
"The Saga of Draugr" (2003)
1. The Rise of the unresting one 2. The dead Wanderer 3. The Master of the Winds 4. The Raid of the Drakkar Wolf 5. Duel and Epilogue
1. The Rise of the unresting one
Sand, burning his eyes,
Wet stones, pressing his arms.
Convulsions from the slime released him,
The draugr was back to life.
He left the mound
they hadn't dig
a barrow for him. Rage
gained ground in his dead brain.
A few steps away from his grave
a sword driven into another barrow,
a rusty helmet hanging from its handle.
Two times five barrows.
He was not the only one who'd fallen,
but the only one who couldn't rest.
Didn't remember his name,
ruled by the hunger of the draugr.
He barely remembered the battle,
a remote, muffled, iron scream
reached him from-his-memories which
didn't seem to have revived as well.
He wondered ¿could he return
to his fiord, his home, his land?
The fog in his mind cleared
every now and then.
A wanderer mind...
The draugr didn't know his name,
only longed to rest in peace.
Hunger blinded him again.
A close roar.
The draugr hurried up
following his insane impulse.
He pounced over one of them
and before devouring it, he broke all its bones.
His hands were brutal.
The seal appeared to him just like a bite.
He felt massive, enourmous,
like a carnivorous ox.
He would return to rest in his homeland
even if the journey took him a hundred years.
2. The dead Wanderer
He strolled for the cold and arid coast
There were not welcoming fiords,
only gigantic cliffs,
without other beings than seals,
birds and dark small men.
He razed
-avenger raven-
Climbing the cliffs
-Dead hands-.
"Dead, dead".
The draugr realized,
but he didn't rest.
Human weapons
but not killed him
Traveled toward the north
The memories arrived
returning of the death,
of many days of voyage,
to the south of Vinland,
through the warm seas,
through the murderous sun,
as having sent by Fenrir
over their drakkars.
To the north,
more barrows,
other fallen warriors.
Resting in Valhalla.
Resting in Valhalla.
he wanted to rest
but he was a draugr.
Now, a drakkar aground,
empty, without provisions.
The memories arrived
returning of the death,
of many days of voyage,
to the south of Vinland,
through the warm seas,
through the murderous sun,
as having sent by Fenrir over their drakkars.
And, as a draugr he was,
He became seal, gull,
cat and fish.
His hunger ,appeased,
not his hate.
The memories arrived
returning of the death,
of many days of voyage,
to the south of Vinland,
through the warm seas,
through the murderous sun,
as having sent by Fenrir
over their drakkars.
3. The Master of the Winds
With his new supernatural force
It was able to throw away
the drakkar again into to the sea,
in a single push,
with so much force that he collapsed in the sand until the waist.
The drakkar rose proud, it navigated.
The tiny ones had not been able to damage it.
The draugr loaded
The drakkar
With dead meat
The the killed it
An the drakkar
That putrified load.
Two oars moved the ship
The draugr rowing, looking at
His hands
Black as coal.
Advancing, slowly
Summoning the wind
The oceans
The streams
The water
The clouds
The clouds obeyed him, and
the waters listened to his orders,
dragging the drakkar like a dagger offered to Thor,
while he came closer moment to moment
to the place of rest.
When he came closer to the warm seas
he crossed with another ship.
A ship of strange fashion,
not with glorious Nordic print,
with pompous and proud silhouette.
The draugr crossed the drakkar in its road
and he approached it under the form of a gull.
Then he recovered his monstrous effigy
and he allowed to restrain for his hate to the life.
He pulled up arms and legs, he beheaded,
He milled bones and skulls.
Nobody survived, neither nobody would never find out
of the luck of the unfortunate ship.
4. The Raid of the Drakkar Wolf
His memories returned slowly,
deader than he had been,
but defining in the fog of his mind.
Thoromir, his name. Throrheim, his place.
His enemy's name: Glamr, the high one.
He had taken them so to the south of Vinland,
he had condemned them,
only to be able to add some lines
in his declamation in the Thing.
Before resting,
before looking for his own tomb,
He would look for Glamr and he would break it.
he would twist his neck,
he would pull up the meat of his column,
he would dismember it and he would devour it.
The warm seas had already been behind,
and behind them had been the cadavers
of the sailors of every ship
that he had crossed with his drakkar-wolf
The infamous provisions that he had stored
shrank day by day.
He adjured the waters, the winds, the clouds
so that they dragged it more swiftly
to the gelid north,
toward the snow, toward the long nights.
He threw all the rotten leftovers,
and he dove in them.
The sharks wanted to add it to their meal,
but he took the form the Ocean Snake,
the form of Iomungandar,
and too much late the sharks repaired
in that was an undead.
Thoromir incrusted his drakkar
against the rocks of the coast
On earth only traveled at night,
looking for Glamr,
calling him loudly for his name.
A shepherd
in a valley,
admitted him
that Glamr had returned from Vinland,
but that he had died from fevers.
The draugr Thoromir howled of hate.
5. Duel and Epilogue
He continued looking for, spreading illnesses,
until giving with the barrow of Glamr.
At least the pleasure would be given of devouring his bones,
and he would continue with his devastation
until finding the rest.
He finally arrived at the mound
where Glamr was buried.
He entered in the howe,
only to discover that Glamr
neither he rested:
Glamr was also a draugr.
Glamr and Thoromir fought,
draugr against draugr,
undead against undead,
during hundred seventy nights,
only paused
just to calm their insatiable hungers
destroying livestock and farms
along the whole Nordic coast.
Thoromir triumphed,
he devoured Glamr,
but he could not rest.
Until the appearance of a hero,
protected by Oddhinn, perhaps,
a certain Grettir who beheaded Thoromir
and buried him with his head
between the thighs.
And Thoromir, after his destruction step
from the extreme south more to the south of Vinland,
was able to rest, without standing up never more.