
"The New Dawn" (2000)
1. Can't Stop (Runnin') 2. Fuck You Jesus 3. Life Preserver 4. Undestined to Die 5. Manripper 6. Warriors of the New Dawn
1. Can't Stop (Runnin')
wading through turbulence
swimming through shit
in faith I pass through
another long day
the pain comes
destiny overflows
my human senses
reaching overload
gods the pain
and emptiness
and loneliness
and nothingness
I need to see
but I can't stop running
I want to see
but I can't stop running
gods the pain
and emptiness
and loneliness
and nothingness
I need to see
but I can't stop running
I want to see
but I can't stop running
the river of my past
flows through me
I give in to a god
my flesh is too weak
gods the pain
and emptiness
and loneliness
and nothingness
I need to see...
Today I've won
the drugs are gone
and now the feelings come
and I still run
the pain comes
destiny overflows
my human senses
reaching overload
2. Fuck You Jesus
O lonely night
what shall I do
can't stand the silence
and the boredom
crazy in my mind
want to leave the past behind
but it comes back to haunt me
and torture me and keep me DOWN!!
in a quiet space
plenty of time to think
and pass judgement
on myself
can't get the religion out of my head
to me its dead
but it rots and festers
a spear in my side
a tumor in my mind
oh how I want to leave it behind
leave me be
don't you have something
better to do
than torment me all fucking day
I need to play
and dance
and sing
and enjoy my being
such a twisted god thou art
perfect thou art not
you are a liar
a bastard
I wish I could push those thorns
inside you deeper
you deserve it
for what you do to me
and countless others
leave us alone
we don't want you here
I've got better things to do
than to listen to you
judge and condemn
we don't deserve it
get thee hence SATAN
go pick on someone your own size freak
turn the other cheek
I think not
pray for my enemies
words of a coward
you died for us
you died in vain
you're still dead
and I'm still alive
who has the power now
its all in the flesh
have greater advantage
over the dead ones
only we can feel
and choose
and love
what can you do
but play your fucking games
keep on preaching
your word is shit
made to control out very souls
no more
you're DEAD... DEAD... DEAD
3. Life Preserver
Trying to float on a raging sea
how I got here beats the shit out of me
swimming here with all my friends
will this nightmare ever end?
trying not to drown
thrashing my arms around
the icy chill freezes my limbs
getting really hard to swim!
never have I felt this way
what causes life to go awry
on this my mind ponders
as my spirit wanders
swimming in darkness
by the light of the moon
moving in circles
awaiting my doom
frozen in terror
by the salty waves
treading in error
oh can I be saved?
suddenly a glimmer
in my eye
a glorious vision
in the sky
glowing brighter and brighter -
at last my savior!
4. Undestined to Die
Rotting undeath
I lay trapped within
this mortal flesh
unable to break free
my soul yearns to fly
to the world beyond
undestined to die
forever trapped inside
chucks of rancid flesh
a foul trail I leave behind
my face a gorey mess
an object of horror am I
forever I wander the world
my skin eventually rotting away
from my tired yellow bones
my soul never to stray
5. Manripper
out from the dark
the evil one creeps
watch its jaws
bring them to their knees
Manripper tears
limb from limb
death its jaws
the beast of sin
the choice you made
face its wrath
your final mistake
run hide
cannot escape
your scent it knows
your soul is raped
fighting a battle
you cannot win
for your life of sin
broken bodies
line the earth
in their own mud
soldiers of god's militia
writhing in the mud
6. Warriors of the New Dawn