
"Beyond Hell" (2006)
1. Intro 2. War Is All We Know 3. Murderer's Muse 4. Go To Hell 5. I Love The Pigs 6. Tormentor 7. Eight Lock 8. Destroyed 9. The Ultimate Bohab 10. One Who Will Not Be Named 11. Back In Crack 12. School's Out (Alice Cooper cover)
1. Intro
2. War Is All We Know
They came from the sun
From the east, from the west all around
So fate's die is cast
They marshaled their forces and found us at last
So it's come to this
The child is the destroyer
The young God comes to slay
Son kill the father
For blackness is all that I crave
Shells explode across my hide
Take me Death, I am your slave
For I don't have soul
And I don't have a heart
Come then and face me
But first you must suffer my wrath
Hatred of all things alive
War is all we know
They say war is a last resort
For me it's the only way
I have tried reading their poetry
It suits me better to slay
All that I touch seems to break in my hands
Then it just bursts into flames
The piteous pleadings as innocents die
Only an odor remains
So burn the bitter butter
Prepare the murder machines
Bring me my scabbard, my halberd, my hauberk
Fetch me my enchanted greaves
My walls they are melting
The drugs they aren't helping
Is it time for the old gods to die?
To arms is the only cry
Hatred of all things alive
War is all we know
The humans must feast on their gods
We know it fucking blows
Hatred is a seed that's easy to sow
Buckets of blood will help it to grow
And raised on high, the fetid throne
Death is fate's master, he sits alone
They say war is all we know
If only that were true
No matter how I work my schedule
There's always other things that I do
But excuse me now, there's a tank at the door
And that slave's head just rolled cross the floor
He tries to say something and that something is puke
Right about then the pigs set off a nuke
War is all we know
When I said I loved war, I lied
It fucking sucks on the losing side
And speaking of which, my face is on fire
A lightning withdrawl, we quickly retire
A flury of carnage, my brainpan is nicked
To my unending shame, my ass just got kicked
And as the shells fall in a relentless hail
The fortress was gutted and we had to bail
3. Murderer's Muse
Why the hell are they trying to kill us?
Why did they nuke my crib?
Don't want to cry like a bay
But somebody hand me a bib
This fucking sucks, where is Sleazy?
Abandoned us so long ago
Where are my oceans of Bohabs?
To prop up my flaccid ego
Trapped in the underearth
I seek my Muderer's Muse
Trapped in the underearth
I am so fucking confused
It's not that I just got my ass kicked
Though it did hurt I admit
It's more like I am a huge asshole
Constantly talking belligerent shit
I hate them, they hate me, I hate you, weeee!
Everyone's sucking their cocks
It's times like this that I wish I was dead
Somebody saw off my fucking head!
Trapped in the underearth
I seek my Muderer's Muse
Trapped in the underearth
I am so fucking confused
Musings of a murderer
Comfort to the damned
Here in Hell
Nothing goes as planned
Murderer! (x4)
Heaven and Hell, your life and your death
Everything's the same
You have no power over fate, nothing is to blame
Woe to the children and woe to the chalice
My maggot-mind musing pulsating with malice
Defeat the hosts of Hell or become their slaves!
A Slave!
Across the dead sky gleaming
He was nailed to the flaming Krosstika
All your bad and all your good
They'd kill each other if they could
Trapped in the underearth
I seek my Muderer's Muse
Trapped in the underearth
I am so fucking confused
Hitler arises, his crimes are so vas
He must merge with your Jesus
Right in the ass!
A new being
4. Go To Hell
The halls of our keep rock with ruin and war
The walls cry and crumble, Broken the sword.
The tombs and the tomes. The world´s honeycombed.
We must possess the underearth.
Down, down, down
Toll the bell, we´re going to hell!
Here we seek the fruit of creation.
Bloodstained wine. It sweetens our time
Here we seek the final salvation
Go to hell!
