
"Apocalyptic End in White" (2004)
1. Cryogenic Communion 2. Astral Frost Invocation 3. Hypothermic Possession 4. Onward Banshee Legions 5. Apocalyptic Blizzard Regime 6. Upheaving The Ancient Thirst 7. Cascade Cavern Catharsis 8. Convulsing Frigid Death 9. Glacial Lyckanthropic Horde 10. Behold Thy Frozen Arctic Kingdom 11. Råvaskeith's Revenge
1. Cryogenic Communion
2. Astral Frost Invocation
Frozen spirits of ancient ancestry
Arise in union incestuously
brother ocean, sister air
chaotic upheaval I declare!
R�vaskieth - offspring of winter death
show thy fury with arctic breath
I cast my blood upon the snow
I unleash thy hate to flow! Flow!
With tears of ice, blind their eyes
with hypothermia, everything dies
blanket the earth and blacken their sun
entomb their cities and let it be done!
I call on the crystalline pain
Shiver through the astral plane
Astral... Frost! Astral... Frost!
Invocation... Invocation...
3. Hypothermic Possession
My flesh is freezing, I�m barely breathing, I hear you in my mind:
�Rise up servant, Take my Hatred, Cast it on mankind!�
Yes my master, possess me faster, I want to be the one!
�Guide my demons, Lead my legions, Let my will be done!�
I Hear!................The serpent pierce my ears!
I Feel!..................My features disappear!
Power!........................Ice now fills my veins!
Beware!..............Rav�skeith is here!
Blizzard winds of arctic power, gather in the sky!
Ancient evil begins to scour, all will surely die!
Raise my staff to thunder clash � upheaval of the snow
Dragon lord of frigid terror � Behold!
Open, the Gate..............
Attack, with Hate........
Arctic, Death........
Will seal your fate!
......................No Return
........to the past
.........Ice, Age
Blizzard winds of arctic power, gather in the sky!
Ancient evil begins to scour, all will surely die!
Raise my staff to thunder clash � upheaval of the snow
Dragon lord of frigid terror � Behold!
...........................This world, will cry, in, Fear!
......................A fro�zen, Tear!
...........................Knives of Rain
.......................Frost � bitten, pain!
Blizzard winds of arctic power, gather in the sky!
Ancient evil begins to scour, all will surely die!
Feeble humans, kneel and pray � There god does not exist!
In there chapels they will stay �and perish!!!
4. Onward Banshee Legions
Terrain, quickly, grows dry, goes dead
No tree, bears fruit, all crops, now gone, Gone!
Livestock dying, sea life, frozen
No food, no warmth, no where, to go Now!
Desert valley, covered, in white
Urban, jungle, starving, homeless Die!
No light, no sun, stormclouds, endless
No hope, no god, evil, takes hold, KILL!
Ancient army near
feasting on your fear
blizzard invasion here!
Women, children first
make them, feel the pain worst
quenching, evil, thirst!
Ghastly, banshee, stare
your flesh, your skin, tear
demons, every where!
Clenching, piercing, pain
drowning, in the, rain
face down go in�sane!
Banshee Legions, Blizzard Demons, Banshee legions
Gaining faster, getting closer!
Getting closer, Gaining faster!
Banshee Legions, Blizzard Demons, Banshee legions
Gaining faster, getting closer!
Don�t look, back now, blizzard is here!
Desert valley, covered, in white
Urban, jungle, starving, homeless Die!
No light, no sun, stormclouds, endless
No hope, no god, evil, takes hold, KILL!
Ancient army near
feasting on your fear
blizzard invasion here!
Women, children first
make them, feel the pain worst
quenching, evil, thirst!
Ghastly, banshee, stare
your flesh, your skin, tear
demons, every where!
Clenching, piercing, pain
drowning, in the, rain
face down go in�sane!
5. Apocalyptic Blizzard Regime
Lord, lord of winter death....Attack!
Leave, leave no human soul...Intact!
Rape this world and spew thy evil seed
Blanket of white and blizzard stampeed!!!
Azure Aura, transform to white
Winter storm cloud spirits....gather in the night
Pierce through heaven, Pierce through hell
The resonant sound, the doomsday bell
Despair and hunger.... to eat they need
On themselves and family ...they will feed
Fear and pain and tears they cry
freeze there lungs and make them... Die!
No hope for civilization, Frozen global annihilation
Encase there souls, children, wives...
Shatter there warmth, homes... and lives!
Mummification ....entombment under snow
genocidal screams, through wind doth blow!
6. Upheaving The Ancient Thirst
Uncoil, uncloak, remove, expose
through mind, through heart, through flesh he rose
naked, human, no more, I�m dead
Pure white, pure hate, a god instead
Power and might
command this light
to surge though me
and set them free
Throw my hand low
beneath the snow
the powers glow
Upheave, unearth, the ancient thirst
for blood
My will, I command
O�ver, arctic land
RISE! Rise! Rise
ser�pent, finally
de�mon, Ice regime
Flow, past, the open sea
kill, rape, your word redeem
Uncoil, uncloak, remove, expose
through mind, through heart, through flesh he rose
naked, human, no more, I�m dead
Pure white, pure hate, a god instead
Power and might
command this light
to surge though me
and set them free
Throw my hand low
beneath the snow
the powers glow
Upheave, unearth, the ancient thirst
for blood
My will, I command
O�ver, arctic land
RISE! Rise! Rise
7. Cascade Cavern Catharsis
Alas! We gather in northern blackness
Preparing the frozen soul mass
Ritual tablets in place
Let this dark coven make Haste!
