
"Negatives" (1990)
1. Seconds 2. Opened Eyes to the Nothing 3. Austroptecus Tecnologicus 4. Muted by Fear 5. Action Levels 6. Negatives 7. P.M.D. 8. Congratulations Mr. Money 9. Contrast 10. Platzs Pitz 11. Falling Into the Void 12. Disappointing the Ridiculous Analysis 13. Choked Expressions
1. Seconds
They're calling you...
I can hear them clearly.
from one side, the cry your parents,
Waiting anxiously to don't know you.
From the other side, the desperate screams
Of the thousands of brothers "Not born" as you.
All that you've dreamt
Won't happen again
All the sounds, colors, meanings:
"Dreams... Simple Dreams...".
Your time is worning out...
The noises are stronger...
You've got a few seconds
It will be the worts moments of your existece
In this minimum space of time
You'll feel in the limit of madness
Of violence, of scorn,
Of hate and of pain.
All your anxiety to live
Will become a desire
Of never have even
Dreamt with "Life".
When brightness touches you
When the shield is breaken
When Air invades and water dries...
You win't feel them anymore...
Never more...
2. Opened Eyes to the Nothing
I feel that I need one more visit to...
To my mirror hiding place
Trails through my reflexes takas me
To places where the characters are
Undefined forms.
Here the consciouness disappears
While the chemicls contol me.
Little by little the stage melt
Colored figures exhales turning around me
I ain't got any tickets left that provides
Me expeditions beyound real universe.
So I see myself with
Eyes opened to the nothing...
Where are the sirens piercings in my nerves?
What are these ruins doing here
Instead of those huge monuments
To civilized imbecility?
3. Austroptecus Tecnologicus
At simple touch of a button
I have all the world in front of me.
Without any effort
I scored goals, tear down troops.
My legs have forgotten how to walk
I become a slave of myself.
Like a vicious circle
The further I am the nearest I am
I'm a jungle man
I'm a urban warrior.
My legs have forgotten how to wlak
And i became a slave of myself.
Like a video
The armchair and I are the same
My arms just
Reach the command button.
All decisions are taken by computer
I don't have my own desire.
...My food...
...My drugs...
... My air...
I'm a primitive being guited by remote control.
...I'm out of my mind...
My mind is just a terminal
Turned on to a computer
Would I be the owner of the world?
or just a simple slave?
I am in coma
Living a dull life
Not a life at all
4. Muted by Fear
My dignity and pivacy
beeig exploited and used.
Unable to reason
In my mind came scenes of that night
Trapped, I was seeing the cruelty
Of the human being.
My dignity and privacy
Beeing exploited and used.
The insomnia turns routine in my life
Shut up!? keeeping silence about all that?
How will they understand me?
Eyes and dirty minds...
Fighting against my mind
being muted by fear
Fighting against my mind
How many more times they did that again?
I think of suicide, finish it all for good...
Or not, who knows hunting them in the night...
Revenge is not the law, but what is the lwa?
My mind is confused, fear of people
I don't believe nobody, rebuff of myself.
Fighting against my mind
Being muted by fear
Fighting against my mind
How many more times...
I'd be uncapable to those
That certainly would laugh of all the story
By I must muted by fear, or by shame...
5. Action Levels
"... I don't have mental action levels..."
Based on the Hikeda family slaughter, March 12Th, 1990, São Paulo/SP, performed by a 21 years old guy, Marco Antonio dosSantos. In his statements to the press ans to Police, The murderer declared that he commited the crime 'caused the Hiked family were mentally ruling him, doing some kind of "Visual Attacks" with ugly faces and rancorous expressions; "Soundsing Attacks" with sounds filled with "mental Actions" and also, he said that they were doing a certain "Psychic Coaction". Marcos insistently repeated that he had no "Mental Action Levels" and for thir, he deserved not to live, admitting to be "Worthy Of Capital Punishment".
Baseada na chacina da família Hikeda ocorrida no dia 12 de março de 1990 em São Paulo/SP, executada pelo jovem de 21 anos, Marcos Antonio dos Santos. Nas declarações à polícia e à imprensa, o assassino alegou que cometeu o crime pois a família Hikeda estava-o dominand mentalmente, lhe fazendo "Ataques Visuais" com caretas e expressões rancorosas, "Ataques sonoros" com sons cheios de "Ações Mentais" e fazendo certa "Coação Psíquica". Marcos repetia com insistência que não tinha "Níveis de ação mental" por isso não merecia viver, admitindo se "Digno da Pena-de-Morte".
6. Negatives
Throughout times we've reached the top of science
Technology provides surprising advances.
The diseases have been diagnosed but...
Just human agressiveness wasn't understood.
Negatives... Negatives... Urbarred
Prisoner... Negatives...
Society tries to isolated itself by all the ways
Byt nothing succeed in stopping the public enemies.
So... Once again... Future
Brings solutions by far irrational.
Their hands don't even touch themselves
There are no shadows that follow them,
Exepct for themselves.
The police sirens that seeked them before
Now get through regardlessly.
In the garrisons, now empty,
There are giants de-materializers
Different worlds shapes are fused after the process
Spirals replace cells and other organic substances
The Dregs, once terrifying
Have immortality together to an unbarred prison.
