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Alive in Athens

"Alive in Athens" (1999 Live album)

1. Burning Times
2. Vengeance Is Mine
3. Pure Evil
4. My Own Savior
5. Melancholy (Holy Martyr)
6. Dante's Inferno
7. The Hunter
8. Travel in Stygian
9. Slave to the Dark
10. A Question of Heaven
11. The Coming Curse
12. Iced Earth

1. Burning Times

2. Vengeance Is Mine

3. Pure Evil

4. My Own Savior

5. Melancholy (Holy Martyr)

6. Dante's Inferno

7. The Hunter

8. Travel in Stygian

9. Slave to the Dark

10. A Question of Heaven

11. The Coming Curse

12. Iced Earth


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