Bring forth the first child unbound
Slice him them pass it Around!
Staining the crystals of snow
Shards of ice making blood Flow!
Make the blood flow!
Destiny! Led here by powers unknown
Wisdom through astral nights Roamed!
Echoing moans in our heads
No rest till everyones Dead!
Soon all the oceans shall freeze
Every soul brought to it�s Knees!
Once all this life is sucked dry
Completion: it�s our turn to DIE!!!
Our turn to die!
But first, R�vaskeith thirsts,
for blood to be dispersed,
to set the stars align,
and await the sign!
Mammoth rise in winter guise,
Take this child to the frozen side,
Empty human born of flesh,
Throw him, To the cold white death!
Spirit thunder, blizzard hunger,
Murdering, to make us stronger.
Flash of light, aurora bright,
Demon! Enter my sight!
Alas! We gather in northern blackness
Preparing the frozen soul mass
Ritual tablets in place
Let this dark coven make Haste!
Bring forth the THIRD child unbound
Slice him them pass it Around!
Staining the crystals of snow
Shards of ice making blood Flow!
Make the blood flow!
8. Convulsing Frigid Death
It�ll come at night, while you sleep
when you wake it�ll be too late
Sirens, foreboding, emergency
winds will roar like never before
Panic, screaming, chaos, family disown
every man for his own
Buried, in snow, frozen
demons advance, you have no chance!
Tunnel, dig and search for meaning
fingers black and cracked and bleeding
Near the top you can hear the screaming
hordes of creatures, dead and steaming
Ice bound cities surrounded by snow
storm cloud spirit apparitions grow
wincing eyes, through hail, you see a face
too late now, the serpent tongue you taste
Steal the breath from you
Collapse and turn blue
Gasping your last breath
convulsing fri-gid death!
It�ll come at night, while you sleep
when you wake it�ll be too late
Sirens, foreboding, emergency
winds will roar like never before
Panic, screaming, chaos, family disown
every man for his own
Buried, in snow, frozen
demons advance, you have no chance!!
Tunnel, dig and search for meaning
fingers black and cracked and bleeding
Near the top you can hear the screaming
hordes of creatures, dead and steaming
Gasping your last breath!
Convulsing fri�gid death!
9. Glacial Lyckanthropic Horde
Down, in the snow, watch the wind formation go
Turn, all around, twisting, morph, into the hound
Rise, demon lord, G�mork, bring forth, rabid horde
See, R�vaskieth, unleashing the wolven teeth!
Charge! In their eyes you see your death
growling, wolf pack, steaming breath
hundred claw prints in the snow
fangs of ice, your blood will flow
northern wolf pack overthrow
Yet another demon force
charging in, they stampede forth!
Charge! in there eyes you see your death
growling, wolf pack, steaming breath
hundred claw prints in the snow
fangs of ice, your blood will flow
Un�leashed, to, fight!
Chaos, spi�rits, in flight!
An�cients of white
Kill, destroy with might!
Down, in the snow, watch the wind formation go
Turn, all around, twisting, morph, into the hound
Rise, demon lord, G�mork, bring forth, rabid horde
See, R�vaskieth, unleashing the wolven teeth!
Rise, G�mork, bring forth, rabid horde!
Rise, G�mork, bring forth, rabid horde!
Rise, G�mork, bring forth, rabid horde!
Rise, G�mork, bring forth, rabid horde!
10. Behold Thy Frozen Arctic Kingdom
Cryonic, frostbitten, cold and dead
no trace of human life, not one shred
across the open sky...rav�skeith flew
crystalline, destructive, hateful and true!
Desolate despair covers the earth
Cascades of white, have swallowed there mirth
Fallen heroes' submerged in bloody steam
Life's dead, cold exit.....across the beautiful arctic
The apocalyptic end in white
Least expected, attack in the night
The justifiable final end of all
Frozen hearted spirits have made this world
finally... Fall!
Behold thy frozen arctic kingdom is here
I leave this vast, desolation with my final tear
I burrow myself in the snow and withdraw my knife
As my final sacrifice of praise, I take my
11. Råvaskeith's Revenge
Met�em, psy�chosis
Up, from thee abyss
Cold, hearted spirits
Out, for their, revenge
COLD! the touch of the dead
COLD! the blood that has bled
COLD! possessing your head!
RISE! now winter zombie
RISE! you�ll hunt now with me
KILL! each lifeform you see RE�VENGE!
WHITE! pure rage chaotic
WHITE! pure misanthropic
WAR! apocalyptic
ICE! pure domination
ICE! obliviation
ICE! freeze all creation, RE�VENGE!
WHITE! pure rage chaotic
WHITE! pure misanthropic
WAR! apocalyptic
ICE! pure domination
ICE! obliviation
ICE! freeze all creation, RE�VENGE!
Race, before, creation
Gods, of ice, mutation
Rulers, of hate, and death
Seek, there return, to flesh!
Met�em, psy�chosis
Up, from thee abyss
Cold, hearted spirits
Out, for their, revenge