
"As Desires Fade..." (2002)
1. Pilgrims From The Age Of Fire 2. Erotic Perversion 3. Incarnated Supremacy "Munitia Part II" 4. Scarved "Munitia Part I" 5. In Quest Of... 6. Neverfading Memories "Spiritual Exploitation" 7. Cataract Of A Dying Desire 8. I've Chosen 9. Immortal Beloved 10. Frozen In Time 11. Millenium Apocalypse
1. Pilgrims From The Age Of Fire
2. Erotic Perversion
Desires hidden within the mind. Erotic perversion, the orgasm in sight. I see the lust within your eyes! Demonic hunger from the beast within. Eyes of madness, the edge of sanity. Oh, I sympathise with your need for obscurity. Let me guide you to the orgasm of hypocrisy. I rape the flesh and praise the demon's mind. Kreator of perversion, the enemy of life. You are the key, my trip to paradise. Deep inside I penetrate, denial of your pride. The wound is bleeding, your blood seems white. Face a million little Hennes in this garden of delight. You are an object of perverted lust. I own your pride, your dignity, I am your god. Dimensions with new horizons open. Unknown desires take control of my mind. The time has come for the final pleasure. Death for you as I cum my second time. As you fall lifeless on the floor. I pray this feeling to be eternally.
3. Incarnated Supremacy "Munitia Part II"
The end of mortal madness. The sky soaped in blood. The remains of a life in agony. Now bounding to an infernal art. Creation of a force which is feeding of my hate. Of needs to kill the guilty, desires to derange. Eternity - the echo of life. Supremacy - I am dead and Death is I. As I'm staring to the world through the eyes of death. Their peace will be murdered and their blood will get shed. The end of mortal madness, the sky soaped in blood. The remains of a life in agony are bounding to an infernal art. I'm searching for a way to release this anger deep within. For justice, for revenge; to let 'em pay for all their sins. A quest for wisdom and powers. A request for the gods. The path towards the throne of total chaos. Reveiling the secrets of the black arts. Unbounded - incarnated divinity. Forever vengeance's mine. Eternal - reborn in twilight. Evil will return. A quest for total annihilation. And a battle which shall be wun. The prey selected - no mercy will be tolerated. Let the games begin!!! Exterminate 'em all!!! Unbounded - incarnated supremacy. Forever vengeance's mine. Immortal - reborn in twilight. Pure evil will return, for their souls must be burned. This quest of hate realising: a sight - such joy to see. The holocaust of mankind, purification it will be. "Oh Krachten der Aard - vergader, 'k spreek U aan. Vernieling en wraak - de mensheid moet vergaan". Now death will reign as the night conquers light. Never this spell will be undone for I will always to be...
4. Scarved "Munitia Part I"
I can sence their fear. Afraid of my existence. I do not get a chance to prove myself. To prove that I am not what they say. Inhuman I am they say. For my skills go beyond theirs. But they do not understand. They do not try and they would not give me a chance. Searching for my identity. I seek in my innermost. For they have made me doubt in myself. I hate'em for what they've done. I shall rise above their pityfull minds. Damnation of the bastards who judged me for my sight. Now that they've judged and convicted me for my skills.Now that they've condemned me 'cause they don't understand. I won't rest until they all are cursed. I shall use my powers in their most evil form. Black magic: my solution, their future lies in my hands. Death will reign eternal when I lay my spell. Yet know that I have done what they expect of me. At the stake I'll burn, forever in the purgatory. Forever... "Ablaze I stand, as one with the stake. Longing for death as I scream in pain. Mutilation... Yet these moments I must and shall remember. For I shall never look again through the witches' Eyes".
5. In Quest Of...
They had gathered on a secret place. To unveil the passion of their forbidden desire. In the twilight of the night. Becoming one in their dark delight. "I have searched for you... centuries of my life... Mother of my unborn child... goddess of the night". In a time of shields and blades. The birth of a nocturnal son. Abandoned. In agony she left him alone... Walking on his blackened path, in darkness for eternity. A neverending hunger, feeding on humanity... With the knowledge of a thousand souls. A life of deacy... Searching a sign. From his beloved mother. Beyond the human sight. Running through the gates of time. In search for the one who left behind her son. As an angel in the night. He searched for centuries. His quest: unfulfilled. This pain he could not bear. Damnating his immortality. Searching for a way to end his life of pain. He took away his life fom the eternity of the night.
