
"Serenadium" (1996)
1. Tranquil Seizure 2. Prophecy of the Dying Watcher 3. Serenadium 4. Spectral Scent 5. Mockery Retained to Obturate 6. Encysted and Dormant 7. Son of Cosmos 8. Retorn
1. Tranquil Seizure
Celestial Journey,
Intercession of spheres
Interstellar release
The cosmic reappears
Drift among stars,
Flow vainly into black
Tranquil body seizured
But mentally relaxed
Shedding of worries
Mind quest no fear
With gravity behind me
In rapture I sear
Reaching out gently to touch and contrast
But deceived by this contour of images so vast
With gravity behind me
And destiny in hand
With gravity behind me
And destiny in hand
My body slithers paralyzed
Into emptiness
2. Prophecy of the Dying Watcher
From the plains of the unborn
I have traveled from the lands beyond the mirror
I originate
From the ashes of what used to be
Now scorched is the lands of the ancient
Horrid screams from God that perished
Elderly paradise
Consumed in flames of forgotten hatred
I know to the gate of warping
That leads eternal waste
Smell the incense of the ancient
That watch the gate in peril
Names of the dormant God
Lost in societies of a man
They've awaken from their slumber
To clench the earth with hate
From the ashes of what used to be
3. Serenadium
Lethal injection in the skull
Tranquil fluid enters the brain
Incision made with surgical precision
Plastic tube inserted in the vain
Incurable chronic disorder
Total paralysation lurking ahead
Stiffening of limbs, blood runs cold
Psychic molestation
Serenade of the death-less
You will slowly transpire
Serenadium of the death-less
Painful submission to cancer
Your only perception is the pain
Of your body that slowly corrodes
The only thing left that is real to you
Is the menacing torment that is devouring you
4. Spectral Scent
Injecting the drug
Awaiting it's effect
Sending back the mind
Into the abyss of ages
Not knowing of the peril
Await there souls beyond
There's a hideous price to pay
For knowing the beginning
Blush protoplasmic icon
Shows the presence of them
Called upon by curious mortals
Seeking knowledge of the ancient past
Standing on the shores
Beyond time and space
Escaping through the aeons
Seeking back to presence
Scented through timeless ages
Approaching through geometrical gates
Infiltrating healthy dimension
To feast on the life therein
5. Mockery Retained to Obturate
Facially scarred from the chronic sickness
Mockery retained to obturate
Lucid fairytale, envy the sane
Delicious wishes of escape
Conceived by a shackled reality
Sense of only pain
Approaching total tranquility
Ray of the sun drawn back once again
Signed approval contamination
Archaically involved within the strain
Septation of continuous growth
Redeemed by a poisonous fate
A lumid death unfolds
From every miscroscopical pore
Brain shuts of at heart's last toll
Convulse reduces emotional uproar
Not to mention or express
What rest, besides our soul
Stalking in despondent search
To reach the ivory throne
Septation of continuous growth
Redeemed by a poisonous fate
Signed approval contamination
Archaically involved within the strain
Whatever appears in the back of my mind
That will cause this contagious disease to erupt
And corrode on mankind
I solemnly search To prevent what is ahead
Retreat from innermost conflicts
For thou shall sharpen your face
6. Encysted and Dormant
Entering the blood flow
Convention invisible
Causing a rapid terminal infection
Atrocities deformation of the bodily system
Alien spores flowing unbound
Beneath the smoldering flesh
Growing immensely inside
Converting the living tissue
Into rubbery decomposium matter
Spreading the slender filaments
Through the circulary system
The transformation immediate
Limbs turn to fungus flesh
Once encysted and dormant
The spores survive for centuries
Cataclysmic hallucinations
Marks the beginning
Encysted and dormant
7. Son of Cosmos
In the center of the universe
In the midst of oblivion
Is where the seat of power is found
Soaked by unspeakable madness
Deity beyond description
Abhorrence absolute
Intense madness it is
Of what I dare not speak
Older than the void
Son of the cosmos
He will still remain
Aeons after our time
A torturous seed implanted in me
Embedded in my strain of thoughts
Enlightened by my killing tendency
Violence, a dominating supremacy
8. Retorn
I am one of the flock
Like them, I lie dreaming
Clenching my rose of blackness.
Dwelling in sunken valoorni
Help me out of this war that keeps haunting me
Laugh at me, mock me, Confine your banished mind
Tempt his way nadve web of frustrations in you
It was the darkness of my youth
When I came upon the man who warp my mind astray
He taught me ways of seeing
Into other spheres of reality
Where no mind saves the insane
Can fathom what it beholds
The man in black
Teachers of the master's art
Messenger from the outer limits
Of indefinable time and space