I´m headed to the promised land
Swam boiling surf, trod bloody bloody sand
As pissed-off pilgrims we´ll travel below
And seek the finest filth that hell can bestow
A realm of madness, the cringing of queens
A realization, the crushing of dreams
The worm-gnawed fruit of all your pretty schemes
Between heaven and hell all is not what it seems
From what I´ve heard it´s a pretty cool place
A sea of urine where rats eat your face
A sadist like me can pursue his vocation
I´m goin´to hell because I need a vacation
We´re gonna go to hell!
Toll the bell, we´re goin´to hell!
Here we see the fruit of creation
Writing in slime. Blood sweetens our time
Here we seek our final salvation
The lies they told you
Laid the foundation for this place
The book that they sold you
Worship this god but do not look at his face
Beneath our keep the tunnels run so deep
To reclaim our right. We retreat from this fight
And enter now the land of the dead
Toll the bell! We´re going to hell!
Here we seek the fruit of creation
Blood-stained wine. It sweetens our time
Here we seek the final salvation
Is this what you fear?
That the sum of your life will leave you here?
Or do you think when you die you are done?
The pain of your death has only just begun
I´m headed now to join the damned
Into the oven the dead souls are jammed
We come for the master, the king of the cruel
This is the place where it is better to rule
You´re seeking heaven but you´re not allowed in
Your soul is falling and you never can win
The game is fixed but there´s no one to blame
Heaven and hell? They are one in the same
All abandon...
Abandon all your hope, ye who enter here
And you can go to hell!
5. I Love The Pigs
We stand before the gates of Hell
Smeared with filthy bacon smell
Not all cops are pigs
Some of them are dicks
It is their duty to beat you...
The cheap allure
Of human manure
You busted her for junk
And soon your dashboard,
Was spackled with spunk
You stopped for a bit
But you couldn't quit
I love the pigs, I love the pigs, love the pigs
You killed and killed again,
And got away with it
The body count rose, yet,
Yet, still I craved more
Fighting just crime had become such a bore
That one magic night when I raped with a mop...
That sure got 'round the shop!
'Til an AK took my head off
In a drug deal gone way wrong
By some weird Asian dude
That they called Knobby Tong
Still they called it suicide...
At the funeral the Sgt. cried...
You stopped for a bit
But you couldn't quit
I love the pigs, I love the pigs, love the pigs
You killed and killed again,
And got away with it
You wanted to do right...
But right, it felt so wrong...
The filthy streets ate your soul
That's how you wound up
Deep in this hole.
See them in their grandeur
White Knights of the Realm
They are all my children...
Follow me to hell...follow me to hell!
Then Satan smiled upon you
You became a god
It became your resurrection
Undeath of the damned
Resplendent in his harness
His flanks are flecked in seed
Cybernetic knucklehead
Centurion of greed
You stopped for a bit
But you couldn't quit
I love the pigs, I love the pigs, love the pigs
You killed and killed again,
And got away with it
They combined a man with a hog
Then they sewed on the dick of a dog
Good with a club, but not a great shot...
I guess even hell needs a cop...
Renegade cops who as priests wield their clubs and their guns
They get to have all the fun!
6. Tormentor
Born into the fog of war
It left a scar
He watched his family turn to sludge
He was appalled, they often are
Here are the skulls of the vanquished
Here are the weapons he used
The more strength you have, the more that he hates you
You must be consumed
This is his story
Festooned with glory
This is history
It's not a sin...
Festooned with finery
You'll find him in the winery
Festooned with filigree
These are the maggots in the wounds...
