
"Ikon" (2007)
1. A Ravenous Discharge 2. Unbind My Hands 3. By Habit 4. Depleting the Non-Being 5. Into the Cold 6. Breathing the Black Dust 7. Doubt Denied 8. Entangled in Thorns 9. The Magnet Soul
1. A Ravenous Discharge
[Pretext: The codeine kicks in. I can't keep awake. Charon, here are two coins to carry me across. I sacrifice dirty blood and swallow the spirit of God. I'm peering at the surface. It's gorging on me, gnashing my skin. Falling down... time to depart. A created mistake to justify a need for depression. Over my soul - seape a silent discharge of regrets. The water ripples... you of no repent, here I come. I execrate my vision here... The water is warm and I'm dozing off, bashed...]
[note: "Självmord" is Swedish for 'Suicide']
- Självmord!
Euphoric state of abnormality
I reject the spectra of my past
Master Satan evoke my decay
Legions inside the ill-natured
Deny creation and be the one with the horned
Innoncence lost when in contact with God
A bleak reality, false conception
The pain will persist until death takes me home
Life is numbered by every regret
Conception getting blurry
Interwoven in dreams of death
Of self-accusation and hate
Sterilize myself from the others
Awake my self-acceptance
I am what I am no knife cna change that
The water is cold. Awake... Alive!
With a ravenous discharge
A ravenous discharge...
2. Unbind My Hands
[Pretext: ... but the pain persists. Morning breaks its stillborn rays upon my skin. Is this a new day, or is it the same. Pillow soaked in sweat. They are making the shadows twirl in the sealing, so hungry for more. I am in great need of the catalyst. Still I'm stuck here... staring at the ceiling. I'll consume you all! ... and this ominous dream., teeth piercing from withni... I'll let it out... repeatedly stabbing me from the inside.]
Mental surgery, revile and devour
I am the shield, the spear and the knife
I plant seeds of death inside open wounds
The clock keeps ticking, and time is at hand
I'm absorbing the host
I am infested, disease in my veins
I'm absorbing the host
I am infested, killing the spirit
Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Lucifer
As the bow before you
I stand tall, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, King of kings
As we pray for your coming
Suffering offers a new sight, a vision of new life... before control was denied - Control denied!
I plant seeds of death inside open wounds
Tables are turned, and time is at hand
Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Lucifer
As they bow before you
I Stand tall, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, King of Kings,
As we pray for your coming
Superior Anti-God
Satan - So enormous, and so great
Suffering offers a new sight, a vision of your life... and you are now denied
A silent demise, as your saviour once again is standing you down
Anti-God!! See me!
See me now, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Lucifer
As they bow before you
I stand tall, Anti-God, Spiritus, Morning star, Kings of kings
As I pray for your coming
Anti-God!! Stand tall!
3. By Habit
[Pretext: In the torn flesh, an abstract emerge... releasing its vile stench to make itself known. A reminder of the outside, a human stench. A religious stench. Its dogma, the cyst, infests your daily life. Their yoke and life so compromised. A guilt so hereditary emphasized, and the cure so obvious. No belief no god. Still you stand and stare, hiding behind that old mask of God. Yes, you're part of the problem, accepting tradition. Eyes wide shut as they congregate. Christians, Muslims and Jews. They see the 'vehemence in those not of the norm', so you get in line... to swallow...]
Vehement, I am
The new law, new line
I transcend, transform, project the heretic
Your useless manifest, fable of a feeble god
(Do you) think you're free on your knees?
Behind that old mask of God
But we ride, vulgar and viral
And you cry, defeated again
If I kneel, I choose my own power
Satan is God, now dominate!
As slaves you are, traditions and habit
Suppressed, eyes wide shut
So compromised
Without even knowing
Hiding behind the face of tradition
Fixed on the new law I am
I dissent...
The faith is fed religious in doctrines
And every time you accept, you inherit the yoke
So compromised your life, your guilt
The guilt of your fathers
Absolute in my reality
Erect, stand tall, full of dignity
Absolute in my own prophecy
Chosen, I build my own identity
To fall out of the norm
They will gather
Have a mind of your own
They will congregate, REMEMBER!!!
You are part of the problem
Accepting traditions
You will kneel by habit...
In fear of what?!