6. Neverfading Memories "Spiritual Exploitation"
7. Cataract Of A Dying Desire
Alone, Abandoned by all love. I do not understand. Living under a blackened sky. Yet a bright star enters... Two months of intense passion. I feel our souls melting into one. Divine emotions fill my heart. This I can't believe! Looking for eterniy. Protected by the wings of time. You are my dawn. Everything gets a new look, life a meaning. I worship thee, goddess of mine. Keeper of the key to my heart. Yet your disease made me wake up. I realised I'm alone. Longing for the soul we were. I wish a part to be! "No!" Confronted with the choice you made. My dream was broken and my love had been denied. My heart, A cataract of a dying desire. Take away the pain from the spear which pierced my heart! Again darkness takes over. Drowning in a lake of tears. Screaming for an answer. Only the echo of my grief... All alone, Captured in my own world. A prisoner of myself. As a vampire at dawn. Hiding in darkness. Maybe our paths will cross. Someday... I awaut... Until then I wish to remain a friend. Until then...
8. I've Chosen
I've chosen: another life. Another world. A place where I can be myself. Where I can play the role of my blackende soul. I'll live again! "Now leave this body and forsake this world". I, I've made my blood run cold. I searched the path towards my world. Yet the woman of my life, she did not let me leave her alone. "Electric shocks will bring you back. Next to the side where you belong: next to me". Denial of the failures which I have. Caused by my return. Forever I am chained to this life. Doomed to live my time as a plant. Now I am back mortal. Yet different then before. Now that I've returned in time. Her half of our promise's growing. A meaning no more roams. Suicidal tendencies within her mind. She takes care of me. As a mother for her daughter, a sheep for it's lamb. I'd fall when she'd unleash the chain. As s disease I infect your life. You fear the silence from the other side. Afraid of what may lay beyond the realms. Alone you travel in the dusk of night. And enter the portals to another life. She chose another life. Another world. A place where she can be away. Away from all mu endless misery. I'll die again! "Destruction od time". She, she makes my blood run cold. She unleashed the chain which kept me going. And together we fall into the eternity of time.
9. Immortal Beloved
A dark forest, stormwinds howl. Shall I reach my love on time? May the gods forgive me for I have failed...I seek your presence for you make my life divine. Yet I've failed to reach you at this level. My quest unanswered for you are no longer mine. You locked me up in my innerself. Immortal beloved. She shall always be. Immortal beloved. Why is this happening to me? Her perfume remaining on my fingers. I won't experience it again. Her gentle touch thrilled over me. Erotic memories hidden in the mist. Pure caresses dance. With candlelight shadows. Their movements evoke. A silent orgasm. Immortal beloved. She shall always be. Immortal beloved. Why are you doing this to me? Filled with fury. The angel was in scorn. Afraid for any further relatin. He stayed solemn until they mourned... But now this light is lid for me to mourn longer. The only way to bring up memories kept secret so long... Kept hidden in the mist. ...Kept hidden in myself...
10. Frozen In Time
Retribution of your good nature. With a messanger of death. Promises of restoration. The truth has not been said. Enthroned by a disease, an enemy. You're walking in twilight. Forever banished out of the realm of earth. Fysically you've died. I can feel your presence inside my bleeding heart. The end of your existence, our lifes are torn apart. Alone you're walking on your path. The one to immortality. Surrounded by our grief and sorrow. The pain will always be. At the moment when your wire of silk had snapped. When your blood stopped running through all your veins. The beginning of a journey. Towards immortality. "Scarved by my disease I fell. Slowly I fade away...". Hold on to our memories for they can't and won't be slayed. The pain is growing - razorsharp. Yet no blood runs out of my vein. Spiritually we'll stay together for eternity. Retribution of your good nature. Rewarded with immortality. Cancer was the enemy. From within your veins. Fly. Open your wings and vanish. Into the red of the sky. Towards the land promised by the father of all life. Now that you embrace the sky. You're frozen in time...
11. Millenium Apocalypse
Awaiting... A force - piercing the sky. And a vision of the end of time. The banished once left to die. Yet it survived... The time of isolation has come to it's end. A new world opens, a new dawn now begins. Destruction of the shelter in which I layed so long. The silence now broken, the reality is wrong. I, "the stranger". Father of this time. Searching for the warmth, the love which I should find. Yet frost is given, they're denying their own child. And searching for a way to end it's mortal life. "Deny the weak and await the night. For the answer lies within the sky". You were no longer wanted within their tribe, their lives. Their minds are embracing the unlight. The search of a vision, the point of no return. On this earth you'll be slayed. Years and ages are passing, knowledge grows with time. In quest of other lifeforms. The fear for the unknown, hate will save our lives. We're not alone. The end of seperation, of denying other life. ...It's killing time... The time of isolation has come to it's end. A new dawn opens, a new world now enters. Invasion of the Eltern Ones, the extermination's near. Arrival of the Ancients... the armageddon's here. The return.