He is Tormentor
He is Attack-or
You must retaliate
He moves
His armor crinkles
Like a ferrous dinosaur
That sound
Is the sound of his armor
Here are the skulls of the vanquished
Here are the weapons he used
The stronger you are, the more that he hates you
You will be consumed
Festooned with filigree
This is history
This is his story
An allegory
He is Tormentor
He is Attack-or
It is said he once cracked a smile
It was said his blood was made of bile
It is said his thews are mighty
It is said his views are righty
His loins heave with sap
7. Eight Lock
Eighth Lock
No one to see
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
No one to know
Eighth Lock
Eighth Lock
Nothing will live
Nothing will grow
No one will care
No one will know
Eighth Lock
You can never win
You only get out
By not going in
They put me down into the ground
Lost without taste, without sound
Beneath the barren mound
They put me in a place they call Eighth Lock
Eighth Lock
But I'm getting stronger
Eighth Lock
Not very much longer
No one to see
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
No one to know
Eighth Lock
Eighth Lock
Nothing will live
Nothing will grow
No one will care
No one will know
Eighth Lock
You can never win
You only get out
By not going in
Who the hell am I?
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
And what did you do to my hangs?
I'm getting stronger...
They built this place with steel
And painted it with mud
It's constantly on fire
They put it out with blood
They said it was a prison
But became so much more
The maze it built into itself
They had to bar the door
Bar the door!
Quickly you fools!
Nothing to do
Nowhere to go
The floating eyeball is to be feared
The pupil hides a maw
They say that children run this place
That's how they missed the fatal flaw
Eigth Lock
You never can win
You only get out
By not going in
No one to see
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
Eigth Lock
You never can win
You only get out
By not going in
No one to see
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
No one to know
When you come to Eighth Lock
It's like some vile re-birth
Where Devils delve into your life
And demons deem it's worth
The food comes through a hole
My cellmate is a troll
The warden he has hooks for hands
We all play our roles
We all play our roles
Or wind up on a pole
Eighth Lock
A diabolic construct
As flesh runs rife with worms
Somehow flesh and metal merge
As bloated larvae squirms
The things within they made with rules
They steal the soulds of those
They think are fit to play...
Their hateful games
8. Destroyed
He's got plenty of drugs
But he can't find his guitar
Winds up drowning in puke
Or with a needle hanging out of his arm
This is plea for drugs
This is a plea for booze
This is a plea for junk
Anything I can use
I'll shoot junk in my eye
I can't die
Whoops- I'm already dead!
Maggots are writhing inside my head
This is plea for drugs
This is a plea for booze
This is a plea for junk
Anything I can use
Desperate for anything
Anything I can use
A plea for drugs
An appeal from me to you
There is nothing you can do
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...
See me failing, see me sprawling, see me...go through your purse
See me crying, see me dying, see me....ride off in a hearse
This is a plea for drugs
This is an appeal from me to you
There is nothing you can do
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...
I'm pathetic! Yet magnetic!
That is until the drugs are gone
Then I am a total dick until I get a good load on
Don't want to fucking shoot myself, that would be a mess
I really should O.D. on junk, I think that would be best!
This is plea for drugs
This is a plea for booze
This is a plea anything
Anything I can use
A plea for drugs
An appeal from me to you
There is nothing you can do
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...
9. The Ultimate Bohab
He proudly sports his rare GWAR hoodie
When he puts it on it gives him such a woodie
Zit-scarred and unpopular
He's at the show alone
Running his mouth to no one at all
Later he cries bitter tears
He met his idol and he got punched
All he wanted was an autograph
The smell of his acne, it's heavily bunched
He fell down and everyone laughed
You're the Ultimate Bohab
Stricken with gout
If you don't have any drugs then get the fuck out
It's your dream come true
Your crummy fanzine got a GWAR interview!
You'll ask the questions, it all goes to tape!
If you're really lucky, you might get raped!
But not by a dude, that would be gay!
But if that's what the band wants I guess it's O.K.!
We're not going to rape you...yet, so don't you fret it!
You brought a woman with you, and now she's gonna get it!
Cuz' this is how we roll, this is what we do
We're fucking your girlfriend right in front of you
And we know that's not your girlfriend, by the way...
