
"War Party" (2004)
1. Bring Back The Bomb 2. Krosstika 3. Womb With a View 4. Decay Of Grandeur 5. War Party 6. Bonesnapper (The Faces Of The Slain) 7. Lost God 8. The Reaganator 9. The Bonus Plan 10. You Can't Kill Terror 11. Fistful Of Teeth
1. Bring Back The Bomb
Hiroshima, A shadow burned in time
Nagasaki, naked baby melts alive
Burnt flesh and rubble from sea to dead shore
Such a hideous theatre of war
But that was the end--Why?
There are so many more that must die
Is that not part of the plan?
I must use the nukes
I can't kill you all with my hands
Hydrogen bomb, new signs of doom
Thermo-nuclear, neutron bomb too...
You say these devices must never be used
I say you're mistaken, let's get to the fuse
Bring--Bring back the bomb
This is state policy, "by other means"
Your life ends in terror, this is now decreed
This is the twisting of bloody steel beams
The bomb blows air backwards, there's no time to scream
When they tested the A-bomb, they had a real fear
The blast will destroy your sweet atmosphere
But far more important as power increases
Was wasting the planet in well-ordered pieces
Bring--bring back the bomb
Bring--bring--bring--bring back the bomb
Bring back the bomb
It's been far too long
Sumon the brazen war chariot
Bring back the bomb
what makes it so wrong?
Release the beast, you can't bury it
Hrup [8x]
Why should the fire be shared with so few?
Let bombs explode, 'cause that's what they do
Nuke Mecca, New York, the Vatican too
Give me a bomb, I'll drop it on you
Why stop at only two?
You showed the world just what it can do
What a waste not to destroy
Come play at war, man, and bring your best toy
Who gives a fuck about a nuclear war?
Let bombs explode, because that's what they're for
Last minute warning, the sirens they sing
Chaos, the reason, death, what we bring
Humans now look to the sky!
You worship missiles, yet they know no side
I guess it was all a lie
So grab ass with both hands, it's your turn to die
Die--it's your turn to die [x2]
Lies--they killed you with lies
Die, human, die
And while we're at it, let's go nuke Tibet
Let's vaporize the oceans with glee
Saving the whales an agenda for some
Nuking them sits well with me
Bring back the bomb
They know not what they do
Bring--bring--bring back the bomb
Bring--bring-bring--bring back the bomb
Bring back the bomb
They know not what they do
Bring--bring--bring back the bomb
Bring--bring--bring--bring back the bomb
Bring back the bomb it's been far too long
Summon the brazen war chariot
Bring back the bomb
What makes it so wrong?
Release the beast, you can't bury it
What makes it so wrong?
2. Krosstika
What's that symbol above the oven
Beaming it's malice to all that we shove in
In the War Party we ake every side
United as one until everyone dies
Symbol of hatred, symbol of fear
The Krosstika proclaims our cause
Luring the humans with blood, sex, and beer
Don't worry, we take queers
The hour is nigh
Let the Krosstika fly
Let now the symbol define you
With a wave of raw hate
The Krosstika takes
The symbol is there to remind you
So we hold our rallies and give out free crack
Then we give guns to the poor
Our staffers are making obscene phone calls right now
Soon they wil kick down your door
Slaughter your family and then break for lunch
There's not a pair of dry pants in the bunch
The Swastika and the Bloody Old Cross
Two great hates that hate great together
I say to slay all and have not a care
I demand pillows stuffed with hair
The death of all humans on your world today
Specicide--a new word to say
Symbol of hatred, symbol of fear
The Krosstika proclaims our cause
Luring the humans with blood, sex, and beer
Sending them into the maw
It inspires you to kill
And even if you don't, then you know that it will
Slaking this thirst we'll kill billions or more
Slaves to eternal war
The Krosstika has one purpose
It was designed to enslave you
They were designed to inflame you
There is no lie to the flag that we fly
We don't pretend it can save you
We offer you death but a good one at that
It's only your life, after all
Two great hates that hate great together
Answer the Krosstika's call
The hour is nigh
Let the krosstika fly
Let now the symbol define you
With a wave of raw hate
The Krosstika takes
The symbol is there to remind you
Answer the Krosstika's call
3. Womb With a View
Fiendish and crude
Froosty and lews
This is the life I have whored myself to
Spackled and battered and smothered and covered
And cleaving and cloven and bitter and blued
Your womb
Your breeding sac
Your womb is a membrane I must penetrate
Your womb is a sewer
I grunt at the grate
Your womb is a sewer
Your womb is manure
but still, I'm worse
My life is a sinkhole
Egregious and rude
Worm fested and filthy
Froosty and lewd
A womb with a view
When one becomes two
Fuck you
Never to matter the number of flies feasting the flab that bolsters your thighs
Your womb
Your breeding hive
Womb with a view
I see you
I was born
Deep in the void
Raped by millions I soon grew
Could I somehow elope?
