
"Documents of Grief" (2003 Demo)
1. Red Monarch 2. Black Bile 3. Wormwood 4. Praise the Witch
1. Red Monarch
ripping through the heavens bleeding out the crimson sun
we set the earth to flames as we gather 'round
beneath a mask of mist thy will be done
altars of moss erected to the kings of the golden dawn
staring through hollow eyes speaking with silver tongues
we hang our ruptured hearts and clutch our heads in shame
the empire lays in ruin defiled and dethroned
the fallen path of man the kings come crashing down
the new flock beckons us from beneath our hearth
reclamation is at hand red monarch rises forth
2. Black Bile
melancholy cold and dry black and sour
bride of blood purged from the spleen
melancholy so low, so depressed
a calloused heart on a northern path
tie the tourniquet open a vessel
my cup runneth over with blood and bile
heartbeat slows euphoria sedation
as pressure falls sickness flows away
sanguine hot and moist sweet and red
bride of bile begotten of the heart
sanguine passion and laughter
lost love spoken on an eastern wind
slipping away healed...
3. Wormwood
through wormwood leaves and anise seed
give rise absinthe addiction never cease
my mind fades
now i see
thegreen fairy
glass set aflame green curse of france
just one more drink addiction never cease
pain of mind
parchedwith thirst
i tip my glass
upon my lips
i drift away
even glory has a bitter taste
4. Praise the Witch
praise the witch her cries
presage our death's release
unchanged by time immortal
her gift, her curse eternal
in life, we toil in prayer, we're doomed
white lady of sorrow set me free
wailing prophet dark omen
eyes of fire from centuries of weeping
my pain absolved...