
"Recidivus In Obscurum" (2002)
1. Branding Iron 2. My Forest Dwelling 3. Obscure Emotions 4. Iter Interinis Obviam Barathrum 5. Langvergeten Tijden 6. Forgotten Wisdom (Burzum cover) 7. A Secret Sanctuary 8. Hatred Is Immortal 9. The Elementals Revenge 10. Uit Pure Haat 11. Final Victory 12. Christ Fire (Von cover)
1. Branding Iron
Fire from within
Fire from below
Fire deep in me
Fire from the sky!
The Embers never died out
Subconscious slumber
Smoke from the deepest chasms
Now obscures the Light
From Longforgotten Realms
I now come forth-
Wielding my branding Iron
Behold my Wrath upon thee!
I put a mark upon your soul
The smell of burning emotions-
Never was so sweet before
Hatred is renewed!
2. My Forest Dwelling
Inside my forest dwelling
No light can enter
No life distracts me
Of my eternal slumber
In solitary confinement
Shrouded in mist and darkness
One with the Essence
Of Nature and its majestic
Silence and Peace
Life won't endure this
Everlasting damp and obscure place
Except for me- For I am (the) One!
All hope is lost for
Progress and expansion
Here in this desolate space
At night the wolves howl
At daytime the woods speak
Of the tales brought by the wind
There's no place here
For lesser beings
Only true released spirits
Can find rest here
In my forest dwelling
3. Obscure Emotions
4. Iter Interinis Obviam Barathrum
5. Langvergeten Tijden
6. Forgotten Wisdom (Burzum cover)
Out of the cracks
Comes forth a mist
Consuming human life at will
A malign intelligence
Seems to control it
With a Hunger to kill
Funeral Mist and Deathwish Spells
Are spreading 'cross the lands of man
No escape for their pitiful lives!
The warning signs neglected back then...
Forgotten Wisdom
Has created this Fog
A mist of Death and Destruction
Wisdom so ancient and arcane!
7. A Secret Sanctuary
8. Hatred Is Immortal
Buried under black soil
Rotting and rusting away
But never forgotten until this day
Twisting and turning
To be freed from this capture
Ready again to awake in Rapture!
Hatred is Immortal!
It will never fade away
Through a longforgotten portal
It's back again today
The downwards spiral of decay
Has actually made it stronger
All rusted and rotten Warmonger!
Now marching through your minds
Again in dismal glory it speaks:
"Hatred is back for the Heart that bleeds!"
9. The Elementals Revenge
Roaring thunder
Lightnings scorched the Earth
A flood is rising
Fire and water consuming life
Mayhem from the skies!
The final ordeal for mankind
The elemental's revenge
Now the price will be paid
For ages of ignorance and greed
Cheap human lives can't really repay
But form a decent alternative
For quenching wrathful hatred
Fleas and rats deliver
An all-consuming plague
Festering across nations
Consuming human spirits
That's what they get back
For lust and greed!
10. Uit Pure Haat
11. Final Victory
12. Christ Fire (Von cover)
Burn black cross
Sea's fire
Red beast ship
Sailing slow, smooth pain
Black sails
Pentagram emblem in the mountains
Black rising mountains
Darkest ship...
Christ Fire
Spine of life
Closest true embrace
Forever burning fire
Forever darkest depths
Distant patching fire
Thin smoke lines
Weaving like snakes
Reaching, always dying
Christ Fire
Thorn headband lashes scared skin
Nails puncture hands
Dripping like webs
Orange spirits rise
Red souls breathing
Fire gods
Christ Fire