Like a molecule in a microscope
So your womb won't become the tomb of our dead baby
Never to matter the number of flies
Lapping the flab that bolsters your thighs
Womb with a view
When one becomes two
Fuck you
Your womb is a membrane I must penetrate
Your womb is a sewer
I grunt at the grate
Your womb is a sewer
Your womb is manure
But still, I'm worse
4. Decay Of Grandeur
Lights fade, all is shade
Zombies stalk the promenade
This is promise of eternity
Piles of dead, impaled head
Steaming peat is wretched red
They say history is written in such ways
Trust in rust, dirt and dust
Worms awaiting all of us
At least that's what I heard
Crows soar, lions roar
Chaos rules forevermore
The human race is the only X factor
The decay of grandeur
From riches to rot
The decay of grandeur say
To have and then have not
Kings crouch, the throne is doomed
Assassins reach the inner room
The jester has become the interloper
The Queen is struck, then runs amuck
Her carriage wallows in the muck
The cemetery was moved indoors
The decay of grandeur
From riches to rot
The decay of grandeur say
To have and then have not
Some say we have lost our reason
Some say we have lost our minds
Spinning in the blackest wisdom
Coveting the darkest wine
I say have your host amongst us
And there you tarry for a time
All your virtue shall desert you
Decaying grandeur, box of pine
First the sound, and then the smell
Sonorous the eldritch bell
Send you to the seven hells in time
The decay of grandeur
From riches to rot
The decay of grandeur say
To have and then have not
In time, in time, in time, in time...Decay
5. War Party
I hear your piteous shrieking
In this land of death
And boils and bees and RPG's
And piles of prisoners masturbated on
Now you are on fire
You curse the choice you made
Your Humvee a pyre your life to expire
Your face and a name and a corpse that's bathed in flames
Come join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
I hear your body burning
A piping and piteous sound
The crows tears apart your corpse after the flames have gone down
You're dragged through the streets
With a chain 'round your neck
Hung from a bridge on the outskirts of town
They never find your head
Come and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands
Still you expect pity
And you shall recieve none
Why did death come hard for you
You gave it to some
You joined the War Party
Your purpose was clear
You did your job with skill, you raped and you killed
Why so surprised that you finally got billed?
You put the gun to your shoulder
You put lead through a brain
You left bodies to molder
You spread havoc and pain
They will call you a hero
I call you an ignorant slave
Because before you died you acted surprised
So soon you were shown to your grave
Come now and join the War Party
And see exotic lands
Your blood has stained the desert sands
Your blood is running through your hands
All men die
So don't ask why
What the fuck else did you think you were for?
You were made to decay
It's better that way
This is the price of your war
Join up now because soon you'll have no choice
6. Bonesnapper (The Faces Of The Slain)
When I first saw him
He was standing in the rain
Fading light, it still gave sight, to the faces
The faces of the slain
How many have fallen before you?
How many have you sent below?
How can you ever show pity?
Is that a word that you know?
You are the merciless bastard
You are the end of the song
You are the pillar, the pinion, the piston
You are the ramrod of wrong
Bonesnapper--War god
Bonesnapper--Fat sod
Bonesnapper--Black troll
Bonesnapper--Skull bowl
Now the wheel has turned full circle
Now you shall pay for your crimes
Summon your brothers to fight there beside you
Still you have run out of time
All of your life you have served death
Now you are part of the wheel
You embraced evil within you
Til' the love of death was all that you could feel
Bonesnapper--War god
Bonesnapper--Fat sod
Bonesnapper--(nice bod)
Bonesnapper--Black troll
Bonesnapper--Skull bowl
The faces of the slain
How many fallen before you?
How many have you sent below?
How can you ever show pity?
Is that a word that you know?
Still they will all flock to find you
And purge your scourge from all these plains
Still it's not too late for you to devastate
And leave far behind you
the faces of the slain
The faces of the slain
Now your life is to be forfeit
Now you shall redeem your pain
When I first saw him
He was standing in the rain
Fading light, it still gave sight, to the hideously mutilated, pus-engorged and maggot infested
faces of the slain
The faces of the slain
7. Lost God
All gods die
All gods speak
All gods lie
all gods forever wallow in slime
all gods before me, swallowed by time
I am trapped in eternal time
I am the lost god
Nothing is mine
All those before me were swallowed by time
I am the lost god
I blow a black wad
The mold is flawed
The womb is clawed
Hanging by my teeth
From a scrap of flesh I gnawed
I am trapped, spinning in time
I am the lost god, nothing is mine.
