilian
or those who mock and chastise our precious ways
set into motion our rules for conditioning!!!
Machine guns open up and scour the ground with spray, lead!!!!!
Perfect day for an Autumn Extermination, perfect day!!!!
The lone child screams out in agony
watching his father die by use of the blade
blood slowly trickles from the exit wounds of a dagger
seizures now commence as he dies where he lays
Perfect day for an Autumn Extermination, perfect day!!!
See the mourners come by to pray
watch and learn as their turned to prey
Perfect day for an Autumn Extermination, perfect day!!!
River of blood flows from the lifeless corpses
bone shattered broken by shards of lead
flame the remnants burn what's left of the children
see to it the enemy finds their dead!!! Dead
Slaughter the weak
slaughter the corpse
bury our dead
7. Sacrifice
Put her on the alter tie her down secure
she will soon die her soul is still pure
Her body is trembling its filled with fear
she'll lose her life which she hold so dear!
Dagger is ready to do its evil deed
on her decayed corpse I will feed
Tie her legs & arms ready to read the rites
Now I feel the rush of Satans might!
Under baphomet shes bleeding fast
with the corpse indulge in a bloodbath
Pray to the master that this will suffice
split her skull this alter sacrifice!
Tears on her cheek sweat on her brow
its time to die I will kill her now
Death has come to deliver her fate
we don't do it for love we do it for hate!
Under baphomet shes bleeding fast
with the corpse indulge in a bloodbath
Pray to the master that this will suffice
split her skull this alter sacrifice!
8. When Armies Collide
In the distance a sentry shouts the warning alarm
a massive build-up occurs beyond
From afar in the fog shrouded forest preserve
all patrols must hurriedly abscond
Reinforcements scurry from the rear armoured outer guard
to prepare for a massive strike
tanks move forward followed by the infantry
assault is scheduled for tonite!!
Precisely at midnight cannon fire erupts on the horizon
tearing soldiers into shreds
Spotlights shining illuminating the feverish action
machine gun bullets tracer-red
Silhouetted shadows etchings of the enemy
scramble forward for a fight
Bayonets drawn mortar fire pinning us down
somber destruction awesome site!
Trench warfare
Kill, hand-to-hand combat begins close quarter incursion
use the butt end of your rifle to drive home the point
that defeat can never be considered an option!
Steadily open fire point blank range won't miss
take out their lower extremities
Severe a knee or a leg or slice the artery
with a quick twist of the blade!!!
Trench warfare
Count the number of men in combat as far as the eye can see
machine gun nests are bristling
how many dead can there be??
Flamethrowers spewing sparks burn bright these corpses lie
our annihilation is fairly evident
today I'll surely die!!!
Trench warfare
Time to spill blood taste the enemies defeat
Watch the blood flow, Kill
number of men in combat as far as the eye can see
machine gun nests are bristling how many dead can there be???
Flamethrowers spewing sparks burn bright these corpses lie
annihilation is fairly evident
today I'll surely die!!!
Trench warfare
Time to spill blood taste the enemies defeat!!!!
9. Bazooka Kill
Suspended animation your frozen in fear
hoping & praying to see the dawn of morn
enemy are chosen foe settling down night lulls them to sleep
Poisoning their dogs lay their watchers to rest
with a quick slit of the sharpened blade
enemy is still as the day slowly begins!!!
Bazooka kill, target those so near
swift through defeat these pawns will die on command!!!
In mere seconds their screams turn from confusion to agony!!!
An alarm is heard the given signal for attack
with bazooka in hand it's a rapid killing spree
An alarm is heard the given signal for attack with
bazooka in hands it's a rapid killing spree
Submerged in flame the enemy drowns in fright
landscape beneath is torn asunder
Two man teams attack creating chaos for the essential kill
Bazooka strips gauntlets of metal & men are ripped to shreds
Submerged in flame the enemy drowns in fright
landscape beneath is torn asunder
Heads & limbs lay tattered
burn all foliage & scour the area for any existing life!!!
Repeating the procedure Armed & Ready & Set to kill!!!!
Zero chance for survival
projectiles tear holes in everything hit with ferocity
The dead lay frozen with open eyes starring toward the sky
10. Catalyst For A Slaughter
Seething with hate I pinpoint my target through a scope mounted in pain!
The rush of adrenaline I can feel whilst a body falls towards the grave
Factions choose sides and disperse their "war" to cleanse all those in need
Violence with force a domain now ruled, reverting back to archaic days
One shot one kill just one simple move to ensnare a county in hate
Like a match put to a kettle of gas watch what now turns to flames
Pawns in chess now perish in vain in battle they drop like flies
To succumb to the prospects of war supposed "allies" needs a pack of lies
Catalyst For A Slaughter
a catalyst!
Flee in terror and avoid their wrath your crushed into a format of decay
Tortured beings suspended in life enduring hell until their final day
A desire a need to start this war settles right and just for me
All it took was one simple act strike towards your demise
11. Left Behind To Die
Sent to the land of wayward battles, dehumanized!!!
Our minds & souls have been raped of all, no compromise!!
Die, Now you all shall die!!!
Genocide Reaper is my guide, suffocate your mind!!
Endless fucking war for suicide!!
You are left behind, left behind to die!!!
Unquenchable thirst for slaughter
Killing all your sons & daughters
Gazing at my mountain of death
Race destroyer blood is on my breath!!
Die, Now you all shall die!!!
Genocide Reaper is my guide, suffocate your mind!!
Endless fucking war for suicide!!
You are left behind, left behind to die!!!
Abandoned on this field of death my regrets are final and few
Steadfast decision to lead my men to kill with pride & truth
Now I lay here on this soil my blood seeps oh so slow
In my head the final moment draws near the seeds of death I've sewn
Against You!
Die, Now you all shall die!!!
Genocide!! Reaper is my guide, suffocate your mind!!
Endless fucking war for suicide!!!
You are left behind, left behind to die!!!
Unquenchable thirst for slaughter, killing all your sons & daughters
Gaze at this my mountain of death
race destroyer blood is on my breath!
Left Behind to die, power & pain!!!!