
"Iniquity Bloody Iniquity" (2003 Best of/Compilation)
1. Revel in Cremation 2. Madman of the Trade 3. Extreme Unction (Pestilence cover) 4. Bloodletting 5. The Bullet’s Breath 6. Inhale the Ghost 7. The Rigormortified Grip 8. Cocooned 9. Desiderated Profligacy 10. The Hidden Lore 11. Encysted and Dormant 12. Retorn 13. Entangled 14. Torn 15. Prophecy of the Dying Watcher (live)
1. Revel in Cremation
2. Madman of the Trade
3. Extreme Unction (Pestilence cover)
Extreme Unction
Passed the door of death
Hereafter place to be
Fortified with the rites
Clerical loyalty
Final means of grace
Time has taken your life away
Cadaverous corporal constitution
Future lies in decay
Extreme unction
Sacrament of death
Mortality destiny
Inevitable in humanity
Funeral oration
Mourning for the dead
Gone away, left for
Another life instead
Procession is passing by
Flowing tears of grief
Let us pray for the dead
Hold on to your belief
4. Bloodletting
Thriving on fear that I instil
Restless excursion, in for the kill
Smashing a face, violent outburst
Inflicting pain, compulsive urge
To your painfilled screams I am immune
Seductive coercion rigged to insert pain
Threatening domination, your vanity I will maim
Feel the rush of this violent compulsion
Beating you senseless, my way of subduction
It’s the utter high to look at your rearranged face
Raping and beating you until sanity leaves your gaze
As my fury escalates, I need to draw blood
As vitality leaves you in an oozing red flood
Bloodred streams from corpses emanate
As my sadistic intensions slowly incarnate
Feel no remorse for this sickening trend
As this bloodrush hails, I don’t repent
Bloodletting occupies the wound
Eyes swirling in an agitated state
To your painfilled screams I am immune
As your eyes turn glazed, I suck in your fate
5. The Bullet’s Breath
“Fuck the world” is what he said
And the bullet went straight through his head
A life forsaken sufficiency
Frustration, tensions warranty
With blatant fury life is expelled
From a once so livid shell
Crisp and leathery as the bones start to show
White fungi embrace the blackened skin
Larvae plunge through the stomach wall
The process of moulding begins
Skull fractured immensely from the bullets breath
Brain pulp protrudes from the wound
Invasion of flies in the stinky pink matter
Eyes excessively pruned
Lifeless yet still full of life
Death feeds the living
Death breeds the living
Formication beneath flesh and dirt
Death feeds the living
Death breeds the living
Inhale the bullet as he wishes to depart
From this world, without a clue
Worn down to the beat of a heart
And a triggered mind to undo
Carcass lie bloated under the sun
Rotting on a dusty mound
Soul condemned to a world beyond
The sand became his burial ground
6. Inhale the Ghost
Balance the ledge of life
Perplexed existance causing strife
The lines are written in your eyes
Fantasize a night of sleep
The vicious circle borrowing deep
One on another, although you despise
Flush down your memories
Eject the past
A virtual existance
A peak of the flask
Abused, abusing, accused of using
Dealing, declining, fatally resigning
Push the needle, inhale the ghost
Crush the pill, increase the dose
Despondent, fumbling through a blurry haze
Trembling, cold sweat running from a pale face
Repellent visions of the staggering truth
Deny yourself and your shat upon death
With life entwined in the veil of death
And future sliding down the drain
Contorted in societies of man
And loss of will to try again
Struggling lifeless amongst debris copulating unwillingly
A fatal trust in what you repent
A retorted reprisal with a twisted intent
Flush down your memories
Eject the past
A virtual existance
A peak of the flask
7. The Rigormortified Grip
Rotted carcass fast descending
A hollow shell stabbed through the core
Winds of hatred sweeps the room
As another victim hits the floor
Blood has no limit
As I take your last breath
Cast into disinfigurement
Welcome death
A twist of sanity, obscure defeat
Obsessed with the inanimate
Procedure forced upon the dead
Deranged and erect I penetrate
Hand that grasp the velvet rope
In a rigor mortified grip
Eyes that glister dead distress
As semen meets the lip
The grip of man upholds
Skin tightened to the bone
Buckled knees copllapse again
Your narrow shadow fall in vain
Flesh rubbed in certain death
Senses start to boil
Euphoric state of arousement peaks
You and I wound up in a coil
8. Cocooned
9. Desiderated Profligacy
Silence lurks the streets of tomorrow
It shall be a glorious day
Despised is the way I may follow
Impatiens is pushing me to put you away
Maintaining the present law protecting myself causing fear,
Like a soldier hungry for war controlling you crushing your tears
Preparing myself for the battle to come
My weapons are loaded and ready to kill
I wield it in rage, taught to crush the minority
Tense in a special way, Erection uncontrolled
Awaits tournament, our fate is ominous
History won't forget, this fucked up government.
I love the democracy, so concrete and merciless
Chaos spreads around fulfilling most of my pleasures
Negligent as I roar, Bodies dropping dead to the ground
Aggression no remorse I'll never stop my disordering,
Until I see rivers of blood and victory will be mine:
10. The Hidden Lore
Feverish rites submerged in decay
Conducted below the bleeding moon
Rebirth of the ones ruling before
Reigning supreme with nightmarish divinity
Tentacular entity pulpish appearance
Intellectually superior
Aberration to the human mind
One with the hidden lore
And the mystery of primal earth
And unforgettable aeons
Sensing the presence of an alien life form
Frantic fear of exposure
Slithered in shadows obscured
Teeming with fluid from afar
Bred by alien gods
Seething with the power of travel
Beyond cosmic barriers
Then I viewed the darkest glens
The decaying remains
Of infinite blackening:
11. Encysted and Dormant
Entering the blood flow
Convention invisible
Causing a rapid terminal infection
Atrocities deformation of the bodily system
Alien spores flowing unbound
Beneath the smoldering flesh
Growing immensely inside
Converting the living tissue
Into rubbery decomposium matter
Spreading the slender filaments
Through the circulary system
The transformation immediate
Limbs turn to fungus flesh
Once encysted and dormant
The spores survive for centuries
Cataclysmic hallucinations
Marks the beginning
Encysted and dormant
12. Retorn
I am one of the flock
Like them, I lie dreaming
Clenching my rose of blackness.
Dwelling in sunken valoorni
Help me out of this war that keeps haunting me
Laugh at me, mock me, Confine your banished mind
Tempt his way nadve web of frustrations in you
It was the darkness of my youth
When I came upon the man who warp my mind astray
He taught me ways of seeing
Into other spheres of reality
Where no mind saves the insane
Can fathom what it beholds
The man in black
Teachers of the master's art
Messenger from the outer limits
Of indefinable time and space
13. Entangled
14. Torn
15. Prophecy of the Dying Watcher (live)
From the plains of the unborn
I have traveled from the lands beyond the mirror
I originate
From the ashes of what used to be
Now scorched is the lands of the ancient
Horrid screams from God that perished
Elderly paradise
Consumed in flames of forgotten hatred
I know to the gate of warping
That leads eternal waste
Smell the incense of the ancient
That watch the gate in peril
Names of the dormant God
Lost in societies of a man
They've awaken from their slumber
To clench the earth with hate
From the ashes of what used to be