All those before me were swallowed by time
I am the lost god, I am the lost god
My vision becomes clouded
And blacker, bleaker still
I become a piece of stone, heavy for the kill
I made you once but slay you now
Bleating, bulbous, bloated cow
Your continuance I can't allow
They gorge on swill
Cum-sucking priests who can't get their fill
It's gone beyond hatred this time
You think that money can pay for your crimes
I am trapped in eternal time
I am the lost god, nothing is mine
All those before me were swallowed by time
I am the lost god, I am nothing at all
Jubelo, Shub-Niggarath
Aegir, and Thor
Vishnu and Kali
The god as a whore
Malagbel and Mercury
Who cares anymore?
Ku, the creator, architect of war
Zoroaster and Jupiter
Yaweh and Kong
All gods are bloody and all gods are wrong
They crave your abeyance but give only pain
I've killed all the lost gods, only--only I remain
8. The Reaganator
Deep beneath the bowels of the skillhouse
Where the bones of crusaders are hidden in walls
The shin of Salidin, a goblet made from Blackbeard's chin
The prick of Christ, Hitler's ball
The body of Reagan lies there enshrined
Pulsating as steel and flesh are entwined
Peering through the necro-scope, the Spypriest unseen
The soul of Reagen is found through it's dreams
Spirit-racked, tormented, undead, and unclean
The will of Reagan drives your nation's latest war-machine
Bristling with rocket pods
Gatling guns and cannon
The latest in technology to slay the foes of Mammon
The Reaganator and the U.S.A.!
We'll kill anything that gets in our way!
We're greatest country, so you have to die, that's why!
So Ronnie went to Cuba, locked on to ole' Fidel
Put a missle through his window, filled up the place he'd left in hell
After that he thought he might just take on the whole world
And leave a bloody pothole where the stars and bars could be unfurled
But there was one flaw that was in the design
It was so bad that he had to resign
The Reaganator used fossil fuel, some people never learn
And for this lack of vision your country will fucking burn
You see the Reaganator lying flat on his ass?
Quite simply he ran out of gas
9. The Bonus Plan
Tabarnac Ma Petite Crack J'ai vu Toi, Tu sens bien Je Ment Vien Pret de Toi Pour te Sentire Pret De Moi Ma te Mord Ta Clavicule Ma te Mord Ta Clavicule J'arache Tes Cheveux avec mes Mains Je Me Collise ou tu t'en vas Vien avec moi Dans ma Cabane Roullante Ma Gang De Morte on sans vollise Ma te Mord ta Clavicule Ma te Mord Ta Clavicule Tes Amis Vont Cherchez loin Moi pi ma gang on ve te punire ta Tete sur Les mure du bus On n'a tapez du code moris
10. You Can't Kill Terror
You can destroy an army
You can kill a man
But you can't kill terror
And terror is what I am
Terror your servant as you sturggle to rule
How can you kill terror when you use it as a tool
So when you write the history books remember to omit it
The sickest thing about your race is that you won't admit it
Decapitation, a merciful way for one to quickly die
Just think if they'd slowly plucked out both his eyes
Far better than being buried alive
Think of the babies you buried alive
You can't kill terror
So let's declare war
There's so many dead that we can't keep score
Madness and reason we at once combine
This is a war that can last for all time
The War Against Terror
It's man against monster and only both can lose
Fate is pre-ordained for you, so there's no side to choose
So much like hurricanes you seek to name the cosmic crime
To give a war a name is just a way for you to mark your time
Just think of the babies you buried alive
They haven't quite died
I just got some news from the Central Command
It seems the war didn't go quite as planned
It seems like terror is winning the battle
The humans are killing each other like cattle
The bodies are piled up from Rome to Seattle
Decapitation, a merciful way for one to quickly die
Just think if they'd slowly plucked out both his eyes
Cut off his penis and shoved it in his mouth
Just like they do down south
You can't kill terror
11. Fistful Of Teeth
Too soon the killing was over
The stench of death was all that remained
Death he commands in this poison land
Distributing pain
The choking sky, black buzzards fly
Scanning the dead for fresh meat
All I have to show for my woe is a fistful--a fistful of teeth
The roar of battle
Oh, how I cherish the sound
Of splintered shields and bursting bowels
As we trample the town
And then I saw you
You had tears in your eyes
And when we impaled your family I felt I should apologize
Soon we mated with fury
Our mutant baby had a worm for an arm
It's face was blistered and furry
But not without charm
But when one day my mood changed
And I melted your brain
A fistful of teeth is all that remains
I murdered you
And ate your soul
The bleakest black
The deepest hole
I scream out your name
Or at least what I think you were called
Fate's finger gives me the blame
If you saw my tears I know you'd be appalled
A fistful of teeth
As I eat our baby I'm thinking of you
You are not here to feed me
So I ate our baby, I wish we'd had two
I tried to love you
But brought only pain
A fistful of teeth is all that remains
I tried to love you
I tried, I tried
A fistful of teeth
Did I mention that they were teeth from your vagina?
I tried to love you
But brought only pain
A fistful of teeth is all that remains
I enjoyed the pain
I murdered you
I ate your soul
But somehow I filled up your hole