
"Hate, Fear And Power" (1986 EP)
1. Hate, Fear and Power 2. Blind Faith 3. Unholy Sacrifice 4. Lightning Thunder 5. The Last War 6. The Plague 7. Imprisoned by Ignorance 8. Criminal Punishment
1. Hate, Fear and Power
World war
Hate fear and power
Defense plan
Millions of dollars
No one is safe
From the greed
That rules the earth
Save life
Anti-war brigade
2. Blind Faith
Religion is a sacred thing
To each is their own
Do not preach your beliefs
Let people find their own, find their own
Nobody has the right to say
How to live your life
You don’t have to believe in God
To be a friend of mine
Religious cults of every kind
Promise and fool disciples in
Brainwashing their innocent
An unhuman sin
Lead to believe life will be good
From sick twisted freaks
They take their money and take their souls
And throw their bodies away - Go!
Act the way you want think what you will
Life is a bitch but its still a thrill
Don’t let anything get you down
Never let anyone push you around
Blind Faith’s a thing that should no be
Cause everyone has rights to choose and be free
Don’t let anything get you down
Never let anyone push you around
3. Unholy Sacrifice
The child's fate the sacrifice
The terminate blood's the price
Burn the land watch the sky
The falling star you will die
Misfall death's mate
Fire ball Hell's gate
In the day Egyptian land
Ancient way Pharoah's plan
Drink the blood die obey
To the Gods they must pray
Justice must be done 1,000's dead by one
Responsible for all who died feel his
wrath you're terrified
Gas them genocide shoot them bullets fly
Torture kill war crimes seek destroy devastate
The dungeon holds the prisoner
The time has come to live no more
He walk the hall to the place
The look of death upon his face
4. Lightning Thunder
Ripping hells path warzone satan's wrath
Struck down from the sky
No life all will die
Lightning Thunder
Eyes melt lungs burst
Young and old die first
Pillage and steal murder rape and kill
Lightning Thunder
Living in hell bodies stink and smell
Struck down from the sky
No life all will die
5. The Last War
Strike in the night
Chaos all around
Trouble the power down
No help you're all alone ah!
Dead silent sound
Alive you won't survive
Safe underground
No one gets out alive ah!
I would rather die
Than live through this hell
What are we gonna do
Die like stupid fools
Men in their fuckin' suits
They're screwin' with our lives
Their game is a game of hate
Stop them before it's too late
We must make a stand
The children of the world
Together we must unite
Precious is our life
Bodies all around me
I hope this is a dream
Pray for God to help us
Father lord bring peace to me
I would rather die
Than live through this hell
What are we gonna do
People it's up to you
6. The Plague
Midnight is the time
The first born will die
By the hand of the Lord
They scream and they cry
The deadly plague strikes them down
They die one by one
The mother and father helpless they watch
Their dying baby son
And there shall be
A great cry through the land
Such as never heard before
And shall never be heard again
7. Imprisoned by Ignorance
Scared to walk in daylight
At night time he's home locked inside
Afraid to admit he's hiding
Liar prejudice fucked up pride
He's worried only for his life
Imprisoned by ignorance
Thinks everyone's out to get him
Except for people his creed
Raised by hate in this life
Taught to stay away
Anyone not just like him
They're inferior he would say
8. Criminal Punishment
If you take another life
You should die a bloody death
Rape a woman sick freak
Life in prison ain't enough
Now you'll pay for what you've done
We'll strap you do the electric chair
Pull the switch and you will fry
No remorse now you die
Criminal punishment
If you kill it's an eye for an eye
Brutal attack fight back
To survive you will fight till the death
Child molested-demented mind
Insane a violent crime
Treat them to make them well
Let them out they kill again