Needles don't bring me the pleasure of before
I don't see my face in the mirros under the snow anymore.
The chemistry that made me break the violece frontiers
Now sees me as a clown on a colousless outfit.
7. P.M.D.
Until them you where a mad as the others
Suddenly you get living apart, unnotice
And now more than never is time to make a decision
Good or bad, some people deserve a lesson.
The judment is yours
The criminals are yours
You criminals are yours
You retain the tribunal
The sentence yours.
C'mon, now, please, don't disappoint your Fans
Millions of them are watching your
Uncontrollable actions
Or crimes, even if they are suicidal,
Offensive, nocive
It's not your fault...
All right, you know, I know, you are no Jason,
Jack, M. Miers, the difference is: Style,
Charm, pose, but you don't need these Things
Courage, man, it's not time to stop...
Everybody looks different at you...
You laught and applaud
So, no one approaches...
You turn your back on them
They throw you stones...
Your tear thw rails apart
They kept fawning on you...
You go back to your world.
Anybody hasn't gone trhough
And there weren't so many friends either
Close to you in the wrong time
Just to have your acts under control.
C'mon, now, please, don't disappoint your fans
Millions of them are watching yout
Uncontrollable actions
Or crimes, even if they are suicidal
Offensive, nocive
It's not your fault...
8. Congratulations Mr. Money
Money, money. money...
I've never seen so much
Oh my god, what can I to get more?
This much is not enough.
Does money, money, money brings
Ah! Ah! I'm laoughing at your face...
Dominate, order, command...
This is what matters
Your life depending on my words
You'll always be in my hands.
Does money buy friends?
Ah! Ah! who does need them?!?
- You!!!
- Congratulations Mr. Money
Maybe, begging for my pardon.
I decide between your life and your death
Cause I've gor the dirty money
Money that charges
But you're always around me asking...
How I like it!
Everybody someday should have this pleasure
Oh! my god, I want more
Give me more dirty money...please...
Million dirty dollars...
Billions dirty dollars...
Trillion dirty dollars...
9. Contrast
The jill of a slum in Rio
What shall I do...
Where to go?...
Spend vocations in St. Tropéz
Or visit mozambique
Fell the skin burn
Or feel the skin bleed?
A bum walks
Through the fifth avenue
Asking for spare change
A politician climbs
The hill of a slum in Rio
Asking for votes
At each minute
A boy dies
Of hunger in africa
At fat son of bitch
Punkes his lunch
10. Platzs Pitz
"Twentieth century, ninth decade
The world really got crazy.
Switzerland: On one side, the
Most luxurious block of the World...
The biggest financial center, the
Greatest banks on the otherside
A few blocks away, the most degrading
Place of the world: "Platzs Pitz"
Hello! Good morning! Be welcome!
But your ticket... The show is going to start!
Come On!!!
Join us on this trip
Many times it's just a one way ride.
"Richness and misery walking side by side.
Thousands of peoplem at the most Of youngsters
Drugging theirselves and dying of overdose
More than half has got AIDS."
Doesn't matter the destiny, doesn't
matter the place,
Nothing matters...
I don't care... Do you care?
No one cares... So, Fuck-Off!!! Man!!!
You've got the right to five syringes
You'vw got access to all drugs
You've got police support to drug yourself
You've got police support to kill yourself.
Hell or paradise?... Dream or nightmare?...
This you'll only tell in the end
Let's run from here,
Hurry up... Run... Run... Run...
In broad daylight, to whoever wants:
Light, shine...
The light at the end of the tunnerl is near
Hold tight my hand, will we get ate the end?
Now the light ate the end of the tunnel is going away...
We're fighting with scythes in the dark.
Believe, who's killing us ain't ourselves
Believe, who's killing us are you...
We're all prisoners, no bars to hold us
Come on, The show can't stop, run...
11. Falling Into the Void
No light...
No sound...
No motion...
No action...
No vibrations...
No sensations...
...It's over...
12. Disappointing the Ridiculous Analysis
They put you in the middle of a circle
made by people wearing glasses and with
Hands on the chin
Lickerish stares makes you scared
Until someone points you a pan and say:
- What's your problem?
- How was your childhood?
- We're your friends!!!
- We wanna help you!!!
And then you're strucked with questions
Onde by onde exposing his thesis
Insinuating something about a certain Crazyman
Making you perplexed and actionless...
Making you perplexed
And actionles...
Now you're hindered them to inject in you
Their psichotic and maniac personality
Now theres nothing... Nothing wrong
The patient is not you anymore...
- What's your problem?
- How was your childhood?
- I'm your friend!!!
- I wanna save you!!!
Althrough beeing in the enter alone
Suddenly you surround... Them!!!
Someone have just put down
Freud and all his concepts and analysis...
Simply you avoid them
Simply you confuse them.
- Where are your questions?... Your
Books?... Your reasons?...
They put you in the middle of a circle
made by people wearing glasses and with
Hands on the chin
Lickerish stares makes you scared
Until nobody question you, and you say:
- What's your problem?
- How was your childhood?
- I'm your friend!!!
- I wanna save you!!!
13. Choked Expressions
Is all I "Hear"
All the notes of my music
That sound too loud inside me
For you to notice dut there...