
"Last Trial * Necrorealism * Antitode" (1992 Best of/Compilation)
1. Cry Of Death 2. Gasmask Procession 3. Agony 4. Kill And Rise 5. Forcible Future 6. Forcible Future 7. Suicide Implement 8. MiniWolrd 9. Kill And Rise 10. Conflagration Of Spirit
1. Cry Of Death
Žmonės, kurie daugiau nekvėpuos,
Pajuto jau artėjanti šaltį
Skausmas, alkis, ligos ir maras -
Žmonijai paruoštas mirties ritualas.
Aprimsta iš lėto žmonijos širdis,
Išgirdusi šauksmą mirties,
Iš lėto aprimsta žmonijos širdis,
Girdėdama šauksmą mirties!
Kraujas, žaizdos, lavonų kalnai -
Tai juk beprotiški žmonijos darbai.
Karas, pradėtas mūsų pačių,
Baigsis vis tiek mirties finalu!
2. Gasmask Procession
Pakilo dūmai juodi ir tiršti
Virš aukštų namų ir kaminų
Pakibusi saulė tarp plikų debesų
Apnuodytas pasaulis mūsų pačių!
Dujokaukių eisena.
Padare dvikojį, kuo tu kvėpuoji?
Dvesia dabar visi gyvi,
Sužibo chemikalais medžiai jauni,
Akys išblyškę dega ir laukia,
Maukis, Žeme, dujokaukę - šauk!
Senam dujokaukę!
Jaunam dujoaukę!
Vaikui dujokaukę!
Negimusiam dujokaukę!
3. Agony
Ji sklando virš mūsų galvų,
Pakilus nuo slėnio mirties,
Ji dvokia tamsiuoju kapu -
Tai ženklas tavosios mirties.
Tu bėgi nušokęs nuo proto,
Stengiesi pabėgti nuo mirties,
Pagalvok, ar užteks tau jėgų,
Suklupsi, nebus kas padės!
AGONIJA - skausmas išnyksta, kaip skausmas ryte,
Agonija - gyvenimas buvo tarsi sapne,
AGONIJA - vėl viską teks pradėti iš pradžių!
Kiek tęsis šita karusėlė, pakelėj ištatyti stulpai,
Bėgti toliau nebėra, nuo skausmo širdy suklupai.
4. Kill And Rise
Chengeable, but One Faith
Dig the pit for me and pull out from
I saw your limit -
Cursed and blind like high wall!
Kill and rise - innerself faith
Don't retreat - innerself faith
Don't escape - innerself faith
Don't sell me, don't leave me
And open, and open, and open
Only one true confidence for me
Only one true confidence like black blood
Who flowed on this side of the night!
Please, will be my victory and my defeat
But leave me your spirit, your power, your face!
And another from you I nothing request!
5. Forcible Future
What the meaning of life
What you fuck it always?
Future - master of time
Future - ku klux klan of soul
Future - effusion of spirit
Future - erosion of a moral
In future are all ages
You like a point in madness middle
Cerebral haemorrhages
ZYou hide behind the every shadow
Only one qouestion now -
How to change the human race?
"Thrid Reich" - now order?
Condratiction mind at that case.
Couse future is swallowed
All people of things abonimation
Couse at state of euphoria
You fall into despair desolation
Couse you always don't want
To stay alone in the world with yourself
6. Forcible Future
What the meaning of life
What you fuck it always?
Future - master of time
Future - ku klux klan of soul
Future - effusion of spirit
Future - erosion of a moral
In future are all ages
You like a point in madness middle
Cerebral haemorrhages
ZYou hide behind the every shadow
Only one qouestion now -
How to change the human race?
"Thrid Reich" - now order?
Condratiction mind at that case.
Couse future is swallowed
All people of things abonimation
Couse at state of euphoria
You fall into despair desolation
Couse you always don't want
To stay alone in the world with yourself
7. Suicide Implement
World in a world!
Carry a death in body and heart
Everywhere from head to legs
Lights flash between the eyes
But they all diped into the dark
World in a world!
Infected by this diffused virus
Infected by this stink smokes
Opressed by the masses
Watched view chenge everyday
Move, flow like water on the mirror
This waiting for timeend
An furious from unknown desperate cry,
Inhuman cry, it's a strongest disase
Bigest pressure from brains
Horror and cold in all veins
Hands try reach a book
Couse title - "Commit Suicide"
8. MiniWolrd
Imagine - people in white incubator
Pastlife and time to come they live there
All they know is cament, crutch, drugs and black walls!
And i named it by only one sentence -
Dead souls! Miniworld! open casket!
Many coridors and walking ghosts
Collection of terror - bloody zombies eyes
Phsychomental house - souls sleep
All in building this hardly ill keep!
Dead souls! Miniworld! open casket!
To the step my skull crush -
Society it call " normal thing"
Flattening of emotions, morbid prong -
They live in box, in underwolrd!
Dead souls! Miniworld! open casket!
9. Kill And Rise
Chengeable, but One Faith
Dig the pit for me and pull out from
I saw your limit -
Cursed and blind like high wall!
Kill and rise - innerself faith
Don't retreat - innerself faith
Don't escape - innerself faith
Don't sell me, don't leave me
And open, and open, and open
Only one true confidence for me
Only one true confidence like black blood
Who flowed on this side of the night!
Please, will be my victory and my defeat
But leave me your spirit, your power, your face!
And another from you I nothing request!
10. Conflagration Of Spirit