
"Through The Hard Times" (2002 Best of/Compilation)
1. Nema povratka 2. Ništa il' sve 3. Ain't no money 4. Hit & run 5. Everybody wants to be alone 6. Ja nisam normalan 7. Hoæu sad i hoæu sve 8. Pogledaj me sad 9. I'm goin' down 10. Kiss my ass and go to hell (live)
1. Nema povratka
Nered u mojim mislima,
ništa ne osjecam
Crna rupa umjesto sjecanja,
prošlost je nestala
I više ne znam što je dobro, što zlo
Sve što je bilo je prestalo
Nemam što da izgubim,
sve se davno izgubilo
I nema povratka
Ja sam na putu do dna
nema povratka
Ništa ne osjecam
I nema povratka
Ja sam na putu do dna
Nema povratka
Ne mogu natrag sad
Novo jutro, novo radanje,
novo umiranje
Igla, metak, put za srecu,
samo brže propadanje
To što želiš i to što imaš
to je tako daleko
Ostani sa nama tu,
stani cvrsto, cvrsto na dnu!
2. Ništa il' sve
Čudna je staza do moje kuće
Nebo je sivo i blizu je kraj
Cesta je kurva ja ne znam kud
Vuče me dalje uzalud
Buka praznih džepova
I nered pustih ulica
Ruka puna ničega
Samo hladnih dodira
Sam sa sobom protiv svih
Nemam što izgubiti
Da stanem je prekasno
A da padnem prerano
Ništa il` sve
Svejedno je
Prije ili kasnije
3. Ain't no money
There ain’t no money
That can buy me
And there ain’t no woman
Who can settle me down
Drink from every bottle
Makes me feel alright
And for a good friend of mine
I’ll always stand up and fight
I don’t give a damn
What they ‘ll think about me
And say that I’m the worst
All that ever matterred to me
Is doing things my way
And feeling free
All my life is just rock’n’roll
That’s my spirit, that’s my soul
I think I’m never, never gonna stop
I wanna rock it till I drop!
Don’t give me this
Fuckin’ story of love
I don’t like that kind
Of your female show.
And, like Morrison said:
“I’m your backdoor man”, and
Tonight I’m gonna give you
Whatever I can
And every night again
It’s all the same
I do as I please!
And to the devil
I’m gonna sell my soul
Just to do my way of rock’n’roll
4. Hit & run
Love them and leave them
That’s all I do
Little love on the run
Is what I’ve got from you
I’ll tell you all those sweet little lies
I know you want to hear
I’ll be really nice to you
Until you throw away your fear
Then I’ll take you to my bed
Make love to you all night
I’ll do my best baby
Sure I’ll make you feel alright
Lock up you rdaughters-‘caouse we’re on our way
Hide your bride – better listen what I say
You never know when they want
Little love on the run – It’s already done
Hit and run
All I ever wanna do is just
Hit and run
You said you loved me
And you wanna be my wife
That scared the hell out of me
And I just wanted to get out.
And in the morning
When you wake up all alone
You will find out, honey
I’m already gone
And I’m thinking in my car
As I’m driving out of town
Love on the run is what she wanted
So I didn’t let her down
5. Everybody wants to be alone
Today I wanna talk with myself
This way is better
This way is safe
Please, don’t call me
I don’t wanna answer the phone
You know that sometime
Everybody wants to be alone
One day you feel bad, next day you feel fine
Tomorrow I’ll be better
But leave me alone tonight
Please, don’t ask me, honey
“Is it something wrong?”
You know that sometime
Everybody wants to be alone.
Sometime I want to be alone
Sometime I’m my only friend
Sometime don’t want you by my side
You know that everybody wants to be alone.
Everybody wants to be alone!
6. Ja nisam normalan
I ovog jutra uzimam
duplu dozu ludila
u krevetu te ostavljam
izlazim na prstima
Tvoj svijet je meni dosadan
život kao san
24 sata dnevno
mene nešto tjera da se glupiram.
Ja nisam normalan
i svi mi kažu da sam lud
Ja nisam normalan
dobro se zabavljam!
Moj svijet je negdje drugdje
svaki dan k'o da zadnji je
ponekad se napijem
i s nekom čudnom ženom probudim se
Moj svijet nije dosadan
živim kako najbolje znam
24 sata dnevno je
premalo za sve što želio bih ja
7. Hoæu sad i hoæu sve
Griješio sam
ne znajuci što bih drugo
Krvie staze
sam gazio
I evo vidiš gdje sam sad
gdje sam sad?
I šta se sa mnom dešava
šta se dešava?
Ljubio sam
neke stvarno neke ne
Probao sam
Ipak ne mogu zaboraviti sve
Hocu sad i hocu sve
Ubija me cekanje
Dole na dnu nas je previše
Ja hocu sad i hocu sve
8. Pogledaj me sad
Mamurno jutro otima od noci novi dan
Prazna ulica u mojoj glavi
osjecaj taj ja takodobro znam
Još uvijek sam sam
i neki dani prolaze,
a ja sam negdje pored njih
Ušetala si u moj san
po 'ko zna koji put
Jednog jutra kad se probudiš
i upitaš koliko je prošlo godina
otkad me nemaš
otkad nisam tvoj pamtiš li još
Neki dani prolaze,
a mi smo negdje pored njih
Vrijeme radi protiv nas
i gdje smo sad
Pogledaj me sad
znaš li 'ko sam ja
jesam li još uvijek onaj kog si nekad željela
Daj pogledaj me sad
znaš li 'ko sam ja
Sada dobro znam da baš ti si ta
Moje staze samo ti znaš
i moje usne s tvojima su savršeni par
Nakon svih mojih lutanja
ti si zadnja stanica
9. I'm goin' down
One day when I was on my way to school
I said to myself “Boy, this isn’t for you”
Then I threw my books and picked up my guitar
I played all night and day. I know that some day I’ll go far.
I’m goin’ down
And all my life I’ve been chasing rainbows
And I was always too loud and had fights with my neighbors
I drink too much, but I have magic touch
And only my fists help me in this life.
I’m goin’ down
When I woke up this morning with no breakfast in my bed
I knew my darling was gone and I felt so mad
Now I’m goding downstairs right on the street
To face another day that has no mercy for me.
I’m goin’ down
I go straight to the bar to drink another beer
To put myself together and throw away the fears
‘Cause tonight is the night when I’ll go around the bars
To find myself a new lady who will take me up to the stars.
I’m goin’ down
10. Kiss my ass and go to hell (live)