
"Horde of Worms" (1997)
1. Onwards (A Gruesome Discovery) 2. Celestial Void 3. Of Ice And Wind... 4. The Dark 5. When The Forest Reigns (Desire) 6. Necromancer 7. Sacrifice 8. Abra Cadaver 9. Dead
1. Onwards (A Gruesome Discovery)
The Universe within its grasp holdsA knowledge a trillion years old*Seeking this knowledgeHas killed many beforeThrough the wormholeAncient world I exploreThought endless astral plainsI am helplessly tossedAt the speed of light2000 years lost (X2)*In eyes that are no longer mortalStaring back from beyond the portal
2. Celestial Void
Crisp wintery windsSweep through the treesAbolishing what is leftLiving, Frozen*The crescent moonPeers lonely, isolatedBetween the wispsOf cold night clouds*Under my feetIncessant grindingOf flattened snowAlone with night*Souls cry tearsOf ice and windBut not mineI will fight until*Blood ceases to flow
3. Of Ice And Wind...
The sun it sets nowFor the final timeUpon frozen fieldsWhere the bodies lieFeeling the nightCoarse through my veinsShrouding me in blackVanishingNever to be seenThe cascading lightFrom the heavensThe angles fall burningI stand aloneBefore the gatesWith blood racingTo enter its world*There is no lightThere is no sunThere is just darkIn this world beyondI have no loveI have no fearI have just meIn this midnight ether*In this voidI endlessly flyTo punish and murderThe gods of the sky*Denied illuminationDarkness harkReturn to the beginningWhere all is dark...
4. The Dark
Hallowed are the wise old treesThat have stood for time eternalThe desire to live is strongEmbedded in the earth, the roots*When I wanderedThat fateful dayInto the forestPast the streamTo the placeWhere willows weepIn the shadows toThe unspeakable lay asleep*Twig snapped under footCreating the soundThat woke the thingFrom its ethereal sleep*I triedI tried to screamBut no sound came"Be still o one wandering"To me said the unspeakable thing"You have sufferedMuch in your pastSuch things cannot harm you nowAnd desire is yours at last"*The song of the forestIs now in my bloodI will carry onFor I know the secrets of the trees
5. When The Forest Reigns (Desire)
I am with the airThat circles the nightMaster of all I seeDisciple to noneOnly the darknessUnholiest of unholyA necromancer of evilDecreation of mankindIs the spellWhich I cast*Vengeful upon those that spiteBy my side lord dragon riseCrushing mortals with my mightThe lies led by christians*With darkness as my brideClose to my soulNo emotions I feel coldHolding contemptFor those who defyThe craft of old*I soar to the skiesRuler of magics blackBlood pours from their eyesAs they are sentenced to my wrath
6. Necromancer
For thousands of centuries past and futureMankind has worshipped preyed and remorsedMany gods that idly rule the sun and the moonKnelt before alters and sheep are benign*Divine perversionGod hath chosenYour maiden daughterFor the sacrifice*Into the flames of heavenHer body is cast breathingMaybe a dagger of steelPlunged into her chest*SacrificeGod has lied sentenced to dieSacrificeFeel the pain of those who have diedSacrificeGod had lied sentenced to dieSacrificeYou think God, God is a saint*Prepare to dieFor the lord of lies
7. Sacrifice
Locked awayIn a darkened roomMastermindOf a cruel demise*Working magicThinkest hePlanning fates handFor the ones he will see*She's disappearedThey all sayHe laughs hystericallyAs he bonds her tightOut with the scalpel bladeShe screams in fearOff with her tongueAnd next her earOut with her eyesOff with her breastEnd at virgins cuntThe part magicians like best*Once their deadHe brings them backWithout the headIn a blood-soaked sack
8. Abra Cadaver
9. Dead