
"Thorns Scar Her Soul" (2003 Demo)
1. Thorns Scar Her Soul 2. Her Shadow In Helheim 3. Helfärd
1. Thorns Scar Her Soul
A majestic sky foreboding, looms above
Lurid scent of winter fills the air
Behold the loss of beauty, life and love
As Rose petals, brittle, all die here
Lifeless waters
Wash upon dead shores
Children of abandoned man
They all die here
A crescent moon
Twin spirit soon to fall
As shall his ardent sister
In decadence kin shall
Copulate in shame
Corrupted love versed
Again and again
Man shrieks in defiance
The pillars of nature
Crumble and fall in decay
Chaos descends upon swirling atrocious winds
Peace shunned flee upon battered, broken wings
Severed lie the numerous bodies and limbs
Of the dead casulties of war
Betrayed and slain at the sinister whims
Of blood lusting lords
The Spirit of the Gods, lost to the world
And darkness comes creeping from eerie lairs
As fiends ravish lands undettered
Thus she has fallen into despair
Omens in the night-sky
Tell of horrid deeds
Of dark times come to grasp
A soul scarred and shunned
A crimson moon
Diety of dark skies
To fall, forlorn
From the north rimtursar
Gather their hordes
To unleash upon the world
(Three years of Winter)
Nations lie in ruin
Souls are dead and barren
Thus the night descend
Midgard's lands into utter chaos thrown
Doomed to suffer leprous decline
As the dark seeds of Ragnarok has grown
Into a malicious beast's design
The Night has fallen as mankind dies
As dead soils are swept by winds foul
The minions of the nether-worlds arise
As thorns to scar her soul
A world but of carrion
To feed vultures and crows
No life shall flourish
No seed shall grow
2. Her Shadow In Helheim
Blighted and Shunned
Into the shadows cast
Her wretched soul born
A pariah 'mongst the gods
Beneath the worlds of gods and man
Thrown into Nifelheim to writhe and die
Therein a realm of darkness now stand
For her spirit forged a stronghold in the ice
Around her black throne
Gathering benighted souls
To form the eternal foe
"In darkness, I reign alone"
In a realm of despair and toils
Wherein her lost, evil vast grows
In shadow, she holds dominion
Nidhogg, great dragon of the Depths
Feasting upon corpses, devouring their flesh
In the roaring Cauldron that Hvergelmir is
From whence cold spreas in Nifelheim's midst
"Enter Elvidinir
The dark hall of the netherworld
Where Hel, sublime, in might is throned"
At her court she dines with hunger and famine
"Enter Naastrendir
Hall of Serpents, torment and agony
Swathed in Amsvartners foam"
There, bewildered souls ever linger cold and grim
From the odious ghosts of man
A morbid vessel has taken form
To grant Hel the vengeance she has sought
The black ship of the damned
Sailing midst raging storms
Upon Valhalla, Nagelfar is wrought
"Enter minions of Hel,
Children of the wanton goddess
And the demons of Muspelheim"
Benighted spirits in ever growing multitude
"Enter Nagelfar
A voyage towards Valhalla
Come to strike, upon the divine"
Carried o'er raging seas as damnation's prelude
3. Helfärd
Vad Valans sejd
Morkt fortaljde
Haver nu ock skett
Balders blod av frande utgjutet
Over ang och nejd
Genom gudars valde
Tar en sorg pa asars att
Som frammanar det bistra slutet
Mot Agirs riken
Amnar hans sista fard
Av illvillig broder sviken
Och fallen fran Nornors vav
Balder du store, du ljusets gud
Nast Draupnir i doden vilar du
Flammorna vilda bliva din skrud
Da din makas hjarta brast itu
De tvenne hogborne
Gud och gudinna
Hyrokkinn friar Ringhorne
Varpa de alskande brinna
Nidhogg i Nord
Grymt barken taljde
Fran Yggdrasils rot
Och Breidablick nu ligger ode
Odens visa ord
Blott Balder gallde
Da flammande segel fardas mot
Ode haven for den dode
Son av Oden
Av lagor fortard (Elviagor)
Ett dystert folje (Ifran Nifelheim)
Mot underjorden drar (Sveper ater fram)
Till dystra norden
Gar Balders Helfard (Djupt nere)
Och sorgens svarta holje (Ifran Gnipahalan)
Njoe varldar tar (Vilt morrar Garm)
Given at Muspelli andar
Surts Ledung skola rasa
Men blind och ljus I Hels salar
Bevittna eldfurstars fasa
Mot dodens salar
Over Gjallarbron (Fradebane)
Balder han fardas (Morka Lokes dad)
Over floden Gjoll (Da Asar hamna)
I sorg Hermod talar
Infor gudinnans tron (Ragnarok)
Dar de sjalar hardas (Hornet ljuder)
Som fran livet foll (Da himlen ramna)