By habit, you'll kneel down
By habit
4. Depleting the Non-Being
[Pretext: It feels like the air is getting thicker by the minute. This room soffocates me, abstruse and stange but nothing less then reality? Recognition. Another temple, another lie... another non-being. Once here, now gone. You're consumed, but you linger on. The vision feels so real. Enganged in thoughts of murder. Stabbing you in the face. All the pain I took I saved. It's in retaliation that the visions lives, and so... slowly it has begun. A serenade and bestowal, the act of the last remembrance.]
Let the bile sip out
Your mucus be gone
My mares be your mares
Ride your flesh forever on
All pain removed
Thrown back on you
All given is now taken
As I took is given back
Seven knots in all
It has been done
This rope around your neck
You're dead, forgotten and hung
My mind extend
Animus expelled
My will, be your faith
You're dead and forever gone
Mark sealed in blood
So here is my gift
Another emptiness...
Devour - consumed
Gutted and split wide open
Dissect your soul
Sterile flesh and a frigid future
As a last remembrance... I will transform
Descend into the house of him
Inside your flesh
Your soul to halt, mind in dim
I bestow you a fruitless womb
This soul expand - Animus sterilized
My will, be your faith
You're dead, forgotten and hung
Everything abstract
Your frigid ways
Another emptiness
Depleting the non-fucking-being again!
And I will ride on your misery
Etch my will into your deity
Devoured - consumed
I'll eat your heart and all your memories
Depart from all
Depleted debris - gone - You'll be ... gone!
My will, be your faith
You're dead and forever gone
Mark sealed in blood
So here is my gift
Another emptiness
Devour - consumed
Gutted and split wide open
Dissect your soul
Sterile flesh and a frigid future
As a last remembrance... I will transform
Descend into the house of him
Inside your flesh
Your soul to halt, mind in dim
I bestow you a fruitless womb
This soul expand
Animus sterilized
My will, be your faith
You're dead, forgotten and hung
Everythnig abstract
Your frigid ways
Another emptiness
Depleting the non-fucking-being again!
And I will ride on your misery
Etch my will in to your deity
Devoured - Consumed
I'll eat your heart and all your memories
Depart from all
Depleted debris... gone - You'll be ... gone!
5. Into the Cold
[Pretext: And it dies with you, fades like old paint. Peels off like humid and dead skin, a new journey begins. The phase of the first change has come... hard marble touch my face. My shepherd is the Devil... I walk with him into the cold ... forever.]
In here, the circle is compelte... cold place of him, again - Impamiiz
A never setting moon, always here, always in... lurking down below
I am Magus Impamiiz Graa, enchanted one of me, I am the Lord of his house of flesh, his heart and eyes to see
We are entwined in the nerves of all
We are the rays if Igraa, Impamiiz
Cold space of him... the second one
(I am the) First gate to all and none
I am the robe in which he walks to thread the path of doom
I am the core of all beliefs, master Satan we are all here!
Magic, vigorous, splendour Impamiiz
I am now the face of the demon lord
Potent, ruler, majestic, master
We will walk with the Devil into the cold... forever
Robber of sleep I know you too well
Senders of the rays from the circular cold place
A secret place, my own place
Undisturbed and undetected - The cold palace...
6. Breathing the Black Dust
["Expelled, but never again in this body I will hold", was his words as he breathed on my lump of a soul. From the plains of anger he has come, still hosting the virus from the thick sludge. The black dust, robber of the soul, killer of the spirit.]
No lust
No will
I vomit the soul
Regurgitate the spirits here
Empty shells, the hammer click
So, I reload and try again... again
In the mud, and down the drain
I spew the crippled out
I inhale and I reject
I reload and I try again
I can not cope, I do not see... the voices never stop
I don't feel, I've got no lust, I'll carve you out of me
There is a silhouette on the horizon
Circles and points of view
There is something wrong and vile inside
Satan, guide this bullet right!
Houses of humans flicker by
Satations on the fucking line
Fast-forward and flat
Chuckle, cackle and crack
Eyes are bulging in the head
Feelings unreal and spirits dead
No meaning to it all
Hear them calling...
Depraved, Deranged, Depraved
I breathe the black dust deep inside
I must transform again
Another angle to this life
It just consumes me
Border walking every hour
I've seen it coming
No lust, no will, no life
Isolation is complete
7. Doubt Denied
[Pretext: Agani, silence. Forsaken. OUtside the window the world remains the same. A mouth - fucked race. Fear - fed parasites. You despise a fool. Still hate the self achiever, just another agent of the method of the 'True' believer. You bear the mask of guilt. Another principle of your existence. An everlasting race for grace, and you forget who you are. You are an abortion!]
In god you trust
Another nation takes the fix
Holy fathers prophecy
And their holy bag of tricks
Down on your knees, and you beg for salvation
Another need made up just to think without a reason
You learn to love a god without doubt
Idiocy checks in, and brains check out
Doubt is denied!
Ongoing quest for your holy land, no questions asked,
You just sit at command
Your shepherds, they feed on the fear of God
So snared by fables, you kill your own kind... aeons later, but still you're so blind
The fear is fed
Your mouth open wide
You're all part of the sickness
The cyst just grow
Is this your freedom?
Just bow, just bow
You are denied
Down on you knees
Turned your hurt into a halo
Doped on fear, guilt and god
Who is this spook celestial fraud?
Satan's to blame for all your wrongs!?
And God is praised in your beloved songs!?
What a hoax... as you now realize
Turned away from all that was ugly
You saw only the light
But the dissemble line is now rolling
Idiocy proved it's right
Turned your sorrow into a servant
Your hurt to a halo
Mass exodus, driven by the Judas goat
The abattoir aways!
There is no light in the end of the tunnel
Only your self-inflicted pain
Abandoned, aborted, denied
Alone, and left to die!
8. Entangled in Thorns
[Pretext: I dissent... Our goals are different. The journey not the same, I'll close you down. Dead. Digressing... yet another recognition. Floating back on those oceans of dust... back to those memory-shores. Ab ovo! Rewind into... A fragmented vision of a birth... once ... beyond time. As I was falling down... stuck in the mud, entwined inside. Where are the voices of reason?]
Encaged in a void
Entangled in thorns
Life is strapping me down to the floor
I'm gasping for air
I try to get free
Or magus Impamiiz will never be
Nail driven mind bursting with hate
Untangle myself, and to roam is my fate
Open the door, race for the soul
I'm back in command, I'm taking control
Liquid Satan you burn with me
Through him I am free
Will not stop, I don't care
Just through him as I live again
I can not cope with human behaviour
So, I cope with those from within
Odd figures within its dreadful storm
Brought to me by those from beyond
Those creatures in the walls...
Those creatures in the walls!!
Just through him I live...
Just through him I live again...
(In the) Shape of the cosming god
Im'stuck in here
Sign of power you give to me
Bring me... Bring me... Bring me to your glory... Father!
Voices of reason, and so I am free
A life without Satan, I know it can't be!
9. The Magnet Soul
[Pretext: I exit the void. Disconnect life. Expel the thick bile, the healing has been done, I've stepped outside. Exitus Spiritus. Luciferius et tu domunis I am the new law. Now be drawn to me... Ikon]
Let the chanting begin
I call forth those in slumber
I call for retaliation
From interest, a pure passion
A deranged confession
You bow so perfectly in joy
Be drawn to the magnet soul
The mutter is for you, my lord
They bow to set you free - free at last!
What were those words again
Your suffering has got eyes
(I'm) Caught up in the twirl, lord Satan
Cutting myself on the shattered glass
And so the chanting returns
And now you bow for the magnet soul
And so the chanting returns
It is bound to set you free
I ran from the trapped, I killed that world
The confessor, I smashed your face in!
Who are you in the reflection, I do not recognise
Old man and his burden kept
Killed from birth, a soul in dept
The mutter is for you my lord
I bow to set you free
checked out so many times
but I never left
We call those in slumber now
Give praise to the lord
Satan, father
We bow to set you free, this world is yours!
Now bow down!
For the magnet soul
You bow down for the IKON
I exude the host, I spit you out
False face, are you righteous?
Blessed be those of you with clear and open eyes
Scorned angel of the light, Lucifer
They bow for you, my lord
Their minds will set you... free
Luciferius et tu Dominus
This world is yours!
... and so the chanting returns
Now bow down for the Icon
And so the chanting returns
Rise to power!
[Ante-text [sic]: ... and crush the immaculate conception. Mortal man, blood and bones and even God can die!
Watch your saviour dissapear, as 'It' transcend into society. The conception of Satan as a norm, murdering your Gods. Wonderful rebellion in a land of lambs. Your old beliefs morally corrupt. You have created your own true hell. Satan excluded. Trapped with no return, and I am not priviliged to join. You of the self entrhoned lie of the 'holy'... here and now is your day of Torment! Glory, glory! Prisa Djavuten!]