She's only with you because you got her backstage
And you gave her...money
You're the Ultimate Bohab
Stricken with gout
If you don't have any drugs then get the fuck out
Your pock marked face makes her sick
As soon as she's in there she's getting the dick
But not from you, from the entire band
So whip out your cock and lay a wad in your hand
Soon she is dead, but before we chuck her
Come on over here kid, there's still time to fuck her!
A festering hole where there used to be a crotch
We feed her to bears, all that's left is her watch
You gave your life with pride
But people that had known you didn't care that you had died
The last issue did real well
Because your interview was suicide
You followed GWAR to Hell....
10. One Who Will Not Be Named
Cross-creviced chasms vast
And endless plains of unshaven ass
Out time in Hell draws to the last
We call upon the Master of the Pit
Have you got a toilet? I must take a shit!
Open your gates, Lord of Hate
Or your front porch is gonna get it!
Very well, I'll use my sword
It's very good at crushing doors
We call you out, over-rated Overlord!
The root of all evil and hatred and shame...
So many victims, so many names
But...they are all the same
Helel ben Shara?
We would know who you are!
He is the one who will not be named
He is the one who will not be blamed
For nothing
The realm of the sun we have left far behind
And damned in the darkness
We have groped with the blind
Cannot remember time...
We summon the Lord of Hell
So come forth now! I have your smell!
Cologne! Cheap shit, and lots of it!
They are the ones who will not be named
They are the ones that will not be blamed
They are the ones that are turning the screws
Lord of the Underworld
Welcome GWAR to my domain
It's nice to be called on with so many names
Now what's that about kicking my ass?
He is the one who will not be named
He is the one who will not be blamed
They are the ones that are turning the screws
The Lord of the Underworld
Let's give the devil his due
The legions of Hell lay broken and shorn
The brothers of GWAR have slain through the storm
The gate it is broken, the Master is slain
The Fortress of GWAR is now ripe to reclaim
We wasted Hell in the name of GWAR
Though to tell you the truth, we're not really sure where we are
11. Back In Crack
This journey
Without time
Always the beginning
Yet..perpetual end
Found we'd never left
This time
A battle un-won
In the center of it again
For this time death is at our command
Returned to our former glory
The never-ending story
Broke the gates of Hell
Deposed the Overlord
Took a dump on the floor
Seconds later I'm bored
My armor is spiny
My regrets are tiny
No concerns for the lives that I trash
But since we were last parted
I'm right back where I started
Except that our castle is thrashed!
Back in crack
I am still alive
I smell the stentch and taste hot blood
Once again I guess we didn't die
One can only try...as hard as I
There is no secret I have for you
Everything is as it seems
The acts of the drama they number scant few
So enjoy the ruins of dreams
Sometimes you have to burn everything down
So you can have nothing at all
And even though I lived on the sun
Looks like the trip to the Mall!
Horror and hatred are all I know
Misery, madness and worms
This journey brought no satisfaction
Has defined no ultimate terms
If anything I have gained nothing
Except just for staying alive
And I suppose that is something
When you've tried as hard as me to...
Back in crack
I am still alive
I smell the stench and taste of hot blood
Once again I guess I didn't
GWAR has returned from the pit of Hell
Or at least I think that's where we were
Sleazy sent over a nine-ton crack boulder
He said "Way to go, welcome back to the world..."
From someone who has been to Hell and back
Prophetic insight I profoundly lack
Hell's full of pussies and God is a dick!
But the run was sure good for some kicks....
Back! Back in crack!
There is no secret I have for you
Everything is as it seems
The acts of drama they number few
So enjoy the ruin of dreams
Back! Back in crack!
GWAR went to hell and we faced all our fears
Now were are back so lets go have some beers!
Secure in the fact that we are without peers
GWAR for 10 million more years!
12. School's Out (Alice Cooper cover)
Well we got no choice
All the girls and boys
Makin all that noise
'Cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya
Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya
That's a drag
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Well we got no class
And we got no principles
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks
Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not go back at all
School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely