
"Killing words" (1996 Demo)
1. Into the inner ocean 2. Killing worsd 3. The ruin 4. Nothing to say 5. Wounded soul 6. Sunset 7. Illusions
1. Into the inner ocean
Into the inner ocean
(speaking and noise of the ocean only)
Thoughts stream like water
of the ocean, lashed with
power of disaster and blood
falling at surface that
affords unprecedented
sight - existence ...
Now my conscience storms
in the same way like its water
My life dies in dark cell
builded up of mankind
dies in prison without the light
whose walls are hardened of death,
destroying and next endless
vestiges of human mistakes
2. Killing worsd
Killing words
Words !
Hey, cut your body
with words of that fool
when you think
that he needs you
Look my child
at this world
that falling
to hopelessness
and lives in his lies
Killing words (x3)
Hey, do you still believe
that what he says
is all right and is O.K. ?
Listen my child
the words of meanness
that he screams
from his mouths
Killing words (x3)
One words was enough
too many towns were destroyed
there remaind too many corpses
but nobody has learnt
One word was enough
and beauty changed into dust
love drowned in hatred
and that was the cause of wars
They are cruel
they are mean
they are poor
words !
3. The ruin
Into the inner ocean
(speaking and noise of the ocean only)
Thoughts stream like water
of the ocean, lashed with
power of disaster and blood
falling at surface that
affords unprecedented
sight - existence ...
Now my conscience storms
in the same way like its water
My life dies in dark cell
builded up of mankind
dies in prison without the light
whose walls are hardened of death,
destroying and next endless
vestiges of human mistakes
Ve vnitøním oceánu
(mluvené slovo a šum oceánu)
Myšlenky proudí jako vody oceánu
bièovány silou neštìstí a krví
padající na hladinu, jež skýtá
nevídané divadlo - existenci ...
Teï mé vìdomí bouøí stejnì
jako jeho vody
mùj život zmírá v temné kobce
postavené lidstvem
zmírá ve vìzení beze svìtla
jehož zdi zpevòují smrt
nièení a další nekoneèné
stopy lidských chyb
Killing words
Words !
Hey, cut your body
with words of that fool
when you think
that he needs you
Look my child
at this world
that falling
to hopelessness
and lives in his lies
Killing words (x3)
Hey, do you still believe
that what he says
is all right and is O.K. ?
Listen my child
the words of meanness
that he screams
from his mouths
Killing words (x3)
One words was enough
too many towns were destroyed
there remaind too many corpses
but nobody has learnt
One word was enough
and beauty changed into dust
love drowned in hatred
and that was the cause of wars
They are cruel
they are mean
they are poor
words !
Vraždící slova
Hej, poøez své tìlo slovy toho blázna
když si myslíš, že tì potøebuje
Podívej se mé dítì na tenhle svìt
který upadá do beznadìje
a žije v jeho lžích, slovech co zabíjí ...
Hej, poøád vìøíš, že to co øíká
je v poøádku, je O.K. ?
Poslouchej mé dítì ty slova podlosti
která vykøikuje ze svých úst
slova co zabíjí ...
Jediné slovo staèilo
mnoho mìst bylo znièeno
zùstalo tak mnoho mrtvých
ale nikdo se nepouèil
Jediné slovo staèilo
a krása se zmìnila v prach
láska se utopila v nenávisti
a ta byla pøíèinou válek
Jsou krutá, jsou podlá
jsou chatrná ... slova !
The ruin
You censor my empty life
my feelings, my breath, my soul
the light of words is buried in dark lies
and there is hatred in me, in me !
You direct my brain, my hands
blooded, with gun and knife
our death is waiting in the world of crime
but I want to be alive, alive !
Somebody's blood You didn't know him
A stiffened face Now without cares
Eyes - no light What is with you ?
He is dead I can kill you too !
Why me ? You were choosen
Inner fear For a while
I am cool It's your smile
Fatal mistake For life you must pay
I'm the ruin
I can die but have my name
I'm the ruin
Be exculpated, free again
I'm the ruin
Why, where are my good principles ?
Eyes, eyes see how was I used !
I burn !
Soul in fire, I want to sleep
I can't look, I can't read
I don't know what is true
I see bloody insurrection
Victims are burning with dead tears
their records are desperately clean
My god takes my trust
I'm destroyed and I'm lost
Instead of heart only a stone
instead of love I'm alone
a face for your awful need
I pray, I please, I bleed
You are a bastard, you are bad guy
that's why I want to see you die first
4. Nothing to say
Nothing to say ?
Yeah, where at once is too late ...
Suffering lives at this place
fightning and death everyday
last scream is comming to me
of my "pseudonatural" enemies
I will not learn to kill
I hate human blood
the war destroys all what I feel
the feelings are not here
Erase your pleasures and dreams
close your eyes, don't show the tears
my friend you are in the war
this fact is real, this you can't ignore
You don't know absurd dance
no listen you why ?
People are losing the sense
and change is not in your might
Your connection with "nowhere"
is more than clear
I will forever against the war !
Fuck you, fuck you war
more than ever before
everlasting rain
of terror is insane
Sad cool war makes life too short !
Disgusting commands - "Kill !"
what in the meantime lived still
they fly as lethal inflammation
of reason that increases the station
they extend figure of late
in the book of the death-rate
doom is waiting anyway and there
my friends lie and they say not ...
Always ...
Not !
5. Wounded soul
My soul is wounded
the world torments me
human approach
say, must it be ?
Life in unrest
feelings of fear
silent protest
the end is near !
Wounded soul
by their lies
life is foul
one makes cry
Repeat second verse
Fuck !
Wars in the world
ominous scream
calling for the help
Is it a bad dream ?
Threatening catastrophes
lack of interest
justice is dead
I'm very sad about that
Money and violence
this thing is main
in my wounded soul
there is ascar and a pain
Wounded soul (x4)
My wounded soul
6. Sunset
7. Illusions