
"Demo" (2003 Demo)
1. Dead End Evolution 2. The Path Less Traveled 3. Lure of Corruption 4. Veil of Deceit 5. Man Made Death
1. Dead End Evolution
We emerge from the dust still breathing,
If only to see the dead left behind.
Our world bears the scars of decimation,
Left with black plains of desolation.
A logical step for evolution,
Technology dictates execution.
Suvivors begin pointing the finger,
The remnants of humanity laid to waste.
The cancer you see is humanity, a race consumed by hate.
With heads up their ass they rain down their fire,
Only to conceive their primal desire.
Desire to hate..
2. The Path Less Traveled
At some point along the path we walk,
We take a breath to reflect.
And come to realize that with each step we take for granted,
An opportunity dies.
There will always be others who tell you what cant be done, come lets prove them wrong.
There will always be others who doubt you in spite now were still going strong
Content wasting away on the daily grind,
Lost touch with our dreams.
Cast yourself back to a point of inspiration,
Rekindle the flame.
Been granted a finite time upon the earth,
Slowly dwindles away.
With death looming overhead as a reminder,
We're not here to stay.
There will always be others who tell you what cant be done, come lets prove them wrong.
There will always be others who doubt you in spite now were still going strong
Deep down we yearn to break away,
From the self induced slavery.
Tragically for the many who have come and gone,
Its the path less travelled.
We start out life with ambitions,
Dreams and hopes beyond the horizon.
But the candles burning out,
Make your dreams become your reality.
We start out life with ambitions,
Dreams hopes and joys unfortold.
Leave the world without a regret,
Make your dreams become your reality.
3. Lure of Corruption
Born with your own mind, concepts undefined, pure uncorrupted youth.
Forced through the motions, stripped of all emotion, diluted notions of the truth.
With a strengthening will avoid assimilation.
Cast yourself apart from a braindead nation.
Introduced in time, to pain and loss and crime, ideals will twist and corrode.
Thoughts are not your own, from thoughts of others grown, taught compliance to a code.
Holding fast resisting the integration.
Standing tall and free with determination.
Corruptions crept inside, your sense of being died, another mind reduced to dust.
Conforming was a choice, youve sacrificed your voice, comfort in numbers gains your trust.
Youve cast away your final shreds of independance.
A soul withering away now with every sentence.
Accustomed to accept, the words of those inept, convinced its what you beleive.
Youve fallen through the dark, will never leave your mark, joined the ranks of the naive.
Blind and lost, yet reaching out in desparation.
Left behind a life in search of false salvation.
The sense of pride, thats born of standing alone,
All the harder the path, but your success is your own.
4. Veil of Deceit
We keep our deepest memories close to our hearts, for all to see.
But closer still, we keep the shames of our past.
As life goes by, we bury them deeper in the pit of our mind.
Constantly haunted by the taint, on our perfect worlds.
Time Heals all wounds,
Or so im told...
On the darkest nights, we cast ourselves back, revisit our demons.
And for the hundredth time, we tell ourselves that we've moved on.
Behind the lie we live, the truth hides beneath the surface,
Day after day, it forever lusts to break out.
Behind a face, of seeming innocence, hard eyes watch.
Scarred by experience, some things are better left unseen.
Time Heals all wounds,
Or so im told...
Now we concentrate efforts, to keep our secret, away from the light.
Forvever tortured by the day, when our truths will escape.
The sky is ever grey,
To suit a brooding soul,
Under a veil of deceit.
5. Man Made Death
Twisted minds all work as one, to conceive machines, machines of pain and hate.
Pouring death from their souls, it will bring about their fate.
Whilst in denial, they toil away, coming closer to their aims.
Too blind to realise, in the end, there'll be no one left to blame.
A force without resistance.
Will break from control.
Got lost in our ambitions,
Its our turn to fall.
Without warning, they've lost control, our own creations, are now self aware.
In desparation, we pull the plug, left only to despair.
As we remember, the subtle fact, that theyve been designed to hate.
A final stand, they were made too well, and we've fought back too late.
Its time for our extinction.
With no turning back.
We'll be our own undoing.
A fate unforseen.
Subconsciously, we're setting free, mindless legions of man made death.
Too blind to see, a plague to be, we'll be